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1. Teacher Inquiry-Related Practices | Ecoplexity Uses modeling in teaching; Guides students in an active inquiry; Guides students in an extended inquiry (more than 2 days, more than 1 week, 2 weeks or more, longer…) http://ecoplexity.org/assessment_teach_inquiry | |
2. Evaluation Of Student Posters And Oral Presentations Of Their Research Projects Use the following rubric to assess students’ oral presentations and posters. Level 5 Excellent. Presentation demonstrates high depth of understanding, uses relevant and accurate http://ecoplexity.org/assessment_teach_presentation | |
3. Evaluation Of Student Posters And Oral Presentations Of Their Research Projects Use the following rubric to assess students’ oral presentations and posters. Level 5 Excellent. Presentation demonstrates high depth of understanding, uses relevant and accurate http://teachers.ecoplexity.org/assessment_teach_presentation | |
4. Math Assessment - Teach 21 The goal of the West Virginia K3 Informal Mathematics Assessment (IMA) is to enable teachers and schools to stimulate, nurture, and monitor students’ mathematical progress http://wvde.state.wv.us/teach21/math-assessment.html | |
5. SMARTeacher - Integrating ICT Home Assessment Certification Jobs Classroom Management Course Resources Current Issues Integrating ICT IT Tools for Assessment - TeAch-nology.com IT Tools http://www1.upei.ca/smarteacher/Folder.2004-08-17.0239/ |
6. CREATE A research group which studies the effectiveness of K-12 outreach efforts. http://create.ucsd.edu/ | |
7. SMARTeacher - IT Tools For Assessment - TeAch-nology.com ; Rubric and Rubric Makers Create, edit, save with these advanced tools. This site provides web tools for educators such as making grading rubrics by filling out a......Title http://www1.upei.ca/smarteacher/Folder.2004-08-17.0239/Folder.2004-08-17.0357/ |
8. User Agent Not Allowed User Agent not allowed ua msnbot/2.0b (+http//search.msn.com/msnbot.htm) Your client does not have permission to get the transcoded version of http//www.fau.edu/iea/assessment http://assistive.usablenet.com/tt/www.fau.edu/iea/assessment/teachlearn.php | |
9. Dyslexia Action | Home An educational charity for the assessment and teaching of people with dyslexia, and for the training of specialist teachers. Details of activities and nationwide network of centres. http://www.dyslexiaaction.org.uk | |
10. Math Assessment - Teach 21 K12 Jobs Teach21 School Directory http://wvde.state.wv.us/teach21/kindergarten.html |
11. MBI Classroom Management Self-Assessment Adapted From George Sugai Geoff Colvin 1 7/18/2006 MBI Classroom Management SelfAssessment Teach er_ Rater _ Date _ http://www.opi.mt.gov/pdf/mbi/ClassroomManagement.pdf |
12. Bright Solutions For Dyslexia Sharing the latest dyslexia research results, plus assessment and teaching methods. http://www.dys-add.com/ | |
13. Your Rubric RubiStar is a tool to help the teacher who wants to use rubrics, but does not have the time to develop them from scratch. http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php?screen=ShowRubric&rubric_id=1028642& |
14. Dr. Alice Christie's EDT 547 - Responding To Literature: Cinderella Holistic Assessment . TeachNology See rubrics on presentations and writing; The Staff Room for Ontario's Teachers A wealth of rubrics for teacher use http://www.west.asu.edu/achristie/547/assessment.html | |
15. Gary Grenell Ph.D. - Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, Psychological Assessment (te Specializing in psychoanalytic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, psychodiagnostic assessment, teaching, and clinical consultation. http://www.garygrenell.com/ |
16. Queens Academy High School Queens Academy High School Unit 3 Unit 3 Assessment Unit 4 Unit 4 Assessment Time Approximately 12 days 5 days Approximately 12 days 4 days Objectives Prepare students for Unit 3 assessment - Teach most effective http://www.queensacademyhs.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/regentsA.pdf |
17. Resource Room: Older Students Resource Room Home Older Students Teaching Study Skills. TEACHING STUDY SKILLS AND LEARNING STRATEGIES TO THERAPISTS http://www.resourceroom.net/older/ida_studyskills.asp | |
18. NAEP Assessment Toolbox For Teachers This publication will give examples of how classroom teachers can use released NAEP questions in the following ways • Improve Students' Abilities for SelfAssessment • Teach http://www.eed.state.ak.us/tls/assessment/naep/Fall07/NAEPQAssessmentToolboxforT |
19. Weka - LIFE Unlimited Hearing Therapy Services - Rotorua Qualified therapists provide hearing tests, needs assessment, teach communication skills, hearing aid and tinnitus management, give advice on assistive devices (e.g. telephones http://www.weka.net.nz/support/by-region/north-island/lakes/life-unlimited-heari | |
20. Language Handbook | BK English BK English Language Handbook Grades 6–12. Five sections of instruction, practice, application, and assessment teach all aspects of language skills—and more! http://www.perfectionlearning.com/bk-english-language-handbook |
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