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1. Astronomers, Amateur Stargazers Look To The Skies | Jacksonville.com Waves of fireballs brightened the skies like lightning lastWednesday night over the sands of Arabia as the muchheralded Leonid meteor shower swelled into the heaviest storm of http://www.jacksonville.com/tu-online/stories/111899/met_1279859.html | |
2. Online Astronomy Information Naked eye planets Famous astronomers Amateur astronomy Planetary science Cosmology Astronomy Q A Astronomy Photos Astronomy Coupons Contact Us http://www.onlineastronomy.com/ | |
3. FFAAB - Fédération Francophone D'Astronomes Amateurs De Belgique Groupement de clubs d astronomes amateurs de Belgique. Projets en cours, documentation, petites annonces, l astronomie en Belgique. http://www.astrosurf.com/ffaab/ |
4. Astronomers, Amateur Skywatchers Find New Planet 15,000 Light Years Away OSU News Research Archive Search an archive of past research stories. Coverage of OSU Research Reports on national news coverage of university research. http://researchnews.osu.edu/archive/nuplanet.htm | |
5. Frequently Asked Questions About Radio Astronomy For more detailed information about amateur radio telescopes, contact the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers. Amateur radio operators pursue a number of activities that are http://www.nrao.edu/intro/faq.html | |
6. AAL Homepage Website of the amateur astronomers of Luxembourg. Astronomy news, links, eclipse 99 special. http://www.aal.lu | |
7. Astronomers, Amateur Skywatchers Find New Planet 15,000 Light Years Away An international collaboration featuring Ohio State University astronomers has detected a planet in a solar system that, at roughly 15,000 light years from Earth, is one of the http://www.physorg.com/news4203.html | |
8. Automatic Telescopes On The Internet Stardial is intended for education, primarily, but it may be of interest to astronomers, amateur or professional, also. It is located on the roof of the astronomy http://www.tass-survey.org/richmond/automatic.html |
9. Page D'accueil Cet astronome amateur pr sente son observatoire et les techniques d observation. http://astrosurf.com/jmllapasset | |
10. Re: Astronomers,amateur Or Otherwise. relates them not only by the speed of light, but also the square root root of minus one. http://sci.tech-archive.net/Archive/sci.astro.amateur/2008-04/msg00015.html | |
11. Abstracts: Super Sippy Cups. Stars On Parade. Super Slo-mo - Sociology And Socia Services information, New York, Usage, Services, Telescope, Telescopes, Astronomers, Amateur, Amateur astronomers http://www.faqs.org/abstracts/Sociology-and-social-work/Super-sippy-cups-Stars-o | |
12. Site Astro Jean-Pierre Richaume, astronome amateur, pr sente ses observations et ses photos. http://pagesperso-orange.fr/sirius.jpr/astro/ | |
13. Re: Astronomers,amateur Or Otherwise. SR GR effects from flying one round the world in a passenger plane. Unfortunately despite his genius in getting atomic clocks to work in the first place he never managed to http://sci.tech-archive.net/Archive/sci.astro.amateur/2008-04/msg00042.html | |
14. Amateur Astronomers Trying To Find Home For Telescope - Chicago Tribune Members of the Lake County Astronomical Society spent five years assembling a massive, vintage 1950sera telescope. Now they need a place to show it off.The 10-foot-tall, 2,000 http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2008-06-06/news/0806050647_1_telescope-amateu |
15. Noctambulisme... Travaux de photographie et imagerie num rique, dossiers ast ro des et supernovae. http://www.astrosurf.com/noctambule/ | |
16. Astronomers, Amateur: Works - Free Online Library Free Online Library List of articles about Works in Astronomers, Amateur category http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Works-s1519013 | |
17. Universe Today - Space Links: Space Exploration News From Around The Internet Amateur Astronomers Amateur Telescope Making Art Asteroids Astrobiology Astronauts Astronomical Societies Astronomy Astronomy Equipment Astrophotography http://www.universetoday.com/html/directory/ | |
18. Club Des Astronomes Amateurs De Sherbrooke Informations concernant les activit s et les ph nom nes astronomiques. Sherbrooke. http://www.caas.sherbrooke.qc.ca/ |
19. SPACE.com -- Partial Eclipse Impresses Astronomers - Amateur And Otherwise - Fro With the sun still high in the sky, the dark shadow of the moon took a small bite out of its lower half, than began creeping slowly over the rest of the glowing yellow orb. An http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/astronomy/after_eclipse_020611.html | |
20. Warning--Incoming!, Page 1 If you're concerned about NEOs and want to hang with astronomers (amateur and pro) who would be the most likely bunch to tell you when there really IS a threat, then check out www http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread72173/pg1 | |
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