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         Astronomers Amateur:     more books (101)
  1. Sky Watcher's Handbook: The Expert Reference Source for the Amateur Astronomer
  2. Eight Easy Observing Projects for Amateur Astronomers: For Amateur Astronomers by Nancy L. Hendrickson, David Cortner, 1996-09
  3. The Amateur Astronomer's Pathfinder by Colin Humphrey, 1992-10
  4. Math for Amateur Astronomers by J. Fox, 1982-06
  5. The Observational Amateur Astronomer (Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series)
  6. Skyshooting: Photography for Amateur Astronomers by Robert Newton Mayall, 1968-06
  7. Scientific American The Amateur Astronomer (Scientific American (Wiley)) by Scientific American, 2000-12-19
  8. Amateur Astronomy. by Patrick Moore, 1968-03
  9. Seeing in the Dark : How Amateur Astronomers Are Discovering the Wonders of the Universe by Timothy Ferris, 2003-07-08
  10. The Amateur Astronomer (Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series) by Patrick Moore, 2005-10-11
  11. Star Watch: The Amateur Astronomer's Guide to Finding, Observing, and Learning About over 125 Celestial Objects by Philip S. Harrington, 2003-07-18
  12. Star Ware: The Amateur Astronomer's Ultimate Guide to Choosing, Buying, and Using Telescopes and Accessories, 2nd Edition by Philip S. Harrinfton, Philip S. Harrington, 1998-07-13
  13. Astrophysics is Easy!: An Introduction for the Amateur Astronomer (Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series) by Mike Inglis, 2007-08-23
  14. Planetary Nebulae: A Practical Guide and Handbook for Amateur Astronomers : Includes 253 Finder Charts and a Catalog of 1340 Objects by Steven J. Hynes, 1992-02

41. Astro-OI
Pr sente les photos de l auteur, astronome amateur sur l le de la R union photos du ciel profond et de plan tes.

42. Amateur Radio Operators - Az-observing / [AZ-Observing] Amateur Astronomers - Fr
AZObserving Amateur Astronomers / Amateur Radio Operators. From Jimmy Ray jimmy_ray@xxxxxxx To az-observing@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Date Wed, 1 Oct 2008 212113 -0700
[AZ-Observing] Amateur Astronomers / Amateur Radio Operators

43. Astrophotographie Par Thomas Bexant
Un astronome amateur pr sente des clich s d astrophotographies, d taille les diverses techniques de l astrophotographie argentique, construction de t lescope et bricolage. Par Thomas Bexant.
Pour une meilleure navigation, affichez le texte en taille moyenne. ASTROPHOTOGRAPHIE DANS LA SOMME

44. Question For Astronomers, Amateur And Otherwise - JREF Forum
General Topics Question for astronomers, amateur and otherwise Science, Mathematics, Medicine, and Technology

45. Trifid Nebula: A Massive Star Factory
A new image of the Trifid Nebula, shows just why it is a firm favorite of astronomers, amateur and professional alike. This massive star factory is so named for the dark dust

46. Astro Passion
Informations par un astronome amateur avec ses observations, ses tudes de ph nom nes, ses conseils et avec une nouvelle carte du ciel chaque mois.

47. Astronomy Talk, Amateur Astronomers, Amatuer Astronomers, Amateur Telescope, Ama
International Year of Astronomy, Galileo, Cassini, Piazzi, astronomy talk, amateur telescope, amateur astronomers, Astronomy, planets, Saturn, stars, double stars, amateur
The place where learning and fun come together!
Order online 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a wk, 365 days a year. Search Home K thru 12 educational store. Children's educational toys. Make learning fun!
Introducing Dr. Robert Agnew - Thoughts For November 2010
Dr. Robert Agnew (shown above sitting atop an ancient Mayan observatory in Mexico) is a Professor of Music and Humanities at Edison State College in Piqua, Ohio. Born in Youngstown, Ohio, Robert has a Masters Degree from Bowling Green State University and a Ph.D. from Michigan State University.
Domesticated Astronomy
It should come as no surprise, with our passion for pets, that there are a number of heavenly objects named after them.
The first one that comes to my mind is Sirius, the “Dog Star.” Sirius is the brightest star in the sky.
At magnitude -1.4, the only brighter objects are the sun, the moon, Venus, and, when at maximum magnitude, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter.
There is a white dwarf companion to Sirius known as Sirius B and nicknamed “The Pup.” The Dog Star gets its name from the constellation it is in: Canis Major (Great Dog). The Ancient Egyptians referred to Sirius as the Nile Star, because it rose just before dawn (when a star rises at dawn, it is returning to the night sky) when the annual flooding of the Nile took place. The “Dog Star” was important to many other ancient cultures as well.
The constellation Canis Major is Orion’s primary celestial dog, but Orion (that most beautiful of constellations) has another smaller dog: Canis Minor (Little Dog). All three constellations are, of course, in the same area of the sky. The beautiful open cluster M41 is located in Canis Major, as is the more delicate open cluster NGC 2362.

48. Astronome Amateur Dans L'Aisne, Ciel Profond, Astronomie, Lunette, Telescope
Un astronome amateur propose ses observations du ciel nocturne, ses comptes-rendus d observations et sorties, des explications des notions de base en observation astronomique, des astuces de bricolage et des articles de presse reprenant ses photos. France.


00:00:00 CET - 00:00:00 UTC Astronome amateur et passionné d'informatique, j'ai découvert l'astronomie au moment de l'eclipse solaire du 11 août 1999. En 2001 je réalise ma première "capture" à la webcam de la disparition de saturne du 03/11/2001 ASTRO-CLUB 02 un observatoire ACTUALITES : Astronomie-Aisne
Filtre Astrosolar (visuel) / Filtre vert
Registax 5.0
Colorisation H-Alpha (Photoshop)
GALERIE DE PHOTOS BRICOLAGE Pythagore ACTUALITES CARTE DU CIEL Flux RSS fourni par NGC 7023, nébuleuse de l'Iris Comme de délicats pétales cosmiques, ces nuages de poussière et de gaz interstellaires ont bourgeonn... Deux croissants au petit matin Le 5 novembre 2010, Vénus se leva juste avant le Soleil. Pour les matinaux, son brillant croissa... Novembre 2010 Valable aussi pour le : NOTIONS DE BASE LES LOGICIELS Reconnaitre les nuages les nuages forment une petite famille.

49. Amateur Astronomy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Many amateurs are beginners, while others have a high degree of experience in astronomy and often assist and work alongside professional astronomers. Amateur astronomy is usually
Amateur astronomy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search This article is about the hobby. For the astronomy magazine, see The Amateur Astronomer This article is missing citations or needs footnotes . Please help add inline citations (December 2007) Amateur astronomers watch the night sky during the Perseid meteor shower Amateur astronomy , also called backyard astronomy and stargazing , is a hobby whose participants enjoy watching the night sky (and the day sky too, for sunspots eclipses , etc.), and the plethora of objects found in it, mainly with portable telescopes and binoculars. Even though scientific research is not their main goal, many amateur astronomers make a contribution to astronomy by monitoring variable stars, tracking asteroids and discovering transient objects, such as comets.
edit Overview
The typical amateur astronomer is one who does not depend on the field of astronomy as a primary source of income or support, and does not have a

50. CcdBazar, Le Site Des Amateurs De Ccd En Astronomie. [CCD,ccd,astronomie,astrono
D di la technologie CCD pour les astronomes amateurs, comprend des articles de fond, des exemples d application et de traitement d images.
Ce site nécessite un explorateur permettant d'utiliser les cadres (frames) et les scripts Java ..

51. Observing Resources For Amateur Astronomers | Amateur Astronomers Association Of
Part 1 Beginning Observers by Richard Rosenberg. As amateur astronomers living in the New York City area, we have to confront miserable observing conditions.
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        FOLLOW US Follow us on Twitter and Facebook You are here Observing Resources for Amateur Astronomers
        Observing Resources for Amateur Astronomers
        Part 1: Beginning Observers
        by Richard Rosenberg As amateur astronomers living in the New York City area, we have to confront miserable observing conditions. Many of us give up and become "armchair" astronomers. Others have persevered and become active observers, but would like family members or friends to share their interest. The good news is there's a lot out there to introduce us to the heavens, or to get us to the next level. In this article, I mention several books, magazines, charts, websites and anything else useful to the beginning observer. Essentially, naked-eye astronomy from the city is covered bright stars, major constellations, and planets. Subsequent articles will address the intermediate and advanced observer. Let me stress first of all that nothing can benefit the beginner more than contact with more experienced observers. The Amateur Astronomers Association of New York hosts observing sessions each month in the city. These are open to all, and members are enthusiastic about sharing their knowledge of the sky. Please come.

52. Association Des Astronomes Amateurs De L'Abitibi-Témiscamingue - Bienvenue à Tou
Actualit s astronomiques pour le grand public, chroniques, articles explicatifs, photos et cartes c lestes. Rouyn-Noranda.

53. The Rings Of Saturn
Ever since their discovery by Galileo in 1609, the rings of Saturn have delighted astronomers, amateur and professional alike. Saturn has a mass over 95 times that of Earth, and
Welcome to Cheshire Starwatch
a weekly column
by Keene, NH
amateur astronomer
James Maynard.
Saturn' Ring System
Stardate: 09:06:97 Saturn, the jewel of the solar system Saturn and arguably the most beautiful object in the solar system for amateur astronomers, offers us a view of it's magnificent ring system this week, and throughout the end of the year. Ever since their discovery by Galileo in 1609, the rings of Saturn have delighted astronomers, amateur and professional alike. Saturn has a mass over 95 times that of Earth, and orbits the Sun at a distance 9.5 times greater than the distance between the Earth and the Sun. Saturn also has a diameter 9.4 times that of the Earth, and rotates once every 10 hours, and 39 minutes, similar to the rotational period of Jupiter. One surprising aspect of Saturn is it's very low density. In fact, the density of Saturn is only 70% that of water. What this means is, that if you could find a pool of water large enough, Saturn would float! This is the only planet in our solar system which fits this description. Saturn is composed of a rocky/ice core, surrounded by a layer of metallic hydrogen. Of course, the pressure inside of Saturn is so great, that the rocky/ice core is very different from the rock and ice we are familiar with here on Earth! Although the great pressures towards the core of Saturn create very high temperatures, the temperature at the cloud tops of this giant world is only -180 degrees c (-292 degrees f). The rings of Saturn are designated by letters, A-F for the major rings, but observations done by the Voyager spacecraft revealed Saturn's rings are, in fact, composed of hundreds of tiny ringlets, similar to a phonograph record. These ringlets seem to be held together by what are known as shepherd moons - sets of tiny moonlets which, by their gravity, keep these ringlets in a tight, orderly form.

54. FAAQ: Site De La Fédération Des Astronomes Amateurs Du Québec
Regroupe les clubs qu b coises reconnues. Assure la promotion de l astronomie et des activit s de lutte contre la pollution lumineuse. Montr al.
Année mondiale Dernières nouvelles Liens les plus visités et nouveautés

55. Columbia Building Roils Astronomers | Amateur Astronomers Association Of New Yor
When the Northwest Corner Building at Columbia University is completed, it will significantly block views from telescopes at the Rutherford Observatory on the roof of adjacent
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        Columbia Building Roils Astronomers
        When the Northwest Corner Building at Columbia University is completed, it will significantly block views from telescopes at the Rutherford Observatory on the roof of adjacent Pupin Hall. Negotiations have occurred between the university and the astronomy department about possibly moving the telescopes to another building, the Spectator reported.
        • Printer-friendly version

56. Club Des Astronomes Amateurs De Boucherville
Ce club veut promouvoir l int r t populaire en mati re d astronomie amateur.
C.A.A.BCAANM C.A.A.B.M. Club des Astronomes Amateurs Boucherville Montérégie Informations Présentations
Photos et Activités du Club
Prix Roland Guilbault
  • 2005-2006 Alain Vézina
  • 2006-2007 Gilles Rousseau
  • 2007-2008 A.J. Gentile
Les activités spéciales Observation et ciel
Section Jeunesse Podcast Liens utiles
Actualités sur l'astronomie Activités Astronomique Nous rejoindre Nouveauté - des Nouvelles du Ciel sous forme de Bulletin Bulletin (nouvelles du ciel) Site optimisé pour Internet Explorer version 4 ou ultérieure affichage *** La soirée d'observation du 15 octobre prévue au parc de la Commune à Varennes est annulée ***

57. Other Links And Services Of Astronomical Interest
MAA. Other Topics On this page you find the names of all professional and nonprofessional astronomers, the postal addresses and the places of their institutes under People and
    Other Topics:
    On this page you find the names of all professional and non-professional astronomers, the postal addresses and the places of their institutes under People and Addresses
    The second topic leads to online forums and chat lists for astronomy.
    The third topic on this page is a collection of links to other sites in the world who offer interesting subjects and services.
    People and Addresses

    Online forums and chats
    Other Sites
    • Local:
      The homepage of the European Southern Observatories
      European Planetarium Network
      The MAA SL9 Archive (the impact of the comet Shoemaker-Levy on Jupiter)
      The institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics of the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich
      Bavarian Public Observatory of Munich
    • Foreign:
      Astronomical Institutes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
      From the Astronomischen Gesellschaft
      A Link collection organized into several subject around space and astronomy
      German Aerospace center
      Students for exploring the universe
      Services available to astronomers and archival researchers
      Astronomy/Astrophysics on the Internet
      The homepage of Goddard Space Flight Center
      The homepage of the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph Team
      Ian Ridpath Star Tales
      About the history and mythology of the constellations

58. Page D'accueil
Association d astronomes amateurs. Conf rences mensuelles, bulletin trimestriel, observatoire, soir es, camps d observation, biblioth que, t lescopes de pr t et groupes de travail.
Nous vous souhaitons une agréable visite. Page d'accueil principale Nombre de connexions enregistrées sur ce site depuis sa création le 19 décembre 1998 :
Page réalisée par Laurent Zimmermann . Dernière mise à jour : le 18 avril 2004.

59. Total Lunar Eclipse To Darken San Francisco Bay Area - Associated Content - Asso
Bay area astronomers, amateur and professional alike, will lock their eyes on the moon this evening as the shadow of the Earth will temporarily block much of the direct light of
AC.base_www = '/'; AC.base_adm = ''; AC.base_img = ''; AC.base_siteimg = ''; Associated Content Home
  • Home Books
  • Total Lunar Eclipse to Darken San Francisco Bay Area
    Adjust font-size: Published February 20, 2008 by: Jeremy Heebner View Profile Follow Add to Favorites ... San Francisco Bay Area Bay area astronomers, amateur and professional alike, will lock their eyes on the moon this evening as the shadow of the Earth will temporarily block much of the direct light of the sun.
    Beginning at 5:43pm PST, the event will be the last chance to view a total lunar eclipse until December 21, 2010, according to NASA . Unlike a solar eclipse, the only equipment needed to observe a lunar eclipse is a pair of eyes. The entire Moon will pass through the shadow of Earth and will likely take on a red or orange color. NASA scientists predict this color because Earth's atmosphere is relatively clear. Darker eclipses may occur following major volcanic eruptions that spew dust and gas into the air. The moon will be totally eclipsed from 7:01pm to 7:51pm PST.
    Although the Pacific Coast will be in plain view of the 7:26pm "greatest eclipse," observers in the west will miss the early stages of the partial eclipse because it begins before moon rise, according to

    60. Groupement Français Pour L'Observation Et L'Etude Du Soleil
    Association d astronomes amateurs qui tudient le soleil sous plusieurs aspects. Pr sentation du soleil et images. Bourges, Cher (18).
    Bienvenue sur le site du GFOES (Groupement Français pour l'Observation et l'Etude du Soleil) ACCUEIL
    Qui sommes-nous ?

    Dernières Nouvelles du Soleil


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