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41. Astro-OI Pr sente les photos de l auteur, astronome amateur sur l le de la R union photos du ciel profond et de plan tes. http://astrosurf.com/astro-oi/ |
42. Amateur Radio Operators - Az-observing / [AZ-Observing] Amateur Astronomers - Fr AZObserving Amateur Astronomers / Amateur Radio Operators. From Jimmy Ray jimmy_ray@xxxxxxx To az-observing@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Date Wed, 1 Oct 2008 212113 -0700 http://www.freelists.org/post/az-observing/Amateur-Astronomers-Amateur-Radio-Ope | |
43. Astrophotographie Par Thomas Bexant Un astronome amateur pr sente des clich s d astrophotographies, d taille les diverses techniques de l astrophotographie argentique, construction de t lescope et bricolage. Par Thomas Bexant. http://www.astrosurf.com/bex | |
44. Question For Astronomers, Amateur And Otherwise - JREF Forum General Topics Question for astronomers, amateur and otherwise Science, Mathematics, Medicine, and Technology http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?t=184715 |
45. Trifid Nebula: A Massive Star Factory A new image of the Trifid Nebula, shows just why it is a firm favorite of astronomers, amateur and professional alike. This massive star factory is so named for the dark dust http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/08/090826073442.htm |
46. Astro Passion Informations par un astronome amateur avec ses observations, ses tudes de ph nom nes, ses conseils et avec une nouvelle carte du ciel chaque mois. http://pagesperso-orange.fr/astro.gilg/ |
47. Astronomy Talk, Amateur Astronomers, Amatuer Astronomers, Amateur Telescope, Ama International Year of Astronomy, Galileo, Cassini, Piazzi, astronomy talk, amateur telescope, amateur astronomers, Astronomy, planets, Saturn, stars, double stars, amateur http://www.abc-learningfun4u.com/astronomytalk.html | |
48. Astronome Amateur Dans L'Aisne, Ciel Profond, Astronomie, Lunette, Telescope Un astronome amateur propose ses observations du ciel nocturne, ses comptes-rendus d observations et sorties, des explications des notions de base en observation astronomique, des astuces de bricolage et des articles de presse reprenant ses photos. France. http://www.astronomie-aisne.com/ | |
49. Amateur Astronomy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Many amateurs are beginners, while others have a high degree of experience in astronomy and often assist and work alongside professional astronomers. Amateur astronomy is usually http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amateur_astronomy | |
50. CcdBazar, Le Site Des Amateurs De Ccd En Astronomie. [CCD,ccd,astronomie,astrono D di la technologie CCD pour les astronomes amateurs, comprend des articles de fond, des exemples d application et de traitement d images. http://www.astrosurf.com/ccdbazar/ | |
51. Observing Resources For Amateur Astronomers | Amateur Astronomers Association Of Part 1 Beginning Observers by Richard Rosenberg. As amateur astronomers living in the New York City area, we have to confront miserable observing conditions. http://www.aaa.org/membersarticle07 | |
52. Association Des Astronomes Amateurs De L'Abitibi-Témiscamingue - Bienvenue à Tou Actualit s astronomiques pour le grand public, chroniques, articles explicatifs, photos et cartes c lestes. Rouyn-Noranda. http://web2.uqat.ca/astro/ |
53. The Rings Of Saturn Ever since their discovery by Galileo in 1609, the rings of Saturn have delighted astronomers, amateur and professional alike. Saturn has a mass over 95 times that of Earth, and http://www.tmclark.com/Starwatch/9_6.html | |
54. FAAQ: Site De La Fédération Des Astronomes Amateurs Du Québec Regroupe les clubs qu b coises reconnues. Assure la promotion de l astronomie et des activit s de lutte contre la pollution lumineuse. Montr al. http://www.faaq.org/ | |
55. Columbia Building Roils Astronomers | Amateur Astronomers Association Of New Yor When the Northwest Corner Building at Columbia University is completed, it will significantly block views from telescopes at the Rutherford Observatory on the roof of adjacent http://www.aaa.org/node/445 | |
56. Club Des Astronomes Amateurs De Boucherville Ce club veut promouvoir l int r t populaire en mati re d astronomie amateur. http://www.caabm.org/ | |
57. Other Links And Services Of Astronomical Interest MAA. Other Topics On this page you find the names of all professional and nonprofessional astronomers, the postal addresses and the places of their institutes under People and http://www.maa.mhn.de/astro_other.html | |
58. Page D'accueil Association d astronomes amateurs. Conf rences mensuelles, bulletin trimestriel, observatoire, soir es, camps d observation, biblioth que, t lescopes de pr t et groupes de travail. http://users.skynet.be/zmn/cab/ | |
59. Total Lunar Eclipse To Darken San Francisco Bay Area - Associated Content - Asso Bay area astronomers, amateur and professional alike, will lock their eyes on the moon this evening as the shadow of the Earth will temporarily block much of the direct light of http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/611677/total_lunar_eclipse_to_darken_sa | |
60. Groupement Français Pour L'Observation Et L'Etude Du Soleil Association d astronomes amateurs qui tudient le soleil sous plusieurs aspects. Pr sentation du soleil et images. Bourges, Cher (18). http://www.astrosurf.com/gfoes/ | |
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