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21. NATHPO | National Association Of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers in diameter, include Italy's Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, Ohio State University, Notre Dame University, Tucsonbased Research Corp. and a group of German astronomy institutes http://www.nathpo.org/News/Sacred_Sites/News-Sacred_Sites32.htm | |
22. Academic Web Resources Academic Web Resources. Astronomy Departments Astronomy Institutes Astronomy Software and Labs Organizations Glossaries Astro Education Resources Newsgroups http://www.brookscole.com/astronomy_d/templates/stripped_features/academic_res.h | |
23. Graduate School In Astronomy And Space Physics Astronomy Institutes. Division of Astronomy, Department of Physics, University of Oulu ; Mets hovi Radio Observatory, Aalto University School of Science and Technology http://www.space.fmi.fi/graduateschool/ | |
24. Astronomy Courses In India Astronomy Institutes in India Astronomy in India is a very ancient science and studies in this field have been going on since ancient times. Astronomy degrees are mostly of the http://www.indiaedu.com/career-courses/astronomy-courses/ |
25. Australian Astronomy - Astronomical Society Of Australia - Institute Annual Repo Most astronomy institutes publish Annual Reports. For details, follow these links ATNF Annual Report; AAO Annual Reports; RSAA Annual Reports; University of Sydney Institute of http://www.astronomy.org.au/ngn/engine.php?SID=1000053 |
26. Physics And Astronomy Directory listing of physics and astronomy institutes and national/international laboratories. Professional Societies worldwide listing of professional physics and astronomy societies and http://www.physlink.com/Directories/Index.cfm | |
27. : Wiess School Of Natural Sciences Holly Gilbert, a research scientist in Physics and Astronomy, was interviewed for the first episode of a new series, The Universe, that airs tonight at 8 on the History Channel. http://natsci.rice.edu/ShowContent.aspx?id=310 |
28. Educational Institutions,colleges,universities,Institutes/Colleges In India Details About Astronomy Colleges/Institutes in India, Institute conducting Courses in Astronomy,Environmental Science Colleges in India Colleges/Institutes,Educational Institutes http://career.webindia123.com/career/institutes/list_inst.asp?cat_no=129&p_n |
29. The IISc Amateur Astronomy Club Homepage - Astronomy Links Astronomy Institutes/Groups Raman Research Institute; Indian Institute of Astrophysics; National Center for Radio Astrophysics . CCD Astronomy http://www.iisc.ernet.in/~astro/links.html | |
30. Australian Astronomy - Astronomical Society Of Australia - Professional Astronom Most astronomy institutes publish Annual Reports. Read more Active Research Areas Discover research in Australia with this listing of research areas accompanied by a brief http://www.astronomy.org.au/ngn/engine.php?SID=1000004 |
31. Other Media Releases And Astronomy Highlights Other Astronomy Institutes Media Stories. Astronomers prepare for greatest show on earth; Wednesday morning sky http://www.atnf.csiro.au/news/press/astro_rel.html | |
32. KK Home Page Astronomy institutes in the Netherlands Groningen, Leiden, Utrecht, Amsterdam, Dwingeloo. A few sites in Europe Southampton, Cambridge, (with RGO and IoA), Oxford, Gent , ESO http://www.astro.rug.nl/~kuijken/ | |
33. School Of Physics And Astronomy - Institutes Chairs The Florence and George Wise Observatory Director Dr. Noah Brosch. The Abramson Center for Medical Physics Director - Prof. Abraham Katzir. The Raymond and Beverly Sackler http://physics.tau.ac.il/institute.html |
34. Center Of Astronomy (university Of Heidelberg) Astronomy institutes and departments. Max Planck Institute for Astronomy; Astronomisches RechenInstitut; Research institutes in Germany. Max Planck Institute for Astronomy http://www.kosmix.com/topic/Center_of_Astronomy_(University_of_Heidelberg) |
35. Dr. Bérengère Parise Open Day of Astronomy institutes in Bonn Open Day of Astronomy institutes in Bonn September 5th, 2009 Next event Automn 2011, Effelsberg. Stay tuned. http://www.mpifr.de/staff/bparise/outreach.html | |
36. Astronomy - Internet Resources Observatories and Astronomy Institutes. Hubble Space Telescope, Baltimore, MD; National Optical Astronomy Observatories, Tucson AZ; National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottsville http://physics.gmu.edu/~jevans/astr103/resrc103.html | |
37. Andy Taylor's Home Page The DUEL network is a Marie Curie European Community Research Training Network, composed of researchers in Gravitational Lensing at Astronomy Institutes in Edinburgh (IfA), Leiden http://www.roe.ac.uk/~ant/ | |
38. Links To Some Past Olympiads — Olympiads HBCSE Astronomy Institutes and Missions . 2001 Mars Odyssey Home Page ARISE Advanced Radio Interferometry between Space and Earth ARRLWeb- The American Radio Relay League ARRL http://olympiads.hbcse.tifr.res.in/subjects/astronomy/links | |
39. Centre For Astrophysics And Supercomputing Astronomy institutes and departments. Swinburne Astronomy Online; See also (9) Swinburne; Sarah Maddison; Astrophysics; Supercomputing; AngloAustralian Observatory http://science.kosmix.com/topic/Centre_for_Astrophysics_and_Supercomputing | |
40. European VLBI Network | TripAtlas.com The European VLBI Network (EVN) was formed in 1980 by a consortium of five of the major radio astronomy institutes in Europe (the European Consortium for VLBI). Since 1980, the http://tripatlas.com/European_VLBI_Network |
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