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1. Astronomy / Other Worlds -- Jun 23, 2002 -- CBS -- Vanderbilt Television News Ar CBS News for Jun 23, 2002 Report introduced. (San Francisco John Blackstone) Astronomers' reconsideration of life on other planets following new discoveries examined; details http://tvnews.vanderbilt.edu/program.pl?ID=703798 |
2. Visualising Astronomy Other Worlds Visual Communication Astronomical Images Key Words Ryan Wyatt California Academy of Sciences Email rwyatt@calacademy.org Reviews Visualising Astronomy Other Worlds CAPjournal, No. 5 http://www.capjournal.org/issues/05/05_33.pdf |
3. Communicating Astronomy With The Public Journal Download this article PDF (747 KB) Back to the Table of Contents . Visualising Astronomy Other Worlds (pages 33-34) Ryan Wyatt. First paragraph http://www.capjournal.org/issues/05/05_33.php | |
4. Other Worlds: Rare Astronomical Works Coinciding with the International Year of Astronomy, Other Worlds displays how the historical role of astronomy has come to influence the way the modern world is perceived. http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/exhibitions/2009/astronomical/ |
5. "Other Worlds" Exhibition Examines Evolution Of Astronomy | The University Of Te Coinciding with the International Year of Astronomy, Other Worlds displays how the historical role of astronomy has come to influence the way the modern world is perceived. http://www.utexas.edu/news/2009/08/03/hrc_astronomy/ | |
6. [FPSPACE] More About Baikonur Today On SPACE.com Today in Science/Astronomy * Other Worlds Not So Strange, Top Planet Hunter Says http//www.space.com/scienceastronomy/astronomy/exoplanet_status_020514-1.html The popular http://www.friends-partners.org/pipermail/fpspace/2002-May/004750.html |
7. December Northstar Newsletter 2009 Coinciding with the International Year of Astronomy, Other Worlds displays how the historical role of astronomy has come to influence the way the modern world is perceived. http://www.astronomyclub.org/northstar/2009/December_Northstar_Newsletter_2009.p |
8. SaltLakeTom Fishing, Mountains, The Beach, Cooking, Garde swimming tennis laughing movies theater art travel massage astronomy other worlds great books discovering new things embracing wonderful old things http://www.plentyoffish.com/member16771999.htm | |
9. SaltLakeTom Fishing, Mountains, The Beach, Cooking, Garde swimming tennis laughing movies theater art travel massage astronomy other worlds great books discovering new things embracing wonderful old things http://www.plentyoffish.com/viewprofile.aspx?profile_id=16771999 |
10. :: Munseys: Garrett P Serviss First Prev Page 1 of 1 pages Next Last Page http://munseys.com/detail/mode/author/Garrett_P_Serviss | |
11. January Northstar Newsletter 2010 Coinciding with the International Year of Astronomy, Other Worlds displays how the historical role of astronomy has come to influence the way the modern world is perceived. http://www.astronomyclub.org/northstar/2010/January_Northstar_Newsletter_2010.pd |
12. Cosmic Imagery | Viz. International Year of Astronomy. Other Worlds coincides with http//www.astronomy2009.org/ the International Year of Astronomy, which celebrates the 400th anniversary of Galileo’s http://viz.cwrl.utexas.edu/content/cosmic-imagery | |
13. Deus4el | Ultimate-Guitar.Com I'm fond of music, girls, communication, psychology, philosophy, astronomy, other worlds, the risk, the cult of force, Norse mythology, night and darkness, terrors, nightmares http://profile.ultimate-guitar.com/Deus4el/ | |
14. External-Award Winners - Office Of Research Development James Sheerin, Dir. Physics and Astronomy Other Worlds Michigan Space Grant Consortium (NASA) $5,000 http://www.ord.emich.edu/about/about_subdir/histof_grant_totals/ext_awrd_winners | |
15. Infosecurity.us - Http://infosecurity.us In Science News, a combined University of California–Santa Cruz team has Categories Science Tags Astronomy, Other Worlds, Planetissmals, Planets, Science http://infosecurity.us/?p=12229 |
16. The Astronomist: Other Worlds: Rare Astronomical Works Coinciding with the International Year of Astronomy, Other Worlds displays how the historical role of astronomy has come to influence the way the modern world is perceived. http://theastronomist.fieldofscience.com/2009/10/other-worlds-rare-astronomical- | |
17. Cartography - Archive Of Exhibitions Which Closed In 2010 Coinciding with the International Year of Astronomy, Other Worlds displays how the historical role of astronomy has come to influence the way the modern world is perceived. http://home.earthlink.net/~docktor/2010ex.htm | |
18. Late Night Dream WritersCafe.org The Online Writing Community Added on June 9, 2010 Last Updated on June 21, 2010 Tags weird, dream, odd, moon, night, astronomy, other worlds http://www.writerscafe.org/writing/Skeleto-Hysteria/560483/ | |
19. The Astronomist: October 2009 Coinciding with the International Year of Astronomy, Other Worlds displays how the historical role of astronomy has come to influence the way the modern world is perceived. http://theastronomist.fieldofscience.com/2009_10_01_archive.html | |
20. Vanderbilt Television News Archive: Programs Broadcast In June 2002 The Television News Archive collection at Vanderbilt University is the world's most extensive and complete archive of television news. http://tvnews.vanderbilt.edu/siteindex/2002-6/ | |
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