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21. UCLA School Mental Health Project Devoted to pursuing theory, research, practice, and training related to addressing mental health and psychosocial concerns through school-based interventions. The Project produces their own research, provides technical assistance, interactive discussion and links to related sites. http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/ |
22. At-Risk Educational Services If you’re an educator, you already know what the terms “atrisk students” and “students at-risk” mean. If not, those terms refer to students who are at-risk of either http://www.studentsatrisk.com/ | |
23. WBE.Net Global Internet Trade Course - At Risk Students IDENTITY OF ATRISK TEENS HOW THEY ARE IMPROVED; Slackers/idle minds Interest in learning Drug dealers Identify legal products to sell Gang members http://www.wbe.net/gitc/students.html | |
24. Living Consciously A simple, practical process for personal growth, balance, healing, well-being, consciousness and motivation in mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of life. Audio cassette course, seminars, employee training and wellness programs, special programs for at-risk students. http://www.livingconsciously.com |
25. At-Risk Students - American School Counselor Association Home About ASCA AtRisk Students http://www.schoolcounselor.org/content.asp?contentid=258 |
26. Thirty Teaching Strategies Used By Teachers Of At-Risk Students. ED347989 Thirty Teaching Strategies Used by Teachers of At-Risk Students. http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=ED347989 |
27. Pine Ridge Boarding School Residential Treatment Centers For Troubled Teens Residential treatment center and boarding school for at risk students who are experiencing emotional, behavioral or academic difficulties. Located in suburb of Salt Lake City, Utah. http://www.pineridgeacademy.com/ |
28. At-Risk Students Who Find Success There is a small percentage of teenagers who dropout of high school and become selfmade millionaires. Does it not make sense that these people hold the secret to achievement http://www.motivation-tools.com/youth/at-risk_who_succeed.htm | |
29. Welcome To The Franklin County Schools Website At-Risk Students Franklin County Schools AL- Board of Education PO Box 610 500 Coffee Avenue NE Russellville, AL 35653 http://www.franklin.k12.al.us/?DivisionID=3963&DepartmentID=3911&ToggleS |
30. Successful Classroom Management :: Teacher Training Resources Offers seminars and other resources for working with difficult students and reaching at risk students. http://www.disciplineassociates.com/ | |
31. At Risk Students - Organizer Software To Help The Organizational Needs Of Educat Eagle Eye 1.0 Organizer that enables educational liaisons to track and manage their student clients. Designed for the needs of an educational liaison, Eagle Eye manages all http://at-risk-students.softalizer.com/ | |
32. Black Hawk Grundy Mental Health Center Offers outpatient, inpatient, emergency, and outreach services as well as mental health services to at-risk students, the homeless, and the elderly. Includes details of services, FAQs, and directions to locations in Waterloo and Grundy. http://www.bhgmhc.com/ |
33. Helping At-Risk Students Meet Standards A Synthesis Of Evidence Helping AtRisk Students Meet Standards A Synthesis of Evidence-Based Classroom Practices http://www.mcrel.org/PDF/Synthesis/5022RR_RSHelpingAtRisk.pdf |
34. Jeffrey B. Teitler - Theatre/Video Education This playwright and Artistic Director of Theatre and Video at Lawrence Academy offers his professional resume and a look at his video projects for at-risk students, and institutions. http://www.angelfire.com/art2/jefft99/ | |
35. At Risk Students - EHow.com Learn about At Risk Students on eHow.com. Find info and videos including How to Mentor an AtRisk Student, Motivating at Risk Students, At-Risk Student Grants and much more. http://www.ehow.com/at-risk-students/ | |
36. Alee Academy: Provides former dropouts and at-risk students an opportunity to develop vocational skills, gain employment, and earn a high school diploma. Graduates, courses, and contact information. http://aleeacademy.org/ | |
37. Recent Research On At-risk Students INSIDE THE CURRENT ISSUE. Expert panel makes 5 recommendations for teaching fractions Students' common misconceptions about fractionsExecutive function plays role in reading http://www.ernweb.com/public/department97.cfm | |
38. Dane County Trasition Schools | Home Page Providing an environment that promotes the social, emotional, academic, and vocational growth and development of at-risk students. Mission statement, programs, typical student profile, participant feedback. http://www.dcsc.org/DCTS/index.html | |
39. Randy Murray -- "At-Risk" Students ATRISK STUDENTS . By R.C. Murray January 6, 2008 NewsWithViews.com. One-third of all public school students currently in the 9th grade will not http://www.newswithviews.com/Murray/randy6.htm | |
40. Untitled Document Serves at-risk students in grades 6-12. Includes staff list and information about activities. http://www.glasgow.kyschools.us/central/HVLC/home.htm | |
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