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41. ANU - STUDYAT - Australian Archaeology Offered By School of Archaeology Anthropology Academic Career Undergraduate Course Subject Archaeology Offered in ARCH2004 will not be offered in 2011 http://studyat.anu.edu.au/courses/ARCH2004;details.html | |
42. Australian Archaeology Group | LinkedIn Welcome to LinkedIn. Join LinkedIn or sign in to become a member of this group. Australian Archaeology A group for archaeologists and archaeology students in Australia, and for http://www.linkedin.com/groupInvitation?groupID=2081710&sharedKey=3B01221260 |
43. Australian Archaeology Blog - Whatever You Need To Share About Australian Archae a blog for practitioners and others interested in australian archaeology to share their views, interact with each other http://archaeologyblog.ning.com/ | |
44. Australian Archaeology Australian Archaeology Archived at Flinders University dspace.flinders. edu.au Full Citation Details Dortch, C.E. 1975. Recent Research in South Western Prehistory. http://dspace.flinders.edu.au/dspace/bitstream/2328/279/1/1975003013018_final.pd |
45. Iain Davidson Publications On Australian Archaeology Iain Davidson publications on Australian archaeology. In press (1 with N.D.J. Cook, M. Fischer, M. Ridges, J. Ross and S.A. Sutton) Archaeology in another country exchange and http://www-personal.une.edu.au/~idavidso/ozarch_pubs.htm | |
46. Australian Archaeology Australian Archaeology Archived at Flinders University dspace.flinders. edu.au Full Citation Details Hallam, S.J. 1977. Recent Archaeological Research in Western Australia. http://dspace.flinders.edu.au/dspace/bitstream/2328/424/1/1977006013027_FINAL.pd |
47. Australian Archaeology | Heritage Key Australian researchers says they have discovered the oldest 'contact rock art' in Australia, evidence of Southeast Asian ships sailing for – and reaching – Australia's shores http://heritage-key.com/category/tags/australian-archaeology | |
48. Don's Maps - Palaeolithic / Paleolithic European, Russian And Australian Archaeo Resources for the study of Palaeolithic European, Russian and Australian Archaeology http://donsmaps.com/ | |
49. Popular Notions Of Australian Archaeology - Research And Read Books, Journals, A Popular Notions of Australian Archaeology. by Hilary du Cros Australian archaeology can be defined as the study of past human behaviour and lifeways in the Australian context. http://www.questia.com/googleScholar.qst?docId=5001885726 |
50. Australian Archaeology - UQ ESpace Title of journal Australian Archaeology Editor(s) Andrew Steven Fairbairn Publication date http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:196327 |
51. Online Course Introduction To Australian Archaeology Part 1 In this introductory course Part 1, we consider what archaeology is, and how it fits into the scheme of anthropology. Learn something of early Australian anthropologists and how http://www.universalclass.com/i/crn/6371.htm | |
52. Regions - Information On Archaeology PREH2004 AUSTRALIAN ARCHAEOLOGY Information on Australia prehistory. Dating human colonization of Australia. Peter Brown's Australian Palaeoanthropology http://arts.anu.edu.au/arcworld/resources/regions.htm | |
53. Radiocarbon Determinations, Luminescence Dating And Some sort of dates at Malakunanja II a reply to Roberts et al., Australian Archaeology 32 5051. FRANKEL, D. 1991. Time inflation. New Scientist (7 July) 52-3 http://arts.anu.edu.au/arcworld/resources/papers/ausdates/allen1.htm | |
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