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Home - Basic_A - Australian Culture Specific |
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1. The International Journal Of Language, Society And Culture The Australian Culturespecific value of “mateship” Australians love their mates. There is no doubt that linguistically, the word ‘mate’ is http://www.educ.utas.edu.au/users/tle/JOURNAL/ARTICLES/2005/15-4.htm | |
2. Australia GATS This submission states the common interests of ACCD members in sustaining and fostering Australian culture. Specific data and arguments for the various subsectors such as film or http://www.mca.org.au/web/fileadmin/user_upload/PDFs/accdGATS26Feb03.pdf |
3. Negotiations For A Free Trade Agreement This submission states the common interests of ACCD members in sustaining and fostering Australian culture. Specific data and arguments for the various subsectors such as film or http://www.mca.org.au/web/fileadmin/user_upload/PDFs/accdsubmit15jan03.pdf |
4. Ableism And The Aussie Battler I love reading Australian culture specific articles… but being rather restricted by being Australian, I would really love to see how this is contrasted with other cultures, in http://disabledfeminists.com/2009/10/28/ableism-and-the-aussie-battler/ | |
5. AFTINET Response To Govt GATS Discussion Paper Accession to these requests would impact dramatically on Australian broadcasting and the capacity to express and reflect Australian culture. Specific issues http://www.aftinet.org.au/campaigns/WTO_GATS/gatssubmission1.html | |
6. GATS - Terms Of Reference Accession to these requests would impact dramatically on Australian broadcasting and the capacity to express and reflect Australian culture. Specific issues arising from http://www.aftinet.org.au/campaigns/WTO_GATS/senatesubm.rtf |
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