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21. Invest - Home - Foreign Direct Investment Into Australia - Austrade Australian government s national investment agency responsible for promoting Australia as an investment location through fourteen offices world wide. http://www.austrade.gov.au/invest/default.aspx | |
22. Department Of Immigration & Citizenship Provides access to information about Australian visas, Australian citizenship http://www.immi.gov.au/ | |
23. Department Of Climate Change And Energy Efficiency - Home - Think Change The Australian Government is committed to action that will safeguard our environment, sustain our society and support our economy. http://www.climatechange.gov.au/ | |
24. Australian Government, Department Of Defence Home Page This is the main home page for the Australian Government Department of Defence. This page is a good place to start should you wish to find information relating to the Defence http://defence.gov.au/ |
25. Ahead Of The Game: Blueprint For Reform Of Australian Government Administration Ahead of the Game Blueprint for the Reform of Australian Government Administration http://www.dpmc.gov.au/publications/aga_reform/aga_reform_blueprint/index.cfm |
26. ABC News Radio The Australian Government run broadcaster s national 24 hour radio news service. All news, all the time. http://www.abc.net.au/newsradio | |
27. International Tax Review | Home The Policy Transition group, the Australian government's taskforce for new taxes, released a paper on Friday detailing some of the design elements of the Minerals Resources http://www.internationaltaxreview.com/?Page=9&PUBID=210&SID=727115&I |
28. Government Of South Australia The entry point to South Australian government services. Contains links to the parliament, departments, and various organisations. http://www.sa.gov.au/ |
29. Cinderella's Babysitting And Domestic Help Services Australian Government Licensed Nanny Agency providing Police checked and fully insured nannies and babysitters. http://www.cinderellas-babysitting.com.au | |
30. Australian Department Of Foreign Affairs And Trade Home Page Latest news. Introduction of legislation to ban cluster munitions; Australia Australian Government. australia.gov.au Your connection with government. http://www.dfat.gov.au/ | |
31. For Consumers The Australian government consumer information and advice. http://www.accc.gov.au/content/index.phtml/tag/ForConsumers/ |
32. Directory.gov.au GOLD is the online guide to the structure and key people in the Australian Government. It contains key contact points in Australian Government agencies and links to home pages. http://www.directory.gov.au/ |
33. Data.australia.gov.au – Beta Australian government public information datasets, provided for mash-ups and graphics. http://data.australia.gov.au/ | |
34. The Information Hosted Here Is For Historical Purposes Only. The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) provides national leadership and works in collaboration with the States and Territories, industry, other http://www.dest.gov.au/ | |
35. AGS - Australian Government Solicitor - Leading Government Lawyers Offers legal expertise and integrated advice and assistance across a wide range of areas. http://www.ags.gov.au/ | |
36. Australian Government Grants Scholarships To Students | Education | Peacefmonlin The Australian Government, in collaboration with the Australia Development Scholarship (ADS), has awarded scholarships to 11 Ghanaian professionals to study at one of the 42 http://news.peacefmonline.com/education/201010/99105.php | |
37. Australian Local Government Association A federation of local government associations in each of Australia s States and Territories. http://www.alga.asn.au | |
38. 3levels Australian Government. Shires Association of NSW. Levels of Government. Parliament An overview. Local Government Directory http://www.cap.nsw.edu.au/bb_site_intro/stage3_Modules/levels.of.government/3lev | |
39. Horse Racing Results, Sports Betting & Online Betting - IASbet.com Licensed and regulated by the NT Australian Government. Tax free betting on sports and racing. http://www.iasbet.com/ | |
40. Department Of Health And Ageing - Welcome To The Department Of Health And Ageing New Eye Surgery ‘Blitz’ in Central Australia. A sixday intensive eye surgery ‘blitz’, funded by the Australian Government and coordinat http://www.health.gov.au/ | |
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