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21. Australian Leisure Surge Sparks Takeover Rumours - News - Www.theage.com.au Shares of Australian Leisure Hospitality Ltd. have surged, sparking speculation pub owner Taverner Hotel Group may make a takeover bid. The Age Online http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/07/01/1088488080251.html?from=storylhs |
22. The Australian Leisure Inn Hotels And Suites Brand Attracts Investors To Grow Br The Australian Leisure Inn Hotels and Suites Brand Attracts Investors to Grow Brand from Current 9 Properties to Over 20; 1 February, 2007 Leisure Inn Hospitality Management http://www.hotel-online.com/News/PR2007_1st/Feb07_LeisureInn.html | |
23. Australian Leisure & Hospitality Group Ltd.: Private Company Information - Busin Get Australian Leisure Hospitality Group Ltd. company research investing information. Find executive management and the latest company developments. http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot.asp?capId=92 |
24. Australian Leisure And Hospitality Establishments, Win 1 Of 10 Vespas, Closes 12 Subject Australian Leisure and Hospitality establishments, Win 1 of 10 Vespas, closes 12pm Dark Enigma http://lottos.com.au/forum/viewthreadlite.php?tid=214259 |
25. Australian Leisure & Hospitality Group Limited (75% Owned By Woolworths Limited) ACCC home The ACCC Public registers Mergers register By year Australian Leisure Hospitality Group Limited (75% owned by Woolworths Limited) proposed acquisition of 5 http://www.accc.gov.au/content/index.phtml/itemId/794625/fromItemId/751043 |
26. Australian Leisure And Recreation Web Site Directory - Advance Australia Fair Advance Australia Fair Showcasing the newest Australian Leisure / Recreation Web Sites to be added to our online directory. http://www.advanceaustraliafair.com/leisure-recreation/ | |
27. Australian Leisure / A.J. Veal And Rob Lynch | National Library Of Australia Available in the National Library of Australia collection. Author Veal, Anthony James; Format Book; xxiv, 487 p. ill., ports. ; 25 cm. http://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/1066472 |
28. GlobeNet Travel - The Leader In Australian Leisure Travel GlobeNet Travel is the leader in Australian Leisure Travel. This full service, no fee travel agency allows you to plan and book with an experienced Consultant for the latest http://www.globenettravel.com.au/ |
29. AUSTRALIAN LEISURE, HEALTH AND FITNESS, GYMNASIUMS, HEALTH, FITNESS, AUSTRALIA Australian Leisure including health and fitness, gymnasiums, fitness centres, hair dressers and therapeutic treatment. http://www.australianexplorer.com/leisure/index.html |
30. Splash Magazine Listings - Australian Leisure Facilities Association PO Box 1322 SPLASH! is the leading magazine for the Australasian swimming pool and spa industry. http://www.splashmagazine.com.au/business/australian-leisure-facilities-associat |
31. Australian Leisure & Hospitality Group - ALH - Intelligent Investor Australian Leisure Hospitality Group ALH There’s been a lot of attention directed towards the joint takeover bid for Australian Leisure and Hospitality (ALH) by http://www.intelligentinvestor.com.au/articles/Australian-Leisure-and-Hospitalit |
32. Subscribers Only - Login - Intelligent Investor There have been no questions answered about Australian Leisure Hospitality Group. Submit a question http://www.intelligentinvestor.com.au/companies/company-details/Australian-Leisu |
33. Australian Leisure & Hospitality Group ("ALH Group") Australian Leisure Hospitality Group ( ALH Group ) is a full subsidiary of Carlton and United Breweries. Between 1 July 2000 and 28 July 2000 the ALH Group incorrectly http://www.accc.gov.au/content/index.phtml/itemId/331382 |
34. ALH Group - History In 2005 Bruandwo changed its name to ALH Group Pty Ltd and the operations of Australian Leisure and Hospitality Group, MGW Hotels and the Hotel interests of the Mathieson family http://www.alhgroup.com.au/history.html | |
35. Australian Leisure Facilities Association (ALFA) - Company Profile | LinkedIn This is the limited version of the Australian Leisure Facilities Association (ALFA) company profile Join LinkedIn or Sign In to see more information. http://www.linkedin.com/companies/australian-leisure-facilities-association-alfa | |
36. Australian Leisure Facilities Association views 2 rating not rated reviews 0 posted 4/1/2010 language English pages 15 http://www.docstoc.com/docs/32468899/Australian-Leisure-Facilities-Association |
37. AUSTRALIAN LEISURE AND HOSPITALITY GROUP LIMITED - Company Profile And Status At AUSTRALIAN LEISURE AND HOSPITALITY GROUP LIMITED deListed provides company details, current status, previous names, shareholder links, registry contacts and news and events. http://www.delisted.com.au/Company/844/AUSTRALIAN LEISURE AND HOSPITALITY GROUP | |
38. Australian Leisure And Hospitality Group Australian Leisure and Hospitality Group helps people live it up at our leading portfolio of pubs across Australia We employ more http://www.hotfrog.com.au/Companies/Australian-Leisure-And-Hospitality-Group_185 |
39. Australian Leisure And Hospitality Australian Leisure and Hospitality. Design for multi site operators is an important part of RED's portfolio. Often this involves creating a palette of finishes and a modular http://www.reddesigngroup.com.au/projects/alh.aspx | |
40. OzGateway - The Latest In Australian Leisure Web Sites. Surf Australia First with OzGateway Your Gateway to the latest in Australian Leisure Web Sites. http://www.ozgateway.com.au/directory/leisure.shtml | |
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