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21. Centre For Information Studies - Charles Sturt University Based at Charles Sturt University, the center aims to support and commission high quality research, publications and continuing professional development in library and information science, teacher librarianship and Australian literature for young people. Contains information about publications and ordering procedures. http://www.csu.edu.au/faculty/educat/sis/CIS/ | |
22. Australian Literature: Information From Answers.com Australian literature, the literature of Australia. Because the vast majority of early Australian settlers were transported prisoners, the beginnings of Australian literature http://www.answers.com/topic/australian-literature | |
23. The Cambridge History Of Australian Literature - Cambridge University Press The Cambridge History of Australian Literature Edited by Peter Pierce James Cook University, North Queensland. View list of contributors http://www.cambridge.org/aus/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521881654 |
24. The Wondering Minstrels: Strugnell's Sonnets (iv) -- Wendy Cope Text of this poem, background information on the poet and his place in Australian literature, and explanation of some terms used. http://www.cs.rice.edu/~ssiyer/minstrels/poems/1573.html |
25. American Association Of Australasian Literary Studies American Association of Australasian Literary Studies home page The American Association of Australasian Literary Studies (AAALS), established in 1986, is a professional http://australianliterature.org/ | |
26. Australian Language, Letters And Literature - Australia's Culture Portal Under Kenneth Slessor's editorial stint in the late 1950s, the subtitle a review of Australian literature was added and the publication continued to develop as an outlet for http://www.cultureandrecreation.gov.au/articles/literature/ | |
27. Australian Literary Studies: Publishing Scholarship And Criticism On Australian A journal publishing critical articles on Australian literature. Features subscription details. http://www.als.id.au/ | |
28. Australian Literature Fiction, poetry and nonfiction from writers all over the world, throughout history. A literary journey through Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. http://www.suite101.com/australian-literature |
29. Vanessa Radnidge – Publisher Interview | The Australian Literature Review Oct 25, 2010 For those unfamiliar with your role, what does it involve? I love my job and feel privileged to work with an author and my colleagues to deliver a book to readers. http://auslit.net/2010/10/25/vanessa-radnidge-publisher-interview/ | |
30. Antipodes: A Global Journal Of Australian/New Zealand Literature Antipodes is a peerreviewed journal indexed in both the MLA International Bibliography and in AustLit The Resource for Australian Literature. http://australianliterature.org/Antipodes_Home.htm | |
31. Australian Literature And The Nationalist Period - Encyclopedia Of Australia | H Australian Literature and the Nationalist Period find Encyclopedia of Australia articles. div id= bedoc-text BR Encyclopedia of AustraliaBR 01-01-1999BR brThe Bulletin or http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-29435197.html |
32. Australian Literature Resources in Australian literature and literary studies Guides to Australian Literature. Australian Literature to 1900 A Guide to Information Resources (Andrews Wilde Gale, 1980) http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/English/Australian.html | |
33. Chegg.com: Australian Literature By Huggan, Graham | 0199274622 | 9780199274628 Rent and Save a ton on Australian Literature by Huggan, Graham.ISBN 0199274622 EAN 9780199274628 http://www.chegg.com/details/australian-literature/0199274622/ | |
34. National Library Of Australia | Australian Literature: Selected Websites Australian literature Selected websites General. These are general sites for researching Australian literature on the Internet and provide a starting place for researchers http://www.nla.gov.au/oz/litsites.html | |
35. Association For The Study Of Australian Literature This Association for the Study of Australian Literature promotes the study, discussion and creation of Australian writing. It also seeks to increase awareness of Australian http://asaliterature.com/ | |
36. AUSTRALIAN-LITERATURE.mediaglow.com | All Things Australian Literature 22/06/2010 www.abc.net.au Reporter Leigh Sales Crime writer Peter Temple has won Australia's richest and most respected literary prize for a novel based on Black Saturday. http://australian-literature.love.com/ |
37. Bspgallery: Australian Litrature A-L bsp gallery old and rare books, Australian literature, writing poetry in Australia, craft of composing stories, dictionaries http://www.bspgallery.com.au/austlit.htm | |
38. Australian Literature Bibliography of Australian literature with links to many free ebooks by Australian authors and authors who wrote about Australia http://freeread.com.au/ | |
39. Australian Literature Definition Of Australian Literature In The Free Online Enc Australian literature, the literature of Australia. Because the vast majority of early Australian settlers were transported prisoners, the beginnings of Australian literature were http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Australian literature |
40. Australian Literature - Fun Facts And Information Fun Facts about Australian Literature. Interesting factoids, information and answers. http://www.funtrivia.com/en/Literature/Australian-Literature-12011.html |
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