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21. Austria - The 1945 Election And Consolidation Of The Austrian Government Austria Table of Contents. The first national election since 1930 was held on November 25, 1945. Nazi Party members were barred from participation. http://countrystudies.us/austria/44.htm | |
22. - Bloomberg Austria’s Social Democrats and the probusiness People’s Party have agreed to renew their coalition government as the credit crisis threatens to hamper economic growth. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=a4eKcPwuduQU&refe |
23. The Austrian Government Will Take Control Of Bank Medici After the Bank Medici admitted that he owned investment funds to invest in scandalous known New York stockbroker Bernard Medoffa (Bernard Madoff), resulting in losses of depositors http://bnott.com/3697.html | |
24. Austrian Government Plans Registered Gay Partnerships - From Pink News - All The Predominantly Roman Catholic, Austria has an equal age of consent and gay people are allowed to serve in the military. http://www.pinknews.co.uk/news/articles/2005-5849.html |
25. NationMaster - Austrian Government Statistics Government statistics on Austria. 134 facts and figures, stats and information on Austrian Government. Source All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008 http://www.nationmaster.com/country/au-austria/gov-government |
26. BBC News | EUROPE | Austrian Government Stands By Haider Austrian Chanceller Wolfgang Schuessel defends the decision of farright leader Joerg Haider to step down as leader of the Freedom Party. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/661840.stm | |
27. Austrian Government | Dubai Travel DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, June 16/PRNewswire/ More Than 1000 Personalities Attend the Event Roads Transport Authority - Mohammed Al Munji http://www.dubai-travels.net/tag/austrian-government |
28. Bundeskanzleramt Österreich Austria is a federal republic state with a parliamentary democracy. Austria with a total area of 83,858 km2 consists of 9 independent federal states. http://www.austria.gv.at/ | |
29. Austrian Government Official To Attend Hapsburg Beatification Skip to comments. Austrian government official to attend Hapsburg beatification Catholic World News ^ September 13, 2004 Posted on 09/14/2004 23613 PM PDT by royalcello http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/1215963/posts | |
30. - Bloomberg Austria's People's Party said its coalition government with Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer's Social Democrats was over, after talks on revamping the health system collapsed amid a http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=arKdkjP04IEw&refe |
31. Austrian Government Approves Same-sex Partnership Rights VIENNA The Austrian government agreed Tuesday to introduce a form of civil union for same-sex couples, which will grant some, but not all, of the rights enjoyed by married http://blog.taragana.com/law/2009/11/17/austrian-government-approves-same-sex-pa | |
32. Austrian Government Nationalizes First Bank - Trichet Involved | IStockAnalyst.c The wheels are coming off the Austrian banking cart. On Monday morning Austria's redeyed conservative Finance Minister Josef Pr ll was happy to present a solution for ailing http://www.istockanalyst.com/article/viewarticle/articleid/3709996 | |
33. Austrian Government Member Visits ECSA’s Office In Brussels Ecsa Claudia Schmied, Federal Minister for Education, the Arts and Culture of the Republic of Austria visited ECSA’s Brussels Office on 10th of May. http://www.composeralliance.org/?p=82 |
34. AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT | Siasat What is your idea for India finishing second in medals tally in CWG? http://www.siasat.com/scholarships/austrian-government | |
35. Austrian Government Approves Same-sex Partnership Rights | TopNews Austrian government approves samesex partnership rightsVienna - The Austrian government agreed Tuesday to introduce a form of civil union for same-sex couples, which will grant http://www.topnews.in/austrian-government-approves-samesex-partnership-rights-22 |
36. Austrian Government Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Austrian government, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Austrian government. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Austrian-government/139719722714612 | |
37. » SCHOLARSHIPS IN AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT : Scholarships In India AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT. Courses of Study (a) Tourism Management (b) Hotel Management Management (No scholarship is offered. It is meant for self paying students) http://edudiary.com/scholarships/scholarships-in-austrian-government/ | |
38. Austrian Government Attempts To Frame Jane Burgermeister « Case About Bird Flu The Austrian government’s and Big Pharma’s ludicrous agenda to frame Jane Burgermeister and get her jailed has now reached a new level. Anyone who thought that judges and http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2010/07/31/austrian-government-makes-ludicrous-a |
39. Cryptogon.com » Austrian Government Study Confirms Genetically Modified Crops Th Austrian Government Study Confirms Genetically Modified Crops Threaten Human Fertility and Health Safety November 21st, 2008 . Via Institute for Responsible Technology http://cryptogon.com/?p=5201 |
40. Austrian Government - Policy, Law & Economics News - Polity.org.za Policy, Law, Economics and Politics Deepening Democracy through Access to Information http://www.polity.org.za/topic/austrian-government |
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