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21. Astor Furseth - AVALANCHE DISASTERS IN NORWAY AVALANCHE DISASTERS IN NORWAY The first overview of all types of avalanche and landslide, including information about more http://home.c2i.net/astorfurseth/skredeng.html | |
22. 2009 Zigana Avalanche - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The 2009 Zigana avalanche was an avalanche that occurred on January 25, 2009 at around 1115 local time (0915 UTC) on Mount Zigana, G m şhane Province in northeastern Turkey. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_Zigana_avalanche | |
23. Avalanche! | Natural Disasters | DISCOVER Magazine If a scientist stands in the way of 150 tons of snow crashing down a mountain at 50 mph, can he figure out why it let loose and when it will again?. Visit Discover Magazine to read http://discovermagazine.com/1999/dec/featavalanche |
24. Avalanche Disasters, By John W. Jenkins | Colorado Central Magazine | Colorado N Review by Allen Best Colorado History June 2001 - Colorado Central Magazine Colorado Avalanche Disasters An Untold Story of the Old West by John W. http://cozine.com/2001-june/avalanche-disasters-by-john-w-jenkins/ |
25. List Of Natural Disasters - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia * Estimate by Nova's sources are close to 4 million and yet Encarta's sources report as few as 1 million. Expert estimates report wide variance. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_disasters | |
26. Major Colorado Disasters Major Colorado Disasters Colorado has been hit with disasters in the past that have killed hundreds, required evacuations and resulted in having certain areas of the state bei ng http://www.readycolorado.com/pdf/coloradodisasters.pdf |
27. Colorado Avalanche Disasters By John W Jenkins (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibr Alibris has Colorado Avalanche Disasters and other books by John W Jenkins, including new used copies, rare, outof-print signed editions, and more. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/qwork/1187086/used/Colorado Avalanche Disast |
28. Let's Play!- Menu - Civil Protection For Youths Come Play with S curo! Emergency Kit Game Become Safety Ready It's Your turn! Puzzles Memory Game Hangman's Game Math Games Test Your Knowledge http://www.msp.gouv.qc.ca/jeunesse/viensjouer/viensjouer_en.html | |
29. Juneau, Alaska Residents Facing Highest Risk From Monster Avalanche Disasters - Juneau, Alaska residents facing highest risk from monster avalanche disasters http://www.greendiary.com/entry/juneau-alaska-residents-facing-highest-risk-from |
30. Modern Hard Drives Prone To ‘Avalanche’ Disasters? | Gadget Lab | Wired.com Jul 24, 2007 In case you're running short on things to worry about, researchers are now warning about an obscure hard drive condition that could become a real danger as http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2007/07/modern-hard-dri/?intcid=postnav |
31. Avalanches Summary | BookRags.com Avalanches Snow Falling Down Mountains. Avalanches summary with 75 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/researchtopics/avalanches/02.html |
32. The 10 Worst Snow Disasters In History: Scientific American 218 B.C.. Alps. Avalanches decimate Hannibal s armies as they try to cross the Alps with elephants. Twenty thousand soldiers and many elephants are lost. 1618. Plurs http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=the-10-worst-snow-disaste |
33. Famine 2010/2011; Snow Avalanche/disasters… | Famine 2010/2011; Snow Avalanche Famine 2010/2011; Snow avalanche/disasters…,a time for new invention/discoveries too! Important Days from 27/01/2010, Wednesday; 0930 am (IST) onwards The Moon enters the http://2011astrology.com/famine-20102011-snow-avalanchedisasters.html | |
34. Colorado Avalanche Disasters : Target Search Results Privacy + Security Cookies + Targeted Advertising Terms + Conditions California Privacy Rights About This Site 2010 Target.com. http://www.target.com/s?keywords=Colorado Avalanche Disasters&url=index=targ |
35. RTRI REPORT Vol.12 No.12 ABSTRACT New Alarm System for Preventing Avalanche Disasters Using Vibration Sensors. Shigehiro IIKURA, Katsuhisa KAWASHIMA, Toru ENDO Ryoji IZUNAMI, Toshishige FUJII http://www.rtri.or.jp/infoce/rtrirep/1998/abst/rep12_papers2.html | |
36. Two Snowmobilers Killed In Utah Avalanche - CNN Two snowmobilers died Wednesday in an avalanche on Logan Peak north of Salt Lake City, Utah, a sheriff's department official said.Lt. Matt Bilodeau of the Cache County Sheriff's http://articles.cnn.com/2008-12-24/us/utah.avalanche_1_utah-avalanche-snowmobile |
37. Ingentaconnect Prevention And Mitigation Of Avalanche Disasters In Western Himal The full text electronic article is available for purchase. You will be able to download the full text electronic article after payment. $47.00 plus tax http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/klu/nhaz/2004/00000031/00000002/05138819?c |
38. Worst Avalanche In US History: Two Snowbound Trains Tumble In Washington's Casca After days of blizzards and delays, an avalanche on Windy Mountain near the town of Wellington, Washington killed 96 people traveling on the Great Northern Railroad. http://www.suite101.com/content/worst-avalanche-in-us-history-a47220 |
39. CM Magazine: Disaster Alert! Avalanche and Landslide Alert! (Disaster Alert!). Amanda Bishop and Vanessa Walker. St. Catharines, ON Crabtree, 2005. 32 pp., pbk. cl., $9.86 (pbk.), $20.76 (RLB). http://umanitoba.ca/outreach/cm/vol11/no20/disasteralert.html | |
40. Disasters In 2009: Fires, Hurricanes, Crashes, Tornadoes, Floods — Infoplease. Find information about the major natural and unnatural disasters of 2009, including fires, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, tornadoes, wild fires, plane crashes, explosions, and more. http://www.infoplease.com/world/disasters/2009.html | |
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