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101. CAA.ro Romanian Civil Aviation regulatory body. Authorizations, airspace administration, licenses, aviation rules, and Romanian aviation data base. http://www.caa.ro | |
102. Academy Of Model Aeronautics AMA is a self-supporting, non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote development of model aviation as a recognized sport and worthwhile recreation activity. http://www.modelaircraft.org/ |
103. Progress Aero Works - Precision Engineering - Home Of Eifflaender's PAW Diesel E Contact details and information on the PAW range of diesel engines for model aviation use. http://www.eifflaender.com | |
104. Modèles Réduits D'avions à L'échelle Cacahuète - Peanut Scale Information, plans, and links concerning free flight model aviation worldwide. http://peanut.scale.free.fr/ |
105. The Magnificent Mountain Men Freeflight Club Of Colorado Denver, Colorado - Free flight model aviation group s, information, events, pictures, contacts, and related links. http://themmmclub.com/ | |
106. Ozark Model Aviation Dedicated to the advancement and promotion of free flight scale modeling by offering flight tested scale model blueprints and kits. http://www.ozarkmodelaviation.com | |
107. Tailspin Aviation - Specializing In Free Flight Models And Supplies Specializing in free flight kits, plans, tools, and supplies. http://tailspinaviation.com | |
108. NSW Free Flight Society Inc. - Home Page Governing body for free flight model aviation in New South Wales, Australia. http://www.nswffs.com.au/ | |
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