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1. California Churches For Sale On LoopNet.com Search our large selection of California Churches for sale on LoopNet.com. Find California brokers specializing in Churches. Get California recent sales comparables, California http://www.loopnet.com/California_Churches-For-Sale/ |
2. California Churches For Lease On LoopNet.com Search our large selection of California Churches for lease on LoopNet.com. Find California brokers specializing in Churches. Get California recent sales comparables, California http://www.loopnet.com/California_Churches-For-Lease/ |
3. California - Directory Of Churches In California. Directory of California Churches. Find your California, church in our huge list of churches in the United States http://www.churchangel.com/californ.htm |
4. Los Angeles CA Churches Los Angeles California Churches Hotels Los Angeles California Travel and Churches in the Los Angeles area, Los Angeles CA Los Angeles Hotels. Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, San Francisco, Disneyland, Campgrounds, Beaches http://2getgold.com/ca/los_angeles/churches/index.html | |
5. Crockett Churches In Crockett CA - Phone, Website, Email And Church Contact Info From the Menu of California Churches. http://www.churchangel.com/WEBCA/crockett.htm |
6. California Council Of Churches And California Church IMPACT The California Council of Churches serves as a prophetic witness to the Christian gospel for 4,000 congregations throughout California. http://www.calchurches.org/ | |
7. Sacramento Churches And Religion (Sacramento, CA) Data based on 2006 data gathered for Sacramento California Churches. AreaConnect does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. http://sacramento.areaconnect.com/churches.htm |
8. Lakeside Temple Of Practical Christianity Oakland, California church features classes, church services and counseling based on New Thought, Applied Christian Metaphysics. http://www.lakesidetemple.org/ |
9. California Churches Find California churches that are right for you http://www.flockfinder.com/churches_in_california.jsp |
10. No Records Found Maps and satellite views of California church. California Churches Number of records returned 320 First Previous Next 100 Last http://ipicture.mobi/?r=a&f=church&s=CA&a1=N |
11. City Of Angels Church Los Angeles, California church. Features minister s biography, belief statements, church directory and bookstore. http://www.cityofangelschurch.com/ |
12. California Churches a list of some of the Christian churches in California Note there are thousands of churches in California. These are but a few hundred of them. http://across.co.nz/churches.california.html | |
13. The Banner -California Churches Combine For Christmas Musical Published monthly by the Christian Reformed Church in North America. http//www.crcna.org The Banner magazine shows how the Christian faith in its Reformed expression makes http://www.thebanner.org/magazine/article.cfm?article_id=246 |
14. Science Of Mind - Religious Science - New Thought Norco, California church. Offers belief statement, prayer requests, magazine, bookstore, contact information, and service schedule. http://www.visions-center.com/ | |
15. CALIFORNIA CHURCHES American Canyon. Calvary Baptist Church, Pastor Marshall Stevens, 117 Theresa Avenue, American Canyon, CA 94589. Anaheim. Pioneer Bible Baptist Church (Korean), Pastor Kyeong W http://www.biblebelievers.com/churches/churches_CA.html | |
16. Special Tax Requirements For California Churches And Ministries! | StartCHURCH E Open 7 days a week 9AM9PM EST * Call us toll free 877-494-4655 * Hablamos Espa ol! http://startchurch.com/blog/view/name/special-tax-requirements-for-california-ch |
17. Seaside Center For Spiritual Living Encinitas, California church. Features information on church, ministries, audio talks, events, staff and prayer requests. http://www.seasidechurch.org/ | |
18. California Churches Directory of California churches. Find churches in California of all denominations including Baptist, Catholic, and Methodist churches. http://www.usachurches.org/church-in-ca.htm |
19. California Churches Find Haven With Ugandan Bishops.(World/Nation)(Brief Article California churches find haven with Ugandan bishops.(World/Nation)(Brief Article) find National Catholic Reporter articles. div id= bedoc-text By RELIGION NEWS http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-122105394.html |
20. Herbert W Armstrong Church God Faithful Flock Modesto, California. Church faithful to the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong. http://www.cog-ff.com/ | |
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