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         Cat Breeds Pets:     more books (100)
  1. The Complete Cat Book: An Encyclopedia of Cats, Cat Breeds and Cat Care by Paddy Cutts, 2000-01-03
  2. Mixed-Breed Cats: Everything About Purchase, Care, Nutrition, Health Care, Behavior, and Showing (Complete Pet Owner's Manual) by Karen Leigh Davis, 1999-09
  3. New Guide to Cat Breeds (Illustrated Encyclopedias) by Alan Edwards, 2002-07-25
  4. Siamese Cats (Complete Pet Owner's Manual) by Marjorie Collier, 2006-01-01
  5. An Identification Guide to Cat Breeds by Jill Caravan, 1996-02
  7. The Handbook of Cat Breeds: Cat Care by Gibson, 2002-10
  8. The Big Book of Cat Breeds by Grace McHattie, Alan Edwards, 1999-10
  9. Bengal Cats (Complete Pet Owner's Manual) by Dan Rice DVM, 2005-02-01
  10. The Longhaired Cat: An Owner's Guide to a Happy Healthy Pet by Anna Sadler, 1996-08-06
  11. Breeding Purebred Cats by Anne S. Moore, 1981-06
  12. Persian Cats (Complete Pet Owner's Manual) by Ulrike Muller, Colleen Power, 2004-10-01
  13. The Complete Cat Owner's Manual by Susan Page, 1997-12-29
  14. Jungle Cat Hybrid: A Whole New Breed of Cat by Charles Duane Cunningham, 2002-07

21. A Look At Cat Breeds | Pets And Animals
Over the last thousands of years, cats have pretty much handled their breeding themselves. In the beginning, they were used for one purpose hunting and killing rodents. As the Authors and Readers Meet Here
By rdokoye
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Over the last thousands of years, cats have pretty much handled their breeding themselves. In the beginning, they were used for one purpose - hunting and killing rodents. As the years progressed, we began to breed cats more to our liking. Now days, there are several different breeds of cats - which you can tell if you look closely.
These days there are over 70 distinct cat breeds, which are recognized through cat registries. There are several registries that will recognize around 40 breeds or so, as they exclude the more domestic breeds such as tigers. There are also many variations as well, including wild cats that have longer hair.
There are some cat breeds who have roots going back quite a bit in history. Some Japanese breeds, such as the Japanese Bobtail, can be traced back more than 1,000 years in history. These cats were very common and well known throughout Medieval Japan. Now days though, they are all but a myth throughout Japan and the entire world.
The more common cat breeds that are found in North America include the alley cat, long haired cat, and Persian cat. Siamese cats are also common, although they are well known to be destructive and to have a foul temper. Persian cats are very popular, proving to be loving companions. Persian cats can be very expense, depending on where you get it and what type of Persian cat it is.

22. Cats, Cat Care For Cat Breeds With Pictures Of Cats
Cat Mutations Cat breeds that do not have an ancient history and are based on an unusual and distinctive genetic characteristic or mutation. New cat breeds are developed based on

23. Challenge
Pets Articles Cat Breeds by Joseph M. Sabol GoArticles Article Directory

24. Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds -  With Pictures Of Hypoallergenic Cats
Hypoallergenic cats. Pictures breed descriptions A hypoallergenic cat is less likely than other cats to produce allergic reactions in some people.

25. Dog Breeds, Cat Breeds, & Pets - Family Pet Guide - Family Pet Guide. Find information about pet dogs, cats, and small mammals. Find information about pet care needs, compatibility with kids, and more.
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26.,1999blog5622817850853449301. 2010-10-25T213554.598-0700. Cat Breeds. Cat Breeds, Pet Cat, Cat Information . Beve.

27. Cat Breeds? - Pets Forum - GardenWeb
This forum is for the discussion of pets, and not for discussions by pets! Pets are prohibited from posting to our forums! And we mean that! Geez, they never listen
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Cat Breeds?
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Posted by My Page ) on Thu, Apr 9, 09 at 17:06 We plan to get another cat and I want to start investigating what we want. What we're looking for is a cat to stay small and talk a lot, yet not be an attention hog. Is there such a cat? And it must get along with the Maine Coon and two dogs. My, that's asking a lot isn't it?
Also, if anyone can recommend a good site to look through, I appreciate that too.
Thank you,
Carla Follow-Up Postings:
RE: Cat Breeds?
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I would not focus so much on cat breeds. As much as dogs display somewhat reliable personality traits among breeds, cats do not follow any of those rules as far as I can tell. OTOH, Abyssians are wonderfully affectionate cats who seem to get along with everyone no matter what species.
RE: Cat Breeds?

28. Your Guide To Cat Breeds - Pets
Your Guide to Cat Breeds plus articles and information on Pets
Pet And Animal Companion Information hopfeed_template=''; hopfeed_align='LEFT'; hopfeed_type='IFRAME'; hopfeed_affiliate_tid=''; hopfeed_affiliate='unclaimed3'; hopfeed_fill_slots='true'; hopfeed_height='90'; hopfeed_width='728'; hopfeed_cellpadding='5'; hopfeed_rows='1'; hopfeed_cols='4'; hopfeed_font='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif'; hopfeed_font_size='9pt'; hopfeed_font_color='000000'; hopfeed_border_color='FFFFFF'; hopfeed_link_font_color='3300FF'; hopfeed_link_font_hover_color='3300FF'; hopfeed_background_color='FFFFFF'; hopfeed_keywords='pet, pets, dog, pet dog'; hopfeed_path=''; hopfeed_link_target='_blank';
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Your Guide to Cat Breeds
For the first 8,000 years of their relationship with humans, cats pretty much took care of their own breeding. People kept them for one purpose - hunting rodent - and they are already perfectly designed for that. More than 100 years ago, however, we began systematically breeding cats to appeal to our aesthetic tastes. Hair length, color, coat pattern, as well as head and leg proportions contribute to the "look" of specific breeds.Look at enough cat bodies and faces, and you'll see two distinctly different types.

29. Hairless Cat Breeds | Pets - Exotic, Animals, Stories
For many people, the first introduction to hairless cats probably came from the Austen Powers movie featuring a feline character named Mr. Bigglesworth. This cat started out fluffy
Sunday, November 14, 2010 News Feed Comments
Pets - Exotic, Animals, Stories
Exotic Pets, Pets Animals, Pet Stories You are here: Home Cats / Hairless Cat Breeds
Hairless Cat Breeds
June 1, 2010 by
Filed under Cats Featured Leave a Comment Donskoy hairless cats In 1993 Donskoy hairless cats were mated with Oriental and Siamese cats, creating an oriental hairless cat breed known as the Peterbald.  A mating between an Oriental tortoiseshell female and a brown mackerel tabby Donskoy male resulted in the first Peterbald kittens being born in 1994. The Donskoy male was also mated with a Russian Blue and the kittens from this mating were incorporated into the Peterbald breeding program, so becoming foundation cats of this hairless cat breed. The Donskoy originally comes from Russia, where Elena Kovaleva rescued a kitten in 1987 from being abused. Due to stress the kitten started losing its hair. This hairless cat later on gave birth to kittens who soon after birth started losing their hair. Irina Nemikina who is a professional cat breeder took a kitten and bred a new breed of hairless cats which she called the Don Sphynx. In TICA registries it is known as the Donskoy. The Sphynx T he Ukrainian Levkoy Tags: Breeds Cat Exotic Pets Hairless ... Pets Animals
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30. Pet Cat Breed Facts And Information
Reveal cat breed facts and information, how to select and pick the right cat feline breed.
Dog Cat Fish Horse ... Guinea Pig
List of Cat Breed Facts - History, Behavior and Health Care
Cat Health Problems - Feline Illnesses, Diseases and Viruses

31. YouTube - Persian Cat
More cat breeds pets on highres or broadcast video available at CATS DOGS is a series of 6 documentaries about breeding pets. More information at WWW

32. Two Unusual Rare Cat Breeds | Pets And Animals
There are many types of cats, you have your exotic cats, you have your domestic tabby cats and then you have your more unusual rare cat breeds. If you are looking for a rare cat br Authors and Readers Meet Here
By GloriaG
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There are many types of cats, you have your exotic cats, you have your domestic tabby cats and then you have your more unusual rare cat breeds. If you are looking for a rare cat breed then you have a few options that your can choose from. Here we will discuss the Sphinx and the British Shorthair, both rare and both very beautiful cats.
The Sphinx is a rare cat breed that you might want to think about and one of the most unforgettable since they are hairless. In fact the Sphinx is not always completely hairless there can be a fine down on the body, similar to that on a newborn baby.
One of the features that make them so extraordinary is the surface of the Sphinx skin. It has been compared to a suede-covered hot water bottle of heated chamois. These are impressive cats which are medium sized and strong. They characteristically have strong boning and superior muscle development and the adult cats tend to be bigger than the female cats.
As well, this rare cat breed requires a particular cat diet, so you are required to make sure that you are feeding them the correct foods if you want them to be healthy and do their best.

33. Unusual Cat Breeds - Pets -
A New York City cat specialist introduces several types of cat breeds you may not have heard of. Find out which are best suited for you and your lifestyle. Cat Br

34. Different Cat Breeds | Pets Lobby
Whenever you next think about cats, you just have to turn to this article. It is a complete resource on cats. Ever wondered why cats were called cats?
RSS Jul 2008
Different Cat Breeds
Cats Pets Whenever you next think about cats, you just have to turn to this article. It is a complete resource on cats. Ever wondered why cats were called cats? If you read this article, you are sure to find out the answer. As the information we produce in our writing on cats may be utilized by the reader for informative purposes, it is very important that the information we provide be true. We have indeed maintained this. Over the last thousands of years, cats have pretty much handled their breeding themselves. In the beginning, they were used for one purpose - hunting and killing rodents. As the years progressed, we began to breed cats more to our liking. Now days, there are several different breeds of cats - which you can tell if you look closely. These days there are over 70 distinct cat breeds, which are recognized through cat registries. There are several registries that will recognize around 40 breeds or so, as they exclude the more domestic breeds such as tigers. There are also many variations as well, including wild cats that have longer hair. There are some cat breeds who have roots going back quite a bit in history. Some Japanese breeds, such as the Japanese Bobtail, can be traced back more than 1,000 years in history. These cats were very common and well known throughout Medieval Japan. Now days though, they are all but a myth throughout Japan and the entire world.

35. Cat Breeds | Pets Lobby
Whenever you next think about cats, you just have to turn to this article. It is a complete resource on cats. Ever wondered why cats were called cats?
Whenever you next think about cats, you just have to turn to this article. It is a complete resource on cats. Ever wondered why cats were called cats? If you read this article, you are sure to find out the answer. As the information we produce in our writing on cats may be utilized by the reader for informative purposes, it is very important that the information we provide be true. We have indeed maintained this. Over the last thousands of years, cats have pretty much handled their breeding themselves. In the beginning, they were used for one purpose - hunting and killing rodents. COMMENTS Jul 2008
Different Cat Breeds
Cats Pets Tags: cat breeds cat care cat info cat tips ... different cats
Siamese cats are wonderful people-loving cats. They are stubborn and demanding and it’s difficult to deny them anything. Some Siamese see the world outside and won’t take no for answer. They slip out between our legs as we walk in with groceries. They howl at the window. They stand by the door, watching us, waiting for an opportunity. It’s tough not to give in, but by not giving in, your cat will live a longer and better life. Cars are only one danger to outdoor cats. Other dangers include strangers, and dogs. Other people can steal a cat. Knowingly or unknowingly, a neighbor might leave out a poison. Dogs can frighten a cat and disorient it. Dogs can attack.

36. Non Shedding Cat Breeds
If you are interested in non shedding cat breeds because you would like to have a cat as a pet but are not interested in having to follow them around cleaning up cat fur, then

37. YouTube - Persian Cat
More cat breeds pets on highres or broadcast video available at CATS DOGS is a series of 6 documentaries about breeding pets. More information at WWW

38. Cat Breeds | Pets & Pet Care | Dogs, Cats, Fish, Reptiles, Breeding
Bombay Cat The late Nikki Horner, from Louisville, Kentucky set her sights on producing a coppereyed black shorthaired cat with the exotic appearance of a “mini”, or “parlor
Cat Breeds
Laperm Cat Absolutely adorable, these cats look as if they should belong to a hairstylist with too much time on their hands. Their coat has a distinctive permed appearance which many believe is a mutation that appeared spontaneously from domestic farm cats. The original LaPerms are said to have been developed on an Oregon farm [...]
Egyptian Mau
Russian Blue
Russian Blue Cat Russian Blue cats are always blue, although the shade of blue may change a from cat to cat. Ideally they should be an even shade of bright blue with a silver tipping the hairs giving the coat a shimmering and lustrous appearance. No white markings are allowed on purebred Russians, although kittens [...]
Main Coon
Main Coon Cat Maine Coons are known for their large size, with females averaging up to 16 pounds and males up to 18, with some tipping the scales at 20-plus pounds. With a long, shaggy coat that lays close to the body, a bushy long tail, tufted paw pads and large ears adorned with furry [...]
Abyssinian Cat An elegant looking cat with a muscular body and arched neck. A good Abyssinian will have large ears and almond shaped eyes. They still resemble their wild ancestors, despite years of selective breeding. The name actually points to the country the cats were first imported from, and not actually their country of origin. [...]

39. Challenge
Pets Articles Five Most Popular Cat Breeds by Lucky Cat Furniture GoArticles Article Directory

40. Cat Breeds | Pets Blog
Top Five Cat Breeds. Yazan admin 03 April 2009 No Comments Categories Cats. Choose a breed of cats can be a little intimidating, especially if you do not know much about cats!

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