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         Cat Breeds Pets:     more books (100)
  1. Somali Cats: Everything About Acquisition, Care, Nutrition, Behavior, Health Care, and Breeding (Complete Pet Owner's Manual) by Karen Leigh Davis, 1996-09
  2. Guide to Owning a Bengal Cat by Jean S. Mill, 1997-12
  3. Guide to Owning a Siamese Cat by Brenda Yule, 1997-04
  4. The British Shorthair Cat: Everything About Acquisitions, Care, Nutrition, Behavior, Health Care, and Breeding (Complete Pet Owner's Manual) by Friedhelm Lessmeier, 1997-08
  5. Himalayan Cats (Complete Pet Owner's Manual) by J. Anne Helgren, 2006-09-01
  6. Mixed Breed Cats (Our Best Friends) by Janice Biniok, 2010-03
  7. Birman Cats: Everything About Acquisition, Care, Nutrition, Breeding, Health Care, and Behavior (Complete Pet Owner's Manual) by Phil Maggitti, 1996-08
  8. Cats in May (Doreen Tovey Cat Books) by Doreen Tovey, 2008-05-13
  9. Scottish Fold Cats: Everything About Acquisition, Care, Nutrition, Behavior, Health Care, and Breeding (A Complete Pet Owner's Manual) by Phil Maggitti, 1993-02
  10. How to Get Your Cat to Do What You Want by Warren Eckstein, Fay Eckstein, 1996-08-27
  11. Abyssinian Cats: Everything About Acquisition, Care, Nutrition, Behavior, Health Care, and Breeding (Barron's Compete Pet Owner's Manuals) by J. Anne Helgren, 1995-04
  12. Cat Cuties (and Kittens to Coo Over) by Karen Prince, 2005-01-25
  13. Howell Beginner's Guide to Burmese Cats (Howell Beginner's Guide to Pets) by Gwen Jenkins, Rod U'Ren, et all 1987-04
  14. The Original Reigning Cats and Dogs: A Lighthearted Look at Pets and Their Owners by Marvin Ross, David Shaw, 2010-01-29

41. Top Cat Breeds | Pets Animals Lover World Blog
If you want to show off your cat then it is best to choose from among the top five cat breeds throughout the world. 1. Persian Persian cats are called

42. Small Cat Breeds | Pets & Animals
Small cat breeds Cats are the cutest animals as pets. Thousand of people take cats as their pets. There are various breeds of cats available to take as pets.
Small cat breeds Small cat breeds: Cats are the cutest animals as pets. Thousand of people take cats as their pets. There are various breeds of cats available to take as pets. The small cat breeds are very nice breeds to be adopted. There are many small cat breeds like: Devon Rex, Singapura, Japanese Bobtails and Skookum etc. 30th August, 2009 Posted in: Cats Tags devon rex japanese tails singapura Small cat breeds
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43. Your Guide To Cat Breeds - Pets
Your Guide to Cat Breeds plus articles and information on Pets
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Your Guide to Cat Breeds
For the first 8,000 years of their relationship with humans, cats pretty much took care of their own breeding. People kept them for one purpose - hunting rodent - and they are already perfectly designed for that. More than 100 years ago, however, we began systematically breeding cats to appeal to our aesthetic tastes. Hair length, color, coat pattern, as well as head and leg proportions contribute to the "look" of specific breeds.Look at enough cat bodies and faces, and you'll see two distinctly different types. Faces are either triangular or rounded. Bodies that are lean and slender belong to the lithe oriental, or foreign breeds. Short legs supporting a broad, compact body are characteristic of a "cobby." Mixed breeds usually have an "in between" body type. There are more than 70 distinct breeds of cats that are recognized by formal cat registries. Some registries recognize only about 40 breeds, because they exclude those such as Bengals which are hybrids of domestic and wild cats. Some "breeds" are simply variations of primary types. For example, a Balinese cat is a longer haired type of Siamese cat. Some breeds have roots that go far back in history. The Japanese Bobtail, distinguished by a short, rabbit-like tail, can be traced more than 1,000 years. The Egyptian Mau cat retains the physical characteristics of ancient Egyptian cats found in ancient paintings.

44. Cat Breeds |
Cat Breeds. We are currently preparing a complete list of the most popular cat breeds. The list will include information on each breed; its characteristics, health, suitability as a

45. Common Cat Breeds « PETS Magazine
Back to Cat Owner's Guide About 40 breeds of domestic cats are recognised internationally by cat registries such as the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), which is based in USA.

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