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         Cats Pet Care:     more books (100)
  1. Homeopathic Care for Cats and Dogs, Revised Edition: Small Doses for Small Animals by Don Hamilton D.V.M., 2010-09-07
  2. Complete Care for Your Aging Cat by Amy Shojai, 2010-08-17
  3. The Humane Society of the United States Complete Guide to Cat Care by Wendy Christensen, The Staff of the Humane Society of America, 2004-04-20
  4. Complete Cat Care Manual by Bruce Fogle, Andrew Edney, 2006-04-17
  5. Ragdoll Cats (Pebble Books) by Connie Colwell Miller, 2008-09-01
  6. Dr. Kidd's Guide to Herbal Cat Care by Randy Kidd D.V.M.Ph.D., Randy, DVM Kidd, 2000-10-11
  7. Your Pet Cat (True Books) by Elaine Landau, 2007-03
  8. Cat Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook, Fully Revised and Updated by Debra M. Eldredge DVM, Delbert G. Carlson DVM, et all 2007-12-10
  9. How To Speak Cat by Sarah Whitehead, 2008-10-01
  10. Three Simple Steps to Healthy Pets: The Holistic Animal Care LifeStyle by ND Lisa S. Newman, 2005-08-30
  11. A Lifetime Guide to Practical Pet Care: Better Health and Happier Homes for Dogs and Cats by Jeff Nichol, 2001-09
  12. Bob Becker's pet book,: A guide to the selection and care of our four most popular pets, dogs, cats, birds, and fish by Bob Becker, 1938
  13. Complete Kitten Care by Amy D. Shojai, 2002-06-01
  14. Vaccine Guide for Dogs and Cats: What Every Pet Lover Should Know by Catherine J.M. Diodati, 2010-01-01

81. Cats
Information about buying and caring for a cat, breed information, links to cat-related vendors.
For those that love pets Cats Advertise Cats For Sale Advertise cats for sale and kittens for sale in the UK for free. All adverts placed for cats for sale and kittens for sale are automatically included on our Cats And Kittens For Sale Web Site Cats Directory Balinese Cat Society
The Society caters for Balinese cats in all colours and is affiliated to the GCCF. Amazon
Online store selling a variety of books and magazines relating to cats and their care. Edinburgh And East of Scotland Cat Club
Open to all lovers of cats to help owners and breeders of cats.
Lifetime insurance cover for cats with no time limit on the duration of treatment, provided you renew your policy. Cover for vets’ fees up to £7,000 a year for illness and injury. Save 5% if you apply online. Country Cat Shelter
Rescue and rehoming of cats and kittens located in Norfolk/Suffolk area. Available for adoption lots of cats and kittens. Registered charity. Help us to help the cats. Essex Cat Club
The Essex Cat Club was formed on 9th November 1968 by a group of enthusiasts to meet the needs of the large number of cat owners in Essex and to harness the great interest in cats existing throughout the County.

82. Moreton Animal Hospital - Cats - Pet Care Information - Greencross Vets
Cats Pet Care Information

83. Famous Cats: 1
Test your knowledge of famous cats and receive a percentage score.
Famous Cats Quiz
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When the Cheshire Cat of Alice in Wonderland disappears, what is the only thing he leaves behind?
his eyes his smile his hiss
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84. Ashmore Veterinary Surgery - Cats - Pet Care Information - Greencross Vets
Cats Pet Care Information

85. Gorbeh - Persian Cat - Cat Jokes - Cat Humor
Cat humor, jokes, and funnies, including quotations, translations, how to tell if your cat owns you, and cat rules.
Persian Cat
Persian Cat Gallery
Persian Cat Names

Persian Cat Stories

Persian Cat Stories I
Other Cat Web Sites

Cat Humor, Jokes, Funnies ... Other Cat Humor Sites/Sources Famous Cat Quotes "There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast." - Unknown "Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this." - Anonymous "Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow." - Jeff Valdez "In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats." - English proverb "As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat." - Ellen Perry Berkeley "One cat just leads to another." - Ernest Hemingway "Dogs come when they're called; cats take a message and get back to you later." - Mary Bly "Cats are rather delicate creatures and they are subject to a good many ailments, but I never heard of one who suffered from insomnia." - Joseph Wood Krutch "People that hate cats, will come back as mice in their next life." - Faith Resnick

86. The Truth About Cats And Babies
Addresses concerns that cats smother babies.
The Truth About Cats and Babies You've all heard the old wive's tales about cats and babies"When a cat smells the milk on a baby's breath, it will lick their mouth and smother them" or "If a cat hears the baby cry, he will think a strange cat is in the house and leap into the crib to harm the baby." Stories like these are based on ignorance, not fact. Yes, your cat will be curious about the new baby. But most likely, your cat wlil be frightened the first few times he hears the baby wail and, instead of jumping into the crib, will probably run under the nearest chair. In fact, until the cat gets used to the baby, he will probably want little to do with the newest family member. To help your felines adjust to the strange sights, smells, and sounds of the new arrival, let them get involved before the baby arrives. Let the cats check out the nursery during supervised visits. Have someone bring home a baby blanket or item of clothing with the new baby's scent (before you return from the hospital) so the cats can become accustomed to the scent. And upon arriving home, let someone else hold the newborn, while mom greets her feline. There are always adjustments to be made when a family grows. Just don't forget that your pet is part of that family too.

87. Feral Cat Foundation - Alameda & Contra Costa Counties, CA
Information about trapping and care of feral cats and kitten taming plus stories about pet cats that were formerly feral.
The Basics Trapping Contact Us
Updated The Basics Introduction What is a Feral Cat? Meet your Hostess, Little Noel Hi. I am Little Noel. I was once a very sick little Feral Cat but now I live with a human so I am 'formerly feral'. You can read my story to hear how I made the transition. Who better to teach you about feral cats! You should first review What is a Feral Cat? then read about some of the feral cats being cared for by FCF volunteers. You may be surprised to learn that lots of fomerly feral cats are now living happily in homes with people. Most importantly, we also have lots of information about how to humanely help to reduce the population of suffering, feral cats. Read more success stories!

88. Kangaroo Cats And Squittens Revealed
Insights into the genetics of short-legged cats.
There are many fanciful stories of cats mating with other types of animal to create peculiar cross-bred creatures. There is still a widespread belief that cats and rabbits can mate and give rise to "cabbits" (see What Is A Cabbit ) and that cats can mate with other creatures as well. On encountering a "winged cat" in 1842 (see Winged Cats - What are They ) Thoreau wrote: "Some thought it was part flying squirrel or some other wild animal, which is not impossible, for, according to naturalists, prolific hybrids have been produced by the union of the marten and the domestic cat" Modern genetics study shows that cat/rabbit hybrids, cat/racoon hybrids (cacoons), cat/squirrel hybrids and cat/marten hybrids are all impossible as the species are too dissimilar in genetic terms. Cabbits are usually Manx-type cats with an additional deformity such as spina bifida; cats with peculiarly short front legs due to radial hypoplasia [RH] ( Twisty Cats and the Ethics of Breeding for Deformity ) or one of the several bobtailed cat breeds ( Bobtailed and Tailless Cats ). There are also kittens born with straightened or twisted hind legs due to cramping in the womb (

A treatise on breeding twisty cats by researcher Sarah Hartwell.
The originator of Twisty Cats says they are cute. Breeders worldwide have said she is cruel to deliberately breed deformed cats. Texan laws say she is doing nothing illegal. Who is right and what are the ethics of breeding for deformity? This site is a commentary on breeding ethics - I am not a breeder of Twisty cats. Important Note It is necessary to understand that the European and American definition of "abnormality, "defect" or "deformity"" differs greatly. What American breeders see as a breed trait (short legs) many European countries condemn as a deformity. What is awarded high honours in the USA may be condemned in Europe. THE ORIGINS OF SELECTIVE BREEDING Throughout the ages, humans have been fascinated by anything that is visibly different. This is well illustrated by the vast array of modern breeds of dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs etc many of which were bred for looks rather than function. Even before full domestication, undesirable traits could have been removed from an animal population by culling certain individuals, thus removing their genes from the gene pool. After domestication, selective breeding became easier. This possibly included selective breeding for colour and shape of horns (lyre-horned cattle) which may have been important traits for religious reasons. The concept of deliberately breeding for looks is chronicled as far back as biblical times when Jacob separated spotted animals from white animals. It no doubt goes back even to prehistoric times. Perhaps our ancestors found a wolf cub which looked different enough from other wolves that they kept it, and its tamest descendants, as novelties (later exploiting its traits as the domestic dog generations later). This must have happened again and again with horses, cattle, sheep, swine etc and it continues today. Colour and body type also makes it easier to distinguish between wild and domesticated animals - compare the looks of the primitive Przewalski horse and the selectively bred modern thoroughbred.

90. Sativa The Cat
This guide is for cat owners who would like a better relationship with their cats. Covers topics like behavior training, introducing a dog, early training, and cat characteristics.
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Sativa's Home Page " NOSAVE height=132 width=193> Positive Behavior Training Early Training Introducing Fido Napping Cat Style ... Submit photo of your kitty Sativa's father is a large white Persian, while her mother is a Siamese mix. She has long hair from her father and gets the Calico effect from her mother. Sativa came to live with me around Christmas 0f 99'. (The picture you see above was her first night in her new home.) She has a pleasant easy going personality. Which is good since she is my first cat. (Formerly did not like cats, prejudices die hard.) She only "talks" when she wants my attention and is very personable with people. She is well behaved understands what no means and comes when called, mostly. She has never known any kind of punishment and is very trusting of people. Playing with her various mouse-like toys is her favorite activity. Except for laying on windowsills and staring outside. If you can call that an "activity". Sativa is strictly an indoor cat. She does get to go outside occasionally under close supervision. And does not wonder very far. Doug Email the Webmaster:
Email your comments, suggestions, and of course photos of your cat!

91. - It's All About Cats Cats Cats
Feline problems and solutions.

92. Can You Train Your Cat?
Discusses how and why you should train your cat to do tricks.

93. Cats Behaviors, Felines Moods, Pets Actions
What various body positions by a cat signify.
Cats Behaviors Page 1 Page 2 If my ears are flattened.
I am either annoyed or frightened. Twitching them backward and forward usually means that I am either anxious or worried about whatever I hear or am looking at. Another way you can tell something worries me, is if I flick out my tongue once or twice around my lips. If I am laying down with my eyes closed.
But with my tail flicking slightly at the tip, I am really awake and spying on you. I can keep it up all day. Eyes wide shut If my back is arched high, and my ears flattened.
I will scratch whatever I can reach, if you doubt that, look into my hugely dilated eyes, all the better to see you with. My slightly open mouthed snarl, all the better to bite you with, so get out of my way !!

94. Candy's Photo Album
A tabby s photos and autobiography.
Candy, the Contented Cat
About Me
" by Candy
Adele Wilson
Candy looking pretty
A little concerned
Candy's profile

This Purrific Tabby Cat Webring
site is owned by

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95. Vegas The Cat: Photos And Information About My Tortoiseshell Cat. Tortoise Shell
Online narrated photo journal about this unusual cat in her custom built home.

96. Marlene And Baby Cat
Images of Baby Cat and links to other pet related information.
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    "God Bless America" "A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in, and how many want out." -Tony Blair DEFEND AMERICA "You can't demand respect, you must earn it"
    "Hi", my name is Marlene. I have had some great times with my cat, as I'm sure all cat lovers do. I have an Orange Tabby, named "Baby Cat". She is gentle and a little pest. She loves to"play toys" and "begs for a deli turkey treat". Our new friend is Katy. We live in a small city in WI. Rog has been a railfan since the age of 2. I like, surfing, my cyber friends, poetry and reading Cat Who Mysteries. "MY BABY CAT" "BE SURE YOUR LITTLE LOVE GETS A
    "KATY" "MY SWEET SNOWY" "SWEETY" "Among my favorites" on the web, are the Wonderful Pages and Beautiful Pictures of "Princess Diana". "I hope you visit my page". "PLEASE VISIT"
    "You might enjoy reading some of my poetry, written many years ago." It has been published and copy written, please ask permission to use.

97. Cats In The House!
Five happy cats that rule the house.
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98. Cats That Have Owned Me-Susan Sackett
Stories and photos of the cats in the life of their owner. Also graphics, humor, writings.
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99. The Cat Diaries
Photos and adventures of Pinkfiddle and Snoble.

100. Ourbeans Home Page - Come And See What Ourbeans Have Been Up To Recently!
Photographs of their cats, sounds, cat quotes and images.
Ourbeans, this is the official award winning beans site. Pictures of Ourbeans, Sounds, News about Ourbeans, Links and E mail to Ourbeans. Come and see what Ourbeans have been up to recently. Send us your comments.
Welcome to the Ourbeans Web Site! All new Ourbeans Pictures
We've added three whole pages of new pictures of Ourbeans for you this month in a bumper fest of Bean pictures! See exclusive pictures Ourbeans of the beans in the garden, working hard in the office and of course, lazing in the sun...! Ourbeans at the office
Take a lesson from Ourbeans on the finer skills of management and high power decision making. Tips to make your life less stressful. If you would like to put a link to our page from yours, please feel free to use the above little banner! Just let us know so we can return the compliment. Ourbeans in the garden
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