Genre in Children's Literature Literature Notebook Annotated book lists by year: assorted genre Genre a type of literature in which all the members of one genre share common characteristics. Not all of the common characteristics in every piece of literature within a specific genre are clearly distinguishable; some pieces' charateristics may be included in more than one genre. List of genre vocabulary Printed Literature Genre Folktales are stories that were passed on with oral tradition until they were written. There is no particular author. Myths, short stories, oral stories, parables, fables, tall tales Realism stories are possible, but not necessarily probable. Fiction stories are created from imagination and not necessarily fact. They include realistic, animal, thrillers, mysteries, romances, sports, fantasy, high fantasy, science fiction, fairy tales, fables, myths, legends, and folk epics, see Fiction lists Elements of fiction Story elements rubric Elements of fables ... Poetry is literature with rhythm and verse. It includes nursery rhymes, ballads, epics, songs, poems, and lyrics Nonfiction literary works that are true. They include biography, autobiography, informational, speech, essay, history. | |