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41. Marshall Law Vs Liu Kang Marshall Law vs Liu Kang. Textonly Version Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. http://www.killermovies.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-506619-marshall-law-vs-li | |
42. Overseas Chinese Web Guide — Focuses On Education, Business, Law And Other Top Features articles and links on immigrating to and living in America. http://www.hiwhy.com |
43. Committee Of 100 Still The Other? Public Attitudes Toward Attitudes Toward Chinese/Asian Americans Survey Results 1 Committee of 100 Still the Other? Public Attitudes Toward Chinese and Asian Americans Interview Schedule General Population http://survey.committee100.org/2009/files/ToplineResultsfinal.pdf |
44. Welcome To OCYA General information on the association, news, activities, and members. Includes a message board and picture archive. http://www.ocya.org/ | |
45. OCA-New England Chapter Founded in 1973, the Organization of Chinese Americans, Inc. (OCA) is a national nonprofit, non-partisan advocacy organization of concerned Chinese Asian Americans. http://ocanewengland.org/ | |
46. Museum Of Chinese In The Americas Events - Exhibitions - NYC - New York City What are the tools for strengthening public service and public policy for Chinese/Asian Americans? What does the future hold for Chinese/Asian Americans in public service? http://www.newyorkled.com/museum_Events_MoCA.htm | |
47. Welcome To CALA! | CALA - Chinese American Librarians Association 華人圖書 Officers, committees, programs, publications, awards, donations, memberships, and a description of the organization. http://www.cala-web.org/ |
48. 80-20 Initiative However, I do respectfully request that you act in a meaningful way to correct that insensibility towards Chinese/Asian Americans. Can you come up with a win http://www.80-20initiative.net/action/discrimination_usatoday1.asp | |
49. Buddhist Association Of The United States (BAUS) Chinese/American Buddhist Association. Includes listing of Chinese-American Pure Land Buddhist Centers throughout the US. http://www.baus.org/ |
50. Healthy Choice Makes Awful Choice With 'Asian Inspired' Dinners - Adrants Not only is the work insulting to Chinese/Asians and Chinese/Asian Americans (what with the awful accent, broken English, and idiot like antics), but it also completely degrades http://www.adrants.com/2008/12/healthy-choice-makes-awful-choice-with.php | |
51. IACA - Indiana Association Of Chinese Americans Fosters constructive citizenship on the part of Chinese Americans. http://www.iacaonline.org/ |
52. Ethnic Groups Discrimination Essay - 88264 discrimination, groups, ethnic, subordinate, Chinese, Asian Americans, Japanese American, Discrimination Ethnic Groups, European Americans, Hispanic Chinese American http://www.mightystudents.com/essay/Ethnic.Groups.Discrimination.88264 | |
53. A Non-partison, Civil Right Organization Information about its officers, activities, and links to sites about Chinese Americans, and the national OCA. http://www.ocagc.org/ | |
54. Title Page For ETD Etd-04082004-103518 This study explores whether there are betweengroup differences between Chinese Americans and Non-Chinese Asian Americans in linking parental involvement with student academic http://etd.nd.edu/ETD-db/theses/available/etd-04082004-103518/ |
55. Asian Pacific American Legal Center | SERVING | EMPOWERING | ADVOCATING Click here to read the community signon letter (Traditional Chinese) Asian Americans at the Ballot Box The 2008 General Election in Los http://www.apalc.org/ |
56. CATSNY.ORG - Chinese American Tennis Society Of New York Promotes tennis among Chinese Americans. Membership information, playing tips, and newsletter provided. http://www.catsny.org | |
57. Chinese Youth Initiative Interns develop leadership skills and explore their identities as Chinese/Asian Americans through series of workshops, discussions, videos, guest speakers, and field trips. http://www.cpaboston.org/cyi.html | |
58. On-line Chinese Tools Java and CGI tools to help people learn and use Chinese. Includes flash cards, dictionaries, calendar and currency converters. http://www.mandarintools.com/ | |
59. The Cambodian Diaspora | Asia Society Understanding Our Perceptions of Asian Americans; The Indian Identity is Absorptive; Dreaming in Chinese; Asian Americans Then and Now 'Water Ghosts' Blurs Lines Between History and http://asiasociety.org/countries-history/traditions/the-cambodian-diaspora |
60. The Chicago North Chinese School Non-profit organization promoting Chinese language, folk dance, knotting, Judo, brush painting, and badminton. http://www.cncschool.org/ | |
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