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41. Civil Brand Mongoose reviews the film. http://www.haro-online.com/movies/civil_brand.html | |
42. TreasureNet Historical Image Collection 399 images of the American West and Civil War. http://www.treasurenet.com/images/ | |
43. Civil Brand Extras LTG Helps Promote Collection of news and social commentary articles related to the film, as well as theatre locations, image gallery, and links. http://www.livetheatregang.com/Civil_Brand_Extras.htm | |
44. Civil War Rosters - All States UPDATED 8/16/09 The rosters of numerous Alabama regiments. http://civilwarroster.com/ | |
45. The Decline Of Western Civilization Trailer, Reviews And Schedule For The Declin Review, cast, and credits. http://movies.tvguide.com/decline-western-civilization/132479 |
46. The Civil War Music Store. Civil War Songs Online merchant sells recordings and lyrics of Civil War Songs. http://www.civilwarmusicstore.com | |
47. Advanced Civilization Tournament A page dedicated to Avalon Hill s Advanced Civilization boardgame - especially Origins tournaments. http://www.zathras.com/Civ/AdvCiv.htm | |
48. Planet Civilization - Pirates, Railroads, CivCity, Cheats, News, Downloads, Sid Provides Civilization and Pirates news, information about the titles and bulletin boards. http://planetcivilization.gamespy.com/ | |
49. The Art Of War - Civilization II Strategies, Tactics & More Strategy guides for several scenarios. http://aow.apolyton.net | |
50. Civil War History Resources By State Civil War By State. Alabama Arkansas - California - Colorado - Connecticut - Delaware - Florida - Civil War State General Resources - Georgia - Idaho - Illinois - Indiana - Iowa - http://www.archaeolink.com/civil_war_general_resources_by_s.htm |
51. 27 June 1709 Website for scenarios created by Alex and Captain Nemo. http://karthago.chat.ru |
52. Documenting The Civil War Period Flag Collection Documenting The Civil War Period Flag Collection At The Alabama Department Of Archives And History by Robert B. Bradley. Flag of 1st Alabama Infantry returns to Alabama http://www.archives.state.al.us/referenc/flags/intro.html | |
53. Mike Brackin Civil War Antiques Catalog of original American Civil and Indian Wars memorabilia, photographs, CDVs, stereoviews, tintypes, cabinet photographs and related artifacts. http://mikebrackin.com | |
54. Civil War Statistics CivilWar.ws is a comprehensive online resource for information about the American Civil War. We offer a Civil War Summary, Civil War History, Civil War Timelines, Civil War Facts http://www.civil-war.ws/statistics/ | |
55. Rdirect To The Forum Forum for sharing and discussion between collectors of civil war ammunition, bullets, cartridges, and relics. http://www.cwbullet.org | |
56. Civil War Resources On The Web Civil War Links Casualties, Geography, Geology, Postal Service, and Sports Leisure http://www.civilwarhome.com/links13.htm | |
57. Civil War Indiana Includes photographs, regimental histories, list of soldiers who died in Andersonville Prison, and sales of books related to Indiana and the Civil War. http://civilwarindiana.com/ |
58. Which State Suffered The Most Casualties During The American Civil Which state suffered the most casualties during the American Civil War trivia question /questions answer / answers http://www.funtrivia.com/askft/Question49814.html |
59. Ghosts Of The Field - The Offical Website For The New And Unique Civil War Photo A book combining original and modern photographs of civil war battlefields. http://www.mikelynaugh.com/VirtualCivilWar/GhostsOfTheField/index.htm |
60. The Civil War . The War | PBS Will need a proper site description to go here. The Civil War was fought in 10,000 places, from Valverde, New Mexico, and Tullahoma, Tennessee, to St. Albans http://www.pbs.org/civilwar/war/ | |
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