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         Classroom Internet:     more books (100)
  1. How to Use the Internet in Your Classroom by Teachers Network, 2001
  2. Natural Disasters: Quick & Easy Internet Activities for the One-Computer Classroom by Jordan D. Brown, 2002-01
  3. Web guide: Teacher-selected Internet resources, with ideas for classroom use by Cara Bafile, 1998
  4. Internet Explorer 7 Classroom-To-Go: Library Edition by William Stanek, 2008-02-15
  5. Teaching science with the internet: Internet lesson plans and classroom activities by Marc Rosner, 1998
  6. Creating a Collaborative Learning Environment in K-6 Classrooms.(Internet/Web/Online Service Information): An article from: T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education) by Bruce Carabine, 1999-05-01
  7. Hybrid-Context Instructional Model: The Internet and the Classrooms: The Way Teachers Experience It by Udeme T. Ndon, 2010-09-23
  8. Internet Classroom Activities (Quick Start Series) by Norma Jean Gottschalk, 2001
  9. Teaching American history with the Internet: Internet lesson plans and classroom activities (Teaching with the Internet) by Michael D Headings, 1999
  10. Educator's Internet Companion: Classroom Connect's Complete Guide to Resources on the Internet by Tim McLain, Vince Distefano, et all 1995-02
  11. Practical strategies for using the internet to enhance your classroom instruction: (grades 6-12) resource handbook by Sarah DiRuscio, 1997
  12. Teaching the Civil War with the Internet: Grades 4-12 : Internet lesson plans and classroom activities (Teaching with the Internet) by Michael D Headings, 1997
  13. Teaching American history with the Internet: Internet lesson plans and classroom activities (Teaching with the Internet) by Rod Haenke, 1998
  14. Teaching California Missions with the Internet +CD (Internet: Internet Lessons Plans and Classroom Activities) by Classroom Connect, 2002

41. Tools For The TEKS: Integrating Technology In The Classroom
This website is maintained for educators interested in the effective use of technology in the classroom. An accompanying column to this website is published in the TechEdge
Classroom Internet Publishing Workshop
by Wesley Fryer
Last Updated 23 November 2003 This workshop was presented for teachers at Murfee Elementary in Lubbock ISD on November 24, 2003. It will be presented at the TCEA state conference in February 2004 as the full-day workshop, "Publish at Will. "
  • "That's Fairly Interesting" (or "Reasons to be excited about instructional technology and today's workshop) Workshop Agenda Updating Online Murfee Directory Creating a Free Online Photo Gallery Create a Free Class Webpage with ... Technology Idea Exchange Contact me using this webform
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License
  • 42. UConn Advance - WebCT Integrates Classroom, Internet - October 25, 1999
    Faculty and teaching assistants are experimenting this semester with the WebCT software package, a course management tool that further integrates the classroom and the Internet.
    This is an archived article. For the latest news, go to the Advance Homepage
    For more archives, go to the Advance Archive/Search Page.
    WebCT Integrates Classroom, Internet
    October 25, 1999

    Faculty and teaching assistants are experimenting this semester with the WebCT software package, a course management tool that further integrates the classroom and the Internet. Developed by faculty and students at the University of British Columbia, WebCT - Web Course Tools - helps instructors manage their courses in an Internet-based environment. WebCT enables faculty easily to place syllabi, course content, quizzes and links to other sources on class websites, and will increase the opportunities for students to take practice exams, participate in class discussion and study course content at any time from anywhere on campus. It also will grade and give feedback on practice tests, manage class records and track student progress. The program allows instructors to keep track of what course content students access and how they are using the online course tools. WebCT also provides communication tools for out-of-class discussion and student-to-student and student-to-faculty interaction. Students and instructors can send and receive private e-mail within the class site, access the course calendar, and review and post to the course's virtual bulletin board.

    43. CLASSROOM INTERNET ACCESS NEARLY DOUBLES - Regulatory Intelligence Data | HighBe
    CLASSROOM INTERNET ACCESS NEARLY DOUBLES find Regulatory Intelligence Data articles. div id= bedoc-text 00-00-0000 BR According to a new survey, the nation's schools are
    Research articles and archives from 6,500+ publications
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    Article from:
    Regulatory Intelligence Data
    Article date:
    March 1, 1999
    Provided by ProQuest LLC. All inquiries regarding rights or concerns about this content should be directed to Customer Support
    Related articles
    According to a new survey, the nation's schools are closing in on the National Educational Technology Goal of connecting all classrooms to the "information superhighway" by the year 2000. "Vice President Gore and I have set a goal of connecting every classroom in America to the Internet by the year 2000," said President Clinton. "I am pleased that these data show that more than half of all classrooms are connected - nearly twice as many connections as last year. And thanks to new "e-rate" discounts that help schools and libraries connect to the Internet, we will reach our goal by the year 2000. By giving our children the … Read all of this article with a FREE trial
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    44. Classroom Internet Ideas
    brainstormed by Amphitheater School District Teachers. Teachers often have similar questions when trying to integrate technology and the Internet in their classroom.
    Ideas for Integrating Technology
    in your Classroom brainstormed by Amphitheater School District Teachers Teachers often have similar questions when trying to integrate technology and the Internet in their classroom. Several of the most frequently asked questions appear below with possible solutions. Hopefully you will be able to make use of these ideas.
    Here are the questions:
    What can students do with the Internet? How do we ensure that students stay on appropriate sites? How can we get all students through a one-computer center or mini lab (10-15 computers)? How do you keep one computer in your classroom used effectively most of the school day? ... How should students save work?
    What can students do with the Internet?
    • Participate in Projects Gather data Share Information Publish their work Communicate with other students/schools Visit other places Correctly cite resources Make Bookmarks Blog Ask an Expert Research Gain background knowledge Enrich their knowledge Gain background knowledge about a topic Love of Reading - every day go to a different Reading site Students create their own bookmark list on a topic they have become an expert on Reading, Writing, Math - most things in the curriculum - find specific sites and use them to extend and enrich a lesson

    45. Classroom Internet Publishing
    Classroom Internet Publishing Slide 15
    Classroom Internet Publishing - Slide 15

    46. Classroom Internet Use In Christian Schools
    Christian school products magazine offers news articles and reviews for christian school products, supplies and resources.
    //new pausescroller(name_of_message_array, CSS_ID, CSS_classname, pause_in_miliseconds) new pausescroller(pausecontent, "pscroller1", "someclass", 5000) WELCOME TO CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PRODUCTS Classroom Internet Use in Christian Schools
    By: Dr. Dennis W. Mills
    Safety, caution and common sense can keep the Internet safe. Taking your students online will open up a whole world of educational opportunities, literally. It also will present them and you with opportunities to come in contact with inappropriate material and subjects. The Internet can deliver pictures from Jupiter and Mars into your classroom, and it can also bring inappropriate photos. You can download great works of literature and documents, such as the Declaration of Independence, into your classroom computer, and you can just as easily get instructions on how to build pipe bombs or mix chemical explosives. The reason for that wide variety of content: No one person or agency is "in charge" of the Internet. Consequently, there are very few rules governing what kinds of things you'll find online. The positive and educational information far outweighs the negative or harmful material. As an educator, however, you should be aware of some of the potential problems you might encounter when you connect your classroom computer to the Internet.

    47. Classroom Internet Activities
    The Internet offers a world of possibilities in teaching any grade level. Virtual field trips and interactive activities can engage students’ imaginations and allow them to

    48. Poetry And Technology: Poetry Lesson Plans And Classroom Internet Training In Ch
    This site is based on a simple premise that both poetry and technology are necessary to support human life. I've focused much of my personal and background approach references ... poetry lesson plans found poems journaling concrete poems cut-up poems ... technology lesson plans websites weblogs computer camp more lesson plans on the weblog as time goes by poetry fun, engaging, and educational in-classroom poetry sessions technology unique, customized internet and computer-based training ... stay up to date with books, lesson plans, links, and other resources everyone needs poetry,
    everyone needs technology current stuff This site is based on a simple premise that both poetry and technology are necessary to support human life.

    49. Classroom Internet Access
    I have a PC running Windows 4.0 Server as the networks PDC. ISDN access to the Internet is available on the server. I have 15 clients running Win98. Can the clients access the

    50. Classroom Internet Banners | Royalty Free Stock Vector Art Illustration | IStock
    Royalty Free Stock Vector Art Illustrations, Classroom Internet Banners, copyright jammydesign, iStockphoto LP

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