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         Clipart:     more books (104)
  1. Corel Gallery 2: Clipart for Windows by Corel, 1995
  2. Seasonal Clip-Art.
  3. Clip-Art Panel Cartoons for Churches by Howard Paris, 1984-01
  4. Html Template Master: Create Your Own Web Pages Through On-Screen Templates and Clip-Art by Erica Sadun, Chris Watkins, 1995-06
  5. CorelDraw! CD-Rom Clipart, Symbols ; Flics. Clipart for CorelDraw 3.0. [Q046-UNI30]. by Unknown, 1992-01-01
  6. Clip-Art Book of Cartoon-Style Illustrations by Dave Ubinas, Esther Langholtz, 1983-07
  7. Ready-to-Use Thematic Borders (Dover Clip-Art Series) by Ed Sibbett Jr., 1982-05-01
  8. Ready-To-Use Illustrations of Men's Heads (Dover Clip-Art Series) by Tom Tierney, 1982-11
  9. Ready-to-Use Trade Symbols and Motifs: 88 Different Copyright-Free Designs Printed One Side (Dover Clip-Art) by Leslie Cabarga, Alex Cabarga, 1993-08-11
  10. Ready-to-Use Humorous Illustrations of Children's Recreations: 96 Different Copyright-Free Designs Printed One Side (Dover Clip-Art Series) by Bob Censoni, 1994-09-02
  11. Clip-art cartoons for churches
  12. Cartoon Clip-Art for Youth Leaders 2 (Reprobooks Series) by Ron Wheeler, 1991-07
  13. The Church Clip-Art Book by Steve Hunt, Dave Adamson, 1988-04
  14. Ready-to-Use Illustrations of Appliances and Electronics: 98 Different Copyright-Free Designs Printed One Side (Dover Clip-Art Series) by Sonny Schug, 1994-10-12

21. #1 Free Clip Art - Over 10,000 Free Clip Art Images!
1 Free Clip Art Over 10,000 categorized free clip art images and graphics!
Bumper Sticker: Ever stop to think and forget to start again? Sun, Nov 14 Home


Words - Tags

Over 10,000 free clip art images in over 300 categories...
  • Anatomy
  • Animals
  • Astrology
  • Buildings - Houses ...
  • Words - Tags
    Web Disclamer: Some of the graphics in this archive were not created by The authors of the graphics in this archive may not agree in the use of their graphics in commercial projects. does not take claim of ownership to any of the graphics in this archive and any use of them is at your own risk. If you have comments or questions about this archive or the graphics featured in it, please contact us. - Free Clip Art, Fonts, Icons, and much more. Recommend to a friend! - Free Online Image Editor ... Recommend to a friend!
  • 22. Two Hearts Design - Free Catholic Clipart And Hearts Clipart
    home catalog portfolio clipart prayers links contact. Catholic clipart on CD from Two Hearts Design.
    home catalog portfolio clipart ... Free Catholic, christian, and more Clipart Clipart updated 08/05/10
    Please help support this free clipart section!
    *IT'S OFFICIAL FOLKS, I'M MORE THAN BROKE. HELP! (thank you!) snailmail
    Catholic/Christian Clipart Advent Angels Annointing of the Sick Baptism ...
    (Coloring Pages, etc.
    Hearts Clipart Hearts Designs Miscellanous Clipart Roses Sports (Youth Sports) USA Clipart (Flags, etc.) WTC/Pentagon/PA Memorial Clipart Custom Requests Clipart Custom page 1 Custom page 2 Custom page 3 Flash Components ...
    Two Hearts Design and the image will be removed. TWO HEARTS DESIGN

    23. All Fantasy Art Fantasy Pictures
    A collection of images and clipart of dragons, demons, elves, vampires and wizards.
    Angels Dragons Vampires Fantasy Art Fantasy Art Other Desktop
    Fantasy Art
    All Fantasy Art features beautiful fantasy art 3d pictures for your enjoyment. Created by fantasy artist Alexandro Lima, exclusively for All Fantasy Art, these fantasy pictures will mesmerize your mind and take you to a peaceful fantasy dreamland.
      Featured Fantasy Art:

    Magic sunset
    Female Alien
    Japanese Anime
    Mystical Unicorns
    Millenium Falcon For a smile or two, take a look at Photo Manipulation Image Licensing - Many of our fantasy art is available for licensing. Fantasy Art 3D Pictures Home Privacy Contact Links ... All Fantasy Art
    Images contained in this site are for Internet viewing only. No reproduction of these images is permitted.

    24. Clip Art - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    Copyright on other clipart stands in contrast to exact replica photographs of paintings. The large clip art libraries produced by Dover Publications or the University of South
    Clip art
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search This article does not cite any references or sources
    Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed (July 2007) Examples of computer clip art. (Source: Open Clip Art Library Clip art, in the graphic arts , refers to pre-made images used to illustrate any medium. Today, clip art is used extensively in both personal and commercial projects, ranging from home-printed greeting cards to commercial candles citation needed . Clip art comes in many forms, both electronic and printed. However, most clip art today is created, distributed, and used in an electronic form. Since its inception, clip art has evolved to include a wide variety of content, file formats, illustration styles, and licensing restrictions. Clip art is generally composed exclusively of illustrations (created by hand or by computer software), and does not include stock photography
    edit History
    The term "clip art" originated through the practice of physically cutting images from pre-existing printed works for use in other publishing projects. Before the advent of computers in publishing, clip art was used through a process called

    25. Free Clipart: Nature, Party, Holidays, Office, And Much More! | ClipArtCastle
    One of the first clipart sites on the web now includes a complete searchable archive of thousands of free clipart images.

    26. Clipart, Free Clipart, Free Clip Art
    Collection of free clipart images in WMF, JPg and GIF format.
    Free Clipart
    Welcome to WMF Clipart's collection of free clipart. Here you will find free clipart pictures, collected from various internet sites and newsgroups, with permissions. All these free clipart are in public domain, royalty free and can be freely used by anybody. We have classified free clipart images in different categories. You may find some of the free cliparts in more than one clipart category as they belong there. Some of the cliparts taken from web are in jpg or gif format, we have changed those clip art images into WMF format. WMF is the clipart format used by Windows Operating System for clipart. Please do not link directly to the individual free clipart images, but link to this page. You can also link to some specific free clipart gallery category page. Clipart Gallery
    Free Clipart Categories

    Please note: You can use above free clipart images for personal or commercial use but you cannot sell or give to others. You can refer them to this free clipart site.
    Add Link

    Dansk side med p n samling af grafik





    M�nedens site er os selv! :-) Vi er ved at redesigne til en hurtigere, flottere og bedre udgave. I mellemtiden er vi selv m�nedens site! er Danmarks st�rste samling af gratis clipart.
    P� kan du finde billeder, fotos, tegninger og meget meget mere. Er du interesseret i at lave egne hjemmesider, kan du finde tusindvis af animerede GIFFER, sm� ikoner og baggrunde til at lave sjove og flotte Internetsider med. Ligenu kan du finde over 18.000 forskellige billeder / clipart. Det er gratis at bruge

    28. School Edition
    What is The web’s largest collection of royaltyfree clipart, photos, vinyl-ready images, web graphics, illustrations, fonts and sounds available by subscription.
    Already a subscriber? SEARCH FOR CLIPART Order Form
    What is
    The web�s largest collection of royalty-free clipart, photos, vinyl-ready images, web graphics, illustrations, fonts and sounds available by subscription. Subscribers pay one flat fee, and download whatever they need from over 10 million digital assets.
    What�s different about School Edition?
    School Edition is a specialist version of All the content has been professionally edited to ensure it�s suitable for use in an educational environment. In other words all inappropriate content, such as images featuring nudity, has been removed from the collection.
    Who uses School Edition?
    Teachers and students use School Edition content in the classroom, the staffroom and the computer lab to revitalize multimedia presentations, Inspiration� diagrams, school websites, worksheets, newsletters, blogs, podcasts, posters, signs and much, much more.
    What does it cost?
    Prices depend on the number of users in a school, or the number of schools in a district, state or territory. Download our

    29. FREE Original CLIPART For Kids, Teachers, Churches, Parents, WebPages - Created
    FREE Original clipart for Kids, Teachers, Parents, Schools, Churches, WebPages, wherever you can find a nonprofit use for it created by a professional and published artist

    Free Presentations Free Games Free Clipart ... Free Templates
    FREE Original Clipart for Kids, Teachers, Parents,
    Schools, Churches, WebPages,
    wherever you can find a non-profit use for it
    created by a professional and published artist
    RESTRICTIONS: Restriction:
    If you wish to publish the clipart for profit, please E-mail the Artist about fees. For profit would include but is not limited to art used on billboards, company logos, posters, catalogues, and advertisements of any kind.
    Restriction: Do not add this clip art to other clip art collections. Restriction: Our free use offer is limited to the art listed below and is subject to the restrictions above. No other art on our website is included in this offer.
    Language Arts Alphabet Chart Children's Literature Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes Grammar ... Writing
    Science Animals Farm Animals Insects Plants ... General Science Social Studies 50 States American History World History Government ... South America including .... Britain Canada India Japan ... ice System
    Holidays Birthdays Black History Month Chinese New Year Christmas ... St. Patrick's Day

    30. Hoved Side
    Animationer og clipart til bl.a. festlige lejligheder.
    Denne side bruger rammer, men browseren underst�tter dem ikke.

    31. USSSP - Clipart & Library
    U.S. Scouting Service Project clipart, Software, Icons, Fonts, and Documents

    32. Clipart - Clip Art, Pictures, Stock Photos, Web Graphics
    Tens of thousands of clipart images, photos, icons search for what you need or browse by topic to view samples from clipart sites all over the web

    33. Gratis Clipart - Home
    En side med gratis clipart inddelt i kategorier og som er let tilg ngeligt og lige til at downloade.
    Balloner Bryllup ... Home
    Velkommen til min side
    hvor du finder store mængder gratis clipart inden for mange forskellige kategorier. F.eks. kan du i kategorien fødselsdag, finde clipart der har med fødselsdag at gøre.
    Med andre ord har jeg altså inddelt alle billederne i forskellige kategorier, som du blot kan klikke på og downloade gratis.
    Der findes gratis clipart mange steder på Internettet, men vi har prøvet at gøre det så nemt og overskueligt som muligt for dig som bruger. Vi har derfor som nævnt inddelt alle billederne i kategorier, og vi har fundet et så stort udbud, at der er noget at komme efter for enhver smag. F.eks. finder under clipart fødselsdag mange forskellige billeder, og i nogle kategorier kan du finde underkategorier, som gør det endnu nemmere for dig at benytte. Gratis Clipart sparer dig derfor for at søge clipart andre steder.
    Jeg håber, at du kan lide sidens nye design - jeg arbejder i øjeblikket med siden (april 2010), så der kommer i øjeblikket hele tiden nye opdateringer.

    34. Halloween Clipart
    Extensive collection of Halloween related clip-art.
    Welcome To The Halloween Clipart We are currently redesigning our site Whether you're making a creating a Halloween webpage or printing Halloween material for family and friends we've got the largest selection of free Halloween clipart and graphics for you to use! Why search the Internet for hours looking for Halloween Clipart, Graphics and Images when you can go to the largest source on the Internet! We've scoured the Net for the best selection of Halloween Clipart and found it! In fact, we used graphics from to build this website! Enter the Halloween Photo Contest for a Chance to Win! Check out all the great prizes including the grand prize for a trip for four to celebrate Halloween 2011 at "Hershey Park in the Dark" in Hershey, PA. Just sign-up and enter or come check out the great Free Stuff & special Halloween offers. Visit the Official Halloween Photo Contest web site! Halloween Online
    Halloween Online is the Internet's leader and single largest resource for quality Halloween information, instruction and entertainment. Whether you want simple decoration idea's, Halloween costume suggestions or tips on haunting your home during the Halloween season, we'll help make your Halloween experience as frightful as possible.

    35. Awesome Clipart For Educators!
    Awesome clipart for Educators, FREE clipart, coloring pages, backgrounds, fonts, icons, lines, worksheets, Holidays, Religion, Animals, Education, School, Sports, Seasons, Weather.
    EduHound's Ed Tech Resource Newsletter Provides valuable ed tech resources to incorporate into
    K-12 curriculum. Educational topics, preformatted templates, technology tutorials, and practical tips are featured. CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE EduHound EduHound Site Sets Educator Templates ... EduHound Classrooms on the Web WELCOME
    Awesome Clipart for Educators is part of
    var addthis_pub = 'katharin20'; This Week's Featured Category... Thanksgiving
  • Coloring Pages
    Birthday Chinese New Year Easter ... Valentines Day
    Easter Fonts By Tom Halloween ... Valentines Day
    Americana Animals Asian ... Weather
    Chinese New Year Christmas Easter ... Valentines Day Religious Christian Seasons Fall Spring Winter
  • Coloring Pages ... Weather Cryptogram Awesome Clipart for Educators has FREE educator clipart, coloring pages, backgrounds, fonts, icons, lines, worksheets featuring Birthday, Chinese New Year, Christmas, Christian, Easter, Groundhog Day, Halloween, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, St. Patrick's Day, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, Aliens, Americana, Animals, Asian, Cats, Creatures, Dogs, Education, Robots, School, Sports, Toys, Weather, Fall, Spring, Winter - updated weekly by Tom Brown and Judith Rajala.

    36. Christmas Clipart, Pictures And Posters -
    Free Christmas clipart, screensavers, fonts and web graphics for the Christmas holiday season.

    37. Discovery Education: The Clip Art Gallery Offers Free Educational Clipart.
    The Clip Art Gallery offers educational clipart for students, parents and teachers.

    38. JAC Clipart Archive
    Free 3D gray icons, web graphics, clipart and animated GIFs categorized in categories for easy download.
    JAC Clipart Archive
    The original source of these images is the University of Kansas Medical Center. The original site has disappeared, but an archived copy can be found here me

    39. Clipart ETC Homepage
    clipart ETC is a free collection of over 60,000 pieces of educational clipart for teachers and students, including illustrations of history, math, science, and other school
    var addthis_brand = "Clipart ETC";
    60,000 pieces of free clipart and growing every week. Welcome to quality educational clipart. Every item comes with a choice of image size and format as well as complete source information for proper citations in school projects. No advertisement-filled pages with pop-up windows or inappropriate links here. A friendly license allows teachers and students to use up to 50 educational clipart items in a single, non-commercial project without further permission.
    Three ways to get started:
  • Search Database for clipart illustrations.
  • Visit the Site Map to view all categories and sub-categories of clipart available.
  • Select one of our top-level headings from below: Clipart ETC is now Cooliris Enabled Clipart ETC galleries can now be viewed on a 3D wall by visitors who have installed the Cooliris plug-in for their browsers. This plug-in allows users to quickly scan all of the school clipart illustrations in any gallery without having to click from one page to the next. Visit Cooliris for more information or to download the free plug-in.
  • 40. ClipART At - We Put The Art In ClipART
    clipart at We put the art in clipart. Download free clipart, fonts, image browser, scrapbooking ideas, from the best source of clip art images and graphics on
    Please Register or Sign In My Account View Cart Help Get started with your FREE 50 Image clipART Sampler! AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,19,0','width','182','height','162','src','/images/banners/1011Slides1.swf','quality','high','pluginspage','','movie','/images/banners/1011Slides1.swf','bgcolor','#FAF4EB' ); AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,19,0','width','182','height','162','src','/images/banners/1011Slides2.swf','quality','high','pluginspage','','movie','/images/banners/1011Slides2.swf','bgcolor','#FAF4EB' ); AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,19,0','width','182','height','162','src','/images/banners/1011Slides3.swf','quality','high','pluginspage','','movie','/images/banners/1011Slides3.swf','bgcolor','#FAF4EB' ); AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,19,0','width','194','height','197','src','/images/banners/hugclub_ad1110.swf','quality','high','pluginspage','','movie','/images/banners/hugclub_ad1110.swf','bgcolor','#FAF4EB' );

    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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