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         Colorado Libraries:     more books (100)
  1. Library Disaster Planning and Recovery Handbook by Camila A. Alire, 2000-04-01
  2. Colorado (America the Beautiful Second Series) by Jean F. Blashfield, 1999-05
  3. Colorado Shadows (Five Star First Edition Romance Series) by Tess Pendergrass, 2000-03
  4. Colorado (States) by Stephen Feinstein, 2003-03
  5. Colorado (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) (Rookie Read-About Geography (Sagebrush)) by Cynthia Walker, 2004-09-01
  6. Colorado Rockies (America's Game) by Bob Italia, Paul Joseph, 1997-01
  7. The exploration of the Colorado River, (The natural history library) by John Wesley Powell, 1961
  8. Colorado (America the Beautiful. Third Series) by Barbara A. Somervill, 2008-03
  9. The Colorado River (Rivers of North America) by Daniel Gilpin, 2003-08
  10. Camarasaurus and Other Dinosaurs of the Garden Park Digs in Colorado (Dinosaur Find) by Dixon, Dougal, 2008-09-01
  11. Colorado Avalanche (The NHL: History and Heros) by Bill McAuliffe, 2008-07-15
  12. Colorado: A Guide to the Highest State (American Guide Series) by Federal Writers' Project, 2007-12-28
  13. The Story of the Colorado Rockies (The Story of the...) by Tyler Omoth, 2007-07
  14. Colorado (United States (Bb)) by Julie Murray, 2005-09

21. Colorado Libraries Widget — Widgetbox
Get the Colorado Libraries widget on! For librarians in colorado

22. UCB Libraries | Home Page
Information on the collections and services of this archival facility.

23. Rotary International And Colorado Libraries
Working Together… Rotary International and Colorado Libraries ***** Sample Core Collection Health Resources - $100 donation***** (Libraries may choose titles from either

24. Colorado Libraries. Directory Of Libraries In CO.
Colorado Library Directory. Find addresses and contact information for Libraries in Colorado.
document.write(''); Need a tutor? Call Sylvan:
Colorado Libraries
Welcome to the 50States Colorado libraries directory. Find Colorado Library phone numbers, addresses, and other library info.
Yellow Pages - Find libraries in your state Category: Name: City: State: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut D.C. Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Colorado Libraries
B C D ... Z
Adult/High School Branch More Info
457 Main
Dove Creek, CO 81324
Aguilar Public Library More Info
146 W. Main Street
Aguilar, CO 81020
Akron Pl More Info 302 Main Ave Akron, CO 80720 Akron Public Library More Info 302 Main Ave Akron, CO 80720 Alamosa/Southern Peaks Pl More Info 423 Fourth Street Alamosa, CO 81101

25. Libraries In The United States
A frequently updated directory of library websites. Libraries in the United States. Libcat offers quick and easy access to library websites in the United States.

26. Colorado Association Of Libraries - Publications Committee - Charge
Publications Committee Publications Manual. Updated 1/2/08. Contents. Introduction; Charge of the CAL Publications Committee; CAL News; Colorado Libraries
Publications Committee home Directory Publications Manual
Publications Committee
Publications Manual
Updated 1/2/08
The Colorado Association of Libraries (CAL) has two official print publications and one electronic publication. These are Colorado Libraries, CAL News and the CAL website ( All other print and electronic publications are prohibited. Electronic publications representing CAL fall under the jurisdiction of the CAL website.
Charge of the CAL Publications Committee
  • Serve in an advisory capacity to the CAL Executive Board on matters of organizational publications
  • Review and update the Publications Policy and Procedures Manual, in an effort to assist in the creation, direction, and operation of print and electronic CAL publications. This review should occur annually.
  • Annually review staff job descriptions and subscription and advertising rates for all (print and electronic) CAL publications. The recommendations, if any changes are warranted, shall be sent to the Executive Board for approval.
CAL News
CAL News is a bi-monthly news publication for communicating to the CAL membership. Each CAL member receives a copy of the newsletter. Six issues are published each year.

27. Colorado Libraries | Library In Colorado
Find Colorado Libraries on MagicYellow. Yellow Pages online for Libraries in Colorado

28. Colorado Libraries
A frequently updated directory of library websites. Libcat A Guide to Library Resources on the Internet

29. CLEL | Colorado Libraries For Early Literacy
All children deserve the joy of reading and the skills in life that literacy brings. Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy is passionately committed to strengthening children's
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All children deserve the joy of reading and the skills in life that literacy brings. Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy is passionately committed to strengthening children's literacy through library services and community advocacy.
Welcome to Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy!
We're glad you're here. We are a growing group of individuals from libraries all over Colorado working together to support early literacy efforts. Use this site to find out more about CLEL , join the conversation on our blog , or contact us with questions or ideas. We've gathered some resources related to library servicesincluding programs and community advocacywhich you can find through links to the menus to your left. Let us know what will help you!
Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy

30. No Store: Resell, Reuse, Recycle Library Material | Colorado Libraries
How can we improve the Colorado Library Courier so it better serves Colorado’s libraries? We ask ourselves this question all the time at the Colorado Library Consortium (CLiC).

31. Colorado Libraries. Directory Of Libraries In CO.
Colorado Library Directory. Find addresses and contact information for Libraries in Colorado.

32. About CLC
Colorado Libraries Collaborate! provides FREE access to library resources for library users of all CLC member libraries. Currently all public, most school districts, academic
Colorado Libraries Collaborate! provides FREE access to library resources for library users of all CLC member libraries. Currently all public, most school districts, academic and a number of special libraries are members.
  • Unlocks vast library collections across the state Expands library services at no additional cost Provides free access to more resources than any single library can provide
Sharing is the KEY to CLC! Check out the new policy template and sample policy under How Libraries Participate . Having a CLC Policy for your library will help staff and patrons better understand what the program is about and how it is implemented at your library. As Colorado libraries adopt their own policies based on the template, we'll post them on this web site. If you'd like to post your policy, please contact Kari Baumann . Policy questions may be directed to any of the CLC committee members
Jeff Donlan, Salida Public Library Director Site maintained by Quipu Group, LLC

33. Academic Reference Serving A Diverse Student Body Thrives At The Auraria Library
Colorado Libraries published by the Colorado Association of Libraries Introduction. The Auraria Library serves students from multiple academic

34. Colorado Libraries 2.0�|�
About the Project. Colorado Libraries 2.0 is a learning program to help library staff become familiar with Web 2.0 tools. The program is designed in modules associated with
Colorado Libraries 2.0
A project of Reach! Leading Learning in Libraries read more You are here: Home
About the Project
Colorado Libraries 2.0 is a learning program to help library staff become familiar with Web 2.0 tools. The program is designed in modules associated with categories of tools: Information on each Web 2.0 tool is organized in the following way:
  • An overview of the category The What The Why The How More for the Curious
Join with others from your library to get the most from the program! For further information: Colorado Libraries 2.0 was created by
Index of Tools
All tools covered in Colorado Libraries 2.0
Library Blogs, Wikis and Sites
Colorado Libraries 2.0

35. Douglas County Libraries | Douglas County Libraries Is A Passionate Advocate For
For anyone who’s ever wondered what their neighborhood looked like a half century or more ago, now the answer is virtually at their fingertips.
Catalog Search Website Events Classic Catalog Text-Only Catalog
Primary links
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Meeting Rooms
Library Card
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Homework Help Get to the Library? Download audio/video Edit My Account Find events Fines Fees Get a Job Get a Library Card Interlibrary Loan Register to Vote Renew materials Research a topic Reserve a Computer Reserve materials Reserve rooms Return Materials Technology Training Use Materials Request More
Connect to our stories on YouTube
Foundation Giving
  • Visit our new Storytime Page!
    We’ve redesigned our approach to Storytime and made it easier for you to find Storytime information on our website. Our new Storytime website lets you search for a Storytime by your child’s age or by library location. It also features helpful links and tips for parents, recommended reading lists you can have sent right to your e-mail, and links to stories you and your child can read online or hear over the phone anytime.
    November Board Meeting
    The Douglas County Libraries Board of Trustees will meet 7 p.m. on Thursday, November 18 at the Lone Tree Library. All are welcome to attend. Board information is available

36. Colorado
Colorado Libraries. Bibliographical Center for Research Nonprofit, multistate library

37. Douglas County Libraries, Colorado
Useful site for research, renewing items, tax forms, county links and a library catalog.
Douglas County Libraries are now all in one place online: please change your bookmarks to

38. Intellectual Freedom Issues In Colorado Libraries Concerns
Intellectual Freedom Issues in Colorado Libraries Concerns, Challenges, Resources, and Opinions April 2004 Nicolle Steffen Martin Garnar Commissioned by the Intellectual

39. University Of Northern Colorado Libraries
Located on the University of Northern Colorado campus near the corner of 10th Avenue and 16th Street, the Howard M. Skinner Music Library specializes in curricular support of
Libraries Howard M. Skinner Music Library Keyword Title Author Subject LC Call Number Gov Docs Number ISSN/ISBN Local Call Number Reserves: by Course Reserves: by Professor Located on the University of Northern Colorado campus near the corner of 10th Avenue and 16th Street, the Howard M. Skinner Music Library specializes in curricular support of the School of Music and Musical Theatre Programs but is open to everyone. Our collections, comprising more than 100,000 scores, books, periodicals, and recordings, are housed in a state-of-the-art facility that opened in October 1997. In 2005, the building was named for Dr. Howard M. Skinner, former Dean of the College of Performing and Visual Arts, in honor of his many years of dedication to UNC and to the Greeley music community. Groundbreaking for the current structure began in 1996. The library was relocated from cramped quarters in Frasier Hall into the Skinner Music Library building in 1997.

40. Libraries And Museums In Colorado
Libraries. Statewide Directory of Colorado Libraries; Colorado Historical Society Stephen Hart Library; The Society's collection of books, manuscripts, and photographs
Libraries and Museums in Colorado
The Society's collection of books, manuscripts, and photographs brings the rich documentary legacy of Colorado's past to researchers here at home and around the world. Our newspaper collection alonethe largest in Coloradohas been instrumental in helping genealogists find their ancestors' birth, marriage, and death records; architectural historians to identify early buildings; lawyers to prepare legal cases; and novelists to discover new story ideas. The library's highly qualified staff have assisted students, historians, reporters, and movie producers with questions ranging from the colors of the Colorado state flag to the fine points of early territorial maps.
  • Colorado Talking Book Library
  • Part of the Colorado Department of Education: For individuals who are not able to enjoy books or magazines because they:
    • cannot see well enough to read conventional print;
    • have a physical disability which prevents handling the printed materials;

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