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61. About Seattle.gov - Policies And Planning - Computer Literacy Computer Literacy for Seattle.gov, the official website of the City of Seattle http://www.seattle.gov/pan/computerliteracy.htm |
62. Computer Literacy - A To Z Home's Cool Homeschooling Learn the basics here about how to your computer works, how to use email, program or build a website. Computer Literacy links from your Homeschooling Guide. http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/directory/Computing.htm | |
63. Computer Literacy And Ethnicity: Schools, Jobs And Socio-Economics English Argument December 8, 1995 Computer Literacy and Ethnicity Schools, Jobs and SocioEconomics. In America today, the computer revolution is affecting almost everyone's http://eserver.org/courses/fall95/76-100g/papers/hildisch/default.html | |
64. Computer Literacy | Seattle Goodwill Adult Basic Education. Providing the groundwork to prepare our participants for Goodwill’s job training programs. http://www.seattlegoodwill.org/jobtraining/jteclasses/computerclasses |
65. Questionnaire: Find Your Computacy Level Welcome! This is a questionnaire designed to test your computacy (your computerliteracy). Choose the best answer for each question. There are ten questions, and at the end you http://www.halfbakedsoftware.com/quandary/version_2/examples/computacy.htm | |
66. Computer Literacy From FOLDOC computer literacy education Basic skill in use of computers, from the perspective of such skill being a necessary societal skill. The term was coined by Andrew Molnar http://foldoc.org/computer literacy |
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