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41. Title Of Page Mission statement, research, faculty, facilities, seminars, courses and PhD program. http://neuroscience.uchc.edu/ | |
42. Department Of Genetics And Developmental Biology At The UConn Health Center Research and graduate education, seminars, publications and open positions for training and employment. http://genetics.uchc.edu/ | |
43. Department Of Dermatology At The UConn Health Center News plus information on faculty and patient services. http://dermatology.uchc.edu/ | |
44. UCHC Dept Of Cell Biology Faculty list and information on specific programs. http://cell.uchc.edu/ | |
45. Department Of Immunology At The UConn Health Center Seminar schedule, graduate program and faculty information. http://immune.uchc.edu/ |
46. Department Of Pediatrics At UConn Health Center Overview, annual report, contacts and links. http://pediatrics.uchc.edu/ | |
47. Department Of Cell Biology, UConn Health Center Faculty, students, news, seminars, training grant and postdoctoral positions. http://p450.uchc.edu/ | |
48. Master Of Public Health Program overview, admissions, student services and handbook provided. http://publichealth.uconn.edu/acprgms_mph_overview.php | |
49. ShamrockSchool Established in 1977, this Connecticut school offers classes for beginners through champions, ages five and up. http://www.shamrockschool.homestead.com | |
50. Welcome To EDUCATION CONNECTION Regional Service Center representing the western Connecticut school district with programs and services to promote quality of education. http://www.educationconnection.org/ | |
51. Guilford Public Schools - Guilford, CT of Special Education program in the Guilford, Connecticut school system....... http://www.guilford.k12.ct.us/district_information/pupil_services/ | |
52. Neonatology 26-bed facility located at Hartford Hospital providing intensive care and intermediate/convalescent care services. Affiliated with the University of Connecticut School of Medicine residency program. http://www.connecticutchildrens.org/body_dept.cfm?id=52 |
53. University Of Connecticut School Of Social Work Offers information about the MSW, joint master s degree, and PhD programs, admission criteria, faculty, and research activities. http://www.ssw.uconn.edu/ | |
54. Madina Academy Based in Windsor, Connecticut this school offers full-time Islamic education for K-7 levels in 2002-2003, with proposed addition of one level every year. Admission guidelines, event information and newsletter, and student handbook. http://www.madinaacademy.org/ | |
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