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1. Conservative Political Parties - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Many countries have political parties that are deemed to represent conservative, centreright, or Tory views which may be referred to informally as conservative parties even if not http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_political_parties | |
2. Democratic Party Of Serbia: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article The Serbian Renewal Movement is a conservative political party in Serbia.It was founded in 1990.In 1997 a dissident group abandoned the party and formed New Serbia . http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Democratic_Party_of_Serbia | |
3. New Democracy Party Official site of the largest Greek conservative political party. Outlines of the party s history, political program, as well as contact information are provided. http://www.nd.gr/ | |
4. The American Conservative Party The American Conservatives home of the American Conservative Party http://theamericanconservatives.org/cms/ |
5. Paris Approves Deal With Former President Chirac - World News Sep 27, 2010 The city of Paris pulled out of a longstanding corruption case against former French President Jacques Chirac on Monday, after he and his conservative political party http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39376427/ |
6. The Conservative Party The latest news, policies, videos and campaigns from the Conservative Party, led by David Cameron. http://www.conservatives.com/ |
7. Canadaeast.com - Paris City Hall Drops Its Complaint Against Former President Ch The city of Paris pulled out of a longstanding corruption case against former French President Jacques Chirac on Monday, after he and his conservative political party agreed to http://www.canadaeast.com/front/article/1236327 |
8. Conservative Party - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Africa. Conservative Party (South Africa) Conservative Party (Uganda) Conservative Party (Egypt) Latin America. Conservative Party (Bolivia) Conservative Party (Chile) (until 1966) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_party | |
9. Digg - Canadian Scientists Fight Back Against Censorship In September, I wrote about how the conservative political party in control in Canada is throttling scientists, forcing them to get permission to discuss their scientific results http://digg.com/news/science/canadian_scientists_fight_back_against_censorship |
10. Conservative (political Party) Definition Of Conservative (political Party) In T Conservative party, Canadian political party Conservative party, in Canada. 1 Former Canadian political party that merged with the Progressive party to form the Progressive http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Conservative (political party) |
11. Leonard Pitts Jr. | MiamiHerald.com That's the assessment of Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany, in a recent speech before the youth wing of her conservative political party, the Christian Democratic Union. http://www.miamiherald.com/living/columnists/leonard_pitts/ |
12. Conservative Party: Definition From Answers.com n. A major political party of the United Kingdom, characterized by moderate progressivism. http://www.answers.com/topic/conservative-party |
13. Grand National Party The Grand National Party is a conservative political party in South Korea. Its Korean name, Hannara, has a double meaning as Great National and Korean National. The GNP http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Grand National Party | |
14. Conservative (political Party) - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article Conservative Party. Political party of the USA and the UK. Although there is a Conservative Party in the USA, it is generally a minor element in national elections. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Conservative (political party) |
15. Merkel Calls It A Failure - Leonard Pitts Jr. - MiamiHerald.com Oct 20, 2010 That's the assessment of Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany, in a recent speech before the youth wing of her conservative political party, the Christian Democratic http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/10/20/1881769/merkel-calls-it-a-failure.html |
16. The Conservative Party | Policy Promoted by Alan Mabbutt on behalf of the Conservative Party, both at 30 Millbank, London, SW1P 4DP http://www.conservatives.com/Policy.aspx | |
17. Best Club Guide Kings Lynn PE30 Members Only Club Affiliated to The Conservative Political Party. A well appointed club serving cooked bar meals THE CONSERVATIVE CLUB http://www.pe30.com/best_club_guide_kings_lynn_pe30.html | |
18. Liberal Democratic Party Of Japan The Liberal Democratic Party (JiyūMinshutō), frequently abbreviated to LDP or Jimintō, is a centre right, conservative political party and the largest party in Japan and http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2009japanelection/2009-08/27/content_8624488. | |
19. Pitts: Germany Tells Muhammad, Go Home - Boulder Daily Camera Oct 25, 2010 That`s the assessment of Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany, in a recent speech before the youth wing of her conservative political party, the Christian Democratic http://www.dailycamera.com/opinion-columnists/ci_16409144?source=rss |
20. Conservative Politics & Perspectives A stockpile of information on conservative American politics, including Supreme Court nominations, prolife info, tax reform, education and emerging conservative movements. You'll http://usconservatives.about.com/ | |
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