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         Correspondence Schools:     more books (49)
  1. A System of Electrotherapeutics, Volume 2
  2. Fractional-horsepower motors by Theodore Ellsworth Maguire, and International Correspondence Schools Carville, 1972-01-01
  3. Gasoline Automobiles ; Gasoline Automobile Engines ; Automobile Engine Auxiliaries ; Electric Ignition ; Transmission and Control Mechanism ; Bearings and Lubrication ; Automobile Tires
  4. The Civil Engineer's Handbook by International Correspondence Schools, 1935
  5. The elements of railroad engineering
  6. A System of Electrotherapeutics: Vols. II Through Vi.
  7. A Textbook On Sheet-Metal Pattern Drafting, Volume 2
  8. The stenographer's and correspondent's handbook ..
  9. Principles of Law: Book of Forms
  10. The Mechanics' Handbook by International Correspondence Schools, 1924
  11. Coal and metal miners' pocketbook of principles, rules, formulas, and tables ..
  12. Wood working, wood turning, patternmaking, green-sand molding, core making, dry-sand and loam work, cupola practice, mixing cast iron
  13. THE ELEMENTS OF BRIDGE ENGINEERING, VOLUME 1. by International Correspondence Schools, 1897
  14. Storage Batteries; Incandescent Lighting; Arc Lighting; Interior Wiring; Modern Electric-Lighting Devices; Electric Signs; Electric Heating

41. Welcome!
A distance education program for those desiring to complete high school and earn a diploma. A teacher monitors all work and assignments are sent every two weeks. PLANO HOME SCHOOL ACADEMY Grades 4 - 8 NORTH TEXAS ACADEMY Grades 9 - 12
Welcome! Plano Home School Academy and
North Texas Academy
Accredited Home School Program
for Students in Grades 4 - 12
Home Schooling for Students
Anywhere in the World! PLANO HOME SCHOOL ACADEMY
is for students in grades 4 - 8. NORTH TEXAS ACADEMY is for high school students in grades 9 - 12, and adults wanting to earn a high school diploma. For information on home schooling, click on the appropriate link in the navigation menu for your grade level. We use state adopted curriculum, the same curriculum found in most public schools in the United States.
Study At Home Plano Home School Academy and North Texas Academy offer home school programs anywhere in the world for students who want to study in their own home. (English Language Required.)

42. Laurel Springs School
Private distance-learning school for K-12 children.

43. Homeschool World: Practical Homeschooling Articles: Correspondence Schools
The latest homeschooling news, articles, organizations, events, Homeschool Mall, and much, much more!

Mary Pride
Carole Adams Karen Andreola Frank Armbruster ... Other Correspondence Schools By Joyce Swann
Printed in PHS #15, 1997. In 1981, when Alexandra began earning her bachelor's degree through home study, not a lot was available in the way of university extension degrees. In fact, if someone had not suggested that we check out Peterson's Guides: Who Offers Part Time Degrees?, we might never have found a suitable program. Fortunately, the past fourteen years have seen a veritable explosion in the home study market, with a wide variety of correspondence programs now available through the mail, on cable television, and on the Internet. One thing that has not changed, however, is that anyone wanting to earn a degree through correspondence should proceed with caution. When looking for a correspondence program, we soon became aware that all university extension programs are not created equal. In fact, many institutions offer individual courses through correspondence, but they offer no degrees through home study. As a result, a correspondence student may find that he has spent several thousand dollars and many hours of hard work taking courses that are not going to apply toward a degree - remember, it is possible that none of these credits will be accepted at another institution. If a degree is the goal, the prospective student would be wise to reject any program that does not offer a fully accredited degree as the end product. At the time we began earning university degrees through home study a lot of people believed that a diploma earned through correspondence was not worth the paper it was printed on. We added an element of credibility by choosing top universities with impeccable credentials. Today, I still believe that great thought should go into the selection of the university as well as the selection of the correspondence program. After all, a degree is only as credible as the university through which it is earned.

44. The K-16 Education Center, The University Of Texas At Austin
Offers distance education for K-12 students, college students, and adult learners. High School Diploma Program available.
Sunday, November 14, 2010 Search:

45. Correspondence Schools - General Education Businesses In New Zealand - Finda New
Looking for Correspondence Schools businesses in New Zealand? Thousands of NZ companies listed. finda - You search. We find

46. Online High School Diploma | Benjamin Franklin High School
Offers program to earn a high school diploma from home.
Phone: 1-800-264-8330
Contact us today to receive a Free Brochure and start on the road to a Brighter Future!
No matter where in the world you are or how busy your schedule may be, let Benjamin Franklin High School show you how quick, easy and convenient it is to accomplish the goal of earning your High School Diploma!
This is a traditional home study program-from grades k-9 to k-12. We are a private, non-public High School. We teach through correspondence. Distance-learning is the method in which we teach.
Upon graduation you are awarded a high school diploma not a GED. We are a nation wide and global school. We are an adult high school where people that have dropped out of school for one reason or an other can still go back to school and not be a drop out any longer. Home schooling is the way in which people still have a chance to be a graduate.
We repeat this is NOT a GED, but a real High School Diploma from a private school.
The lessons are mailed to your home, then you will return the lessons to us to be graded by an instructor and when you pass all the 7 short lessons you have graduated!
You do not need a computer for our school, we use The US Mail to deliver the lessons.

47. Dennison Academy, Dennison Online, High School Diploma And GED Programs
High school distance learning program for English literate students worldwide.
Larry Dennison, Principal (Retired)
Enrollment is closed.
Alternative Programs
Visit for high school diploma and GED programs currently available. Records
For information on obtaining records, contact:
Domains for Sale (.net), (.net, .org), (.net, .org)

48. Correspondence Schools -
Top questions and answers about CorrespondenceSchools. Find 121 questions and answers about Correspondence-Schools at Read more.

49. Mother Of Divine Grace
A Catholic school which provides K-12 curriculum and support for parents who homeschool. This is an accredited, diploma granting institution located in California.
Currently Accepting Enrollments
A Catholic Distance Education Program Dedicated to Helping Homeschoolers
Design Their Own Classical Curriculum
Our Catholic, Classical Approach:
  • Teaches the Child How to Think Follows the Child's Natural Stages of Learning Tailors the Curriculum to the Child Supports the Spiritual Formation of the Child Allows the Parents to Play an Integral Role in Their Child's Education Provides Counseling and Tutorial Support
"For the sole true end of education is this: to teach men how to learn for themselves; and whatever instruction fails to do this is effort spent in vain." - Dorothy Sayers, The Lost Tools of Learning

50. Babbage Net School
A New York based virtual school for middle and high school students. Offers a complete diploma program.
Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.
Your first choice for Supplemental Educational Services
Babbage Net School leverages the power of a personal computer paired with a self-paced program to provide the highest quality tutoring available!
In addition to receiving a pre-installed customized laptop computer, each student is supported by accredited tutors from the National Tutoring Association (NTA) and our Homework Help Hotline.
Our program is completely independent and requires no internet access.

51. Calvert School | Home School Curriculum | Baltimore Independent School
Provides homeschool curriculum for elementary and middle school students.
Calvert School in Baltimore
Calvert School in Baltimore is an independent, nonsectarian, Pre-K through Eighth Grade school for boys and girls located in Baltimore, Maryland. Admission Information for Calvert School in Baltimore
For over 100 years, Calvert School has offered a homeschool curriculum for families across the world. Our curriculum is a blend of tradition and innovation. Let us help you inspire the best in your child. Calvert Homeschool Curriculum
Homeschool Enrichments

Order Online

Request a Homeschool Catalog
An End-to-End Virtual School Solution
Calvert Partners makes it easy for superintendents to expand educational options available in their districts and deliver a world-class distance education to those students. By partnering with Calvert, school districts can establish their own district-managed program, allowing them to attract and retain distance learning students.
Virtual Schools
For Families For Educators
Does your student struggle with reading, writing, or spelling?
Designed for elementary and middle school students who are reading below grade level

52. Home Schooling - Correspondence Schools
Home learning is recognized as one of the most convenient methods of education. Find out why homeschoolers are turning to distance learning and correspondence schools.
Home learning is recognized as one of the most convenient methods of education. Find out why homeschoolers are turning to distance learning and correspondence schools.
Correspondence Schools
Home Schooling Planning Home Schooling Methods Home Schooling Resources Home Schooling Organizations
Discover all the necessary information about colleges and university admittance of home schooled students.
You will find here typical requirements of higher education institutions concerning level of knowledges, activities, obligations and tests essential for home schoolers in order to be admitted. Correspondence Schools Although correspondence schools used to be considered strictly post high school, the homeschooling progress has brought the market to students of all grade levels. No matter if you are new to homeschooling, looking for more structure, or seeking an accredited program, a distance learning or correspondence school can be an excellent choice.
Families choose the option of a distance learning or correspondence school because they want higher quality education; they like the accountability, and they appreciate the ease of college admissions or entering the workforce. They realize that distance learning and correspondence schools allow you to study at home to get the training you need and to prepare for the future without leaving your front door.
In our society, home learning is recognized as one of the most convenient methods of education. But why opt for a distance learning or correspondence school?

53. Christa McAuliffe Academy
Provides complete selection of online classes in grades K-12. Accredited in Washington.
Christa McAuliffe Academy Loading...
21st Century Renaissance Education Christa McAuliffe Academy, popular for its personalized approach to education, is a well-respected online private school serving grades K-12. Click here to download an overview of the educational model used by CMA.
  • CMA has been serving students for over 20 years, yet keeps current in the latest brain research and educational technology. Regionally accredited by the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. CMA serves students throughout the U.S. and around the world.
    Personalized learning: tailored to student learning styles, interests, goals, and other needs. Option to complete each class as-is or to have a personalized plan for learning and demonstrating competency in that course's learning goals. Visit the Learning Model page for more information.
    Any time, any place, and self-paced year-round school with flexible scheduling and 24/7 online access. Students can take one, two, or three classes at a time, and immediately begin a new class upon completing a previous one. Since we are not bound to quarters or semesters, students can begin and complete classes at any time. As a result, students who wish to are able to move through their studies more quickly than a traditional school system. Open enro llment year-round: Enroll in courses any time of year.

54. Cengage Education - Online & Correspondence Courses
Cengage Education is a worldleader in the field of distance education and home learning. For over a century, our correspondence schools have been helping people like you to

55. High School Diploma Online | Homeschooling | GED
Complete program of correspondence courses at the high school level. Accredited in Florida.
Home Page Information Requests From the Director General Information ... News Citizens' High School Since 1981 This website is best viewed at 800x600 screen resolution. Congratulations, you have just found the finest place to earn an actual High School Diploma from an Accredited High School, not a GED. Citizens' High School provides quality coursework for people to earn an actual high school diploma , not a GED , from an Accredited High School Program . The School was founded in 1981 and is located in beautiful Orange Park, Florida. We highly encourage you and your family to tour our site. You will immediately recognize that we are not just one of the hundreds of online courses being marketed on the internet today. Since we observe a year-round calendar, students may begin and complete coursework and grade levels at their own pace and in the comfort of their own home or wherever their travels may take them. Please Click Here For More Information What does accredited mean? Citizens' High School is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training Council since January 28, 1984. The Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training Council is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency.

56. Christian PenPals - Correspondence Schools For Prisoners
Correspondence schools. Blackstone School of Law, Blackstone Career Institute, 218 Main Street, P.O. Box 899, Emmaus, PA 180490899. Offers a well-known, accredited paralegal
Home Testimonies Prayer List Chat Room ... Resources
Correspondence schools
Blackstone School of Law, Blackstone Career Institute, 218 Main Street, P.O. Box 899, Emmaus, PA 18049-0899. Offers a well-known, accredited paralegal program.
CLEP (College Level Exam Program), PO Box 6600, Princeton, NJ 08541-6600 College credits for self-taught knowledge.
Crossroad Bible Institute, PO Box 900, Grand Rapids, MI. 49509-0900 . 800-668-2450 offers beginner and up Bible studies and personal discipleship.Aftercare program for CBI students.
Emmaus Bible Correspondence School, PO Box 1028, Dubugue, IA 52004 (319) 588-8000 offers free Bible courses to prisoners.
PMI Center for Biblical Studies, PO Box 177, Battle Creek, MI 49016-0177 Check out Programs for degrees and Ordination.
National Home Study Council, 1801 18th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009 Write for a list of schools and courses that are offered to prisoners by mail.
Office of Correctional Education, U.S. Dept. of Education, 400 Maryland Ave. S.W., Washington, DC 20202. Information about educational grants.
The Paralegal Institute, 3602 West Thomas Rd. # 9, Drawer 11408, Phoenix, AZ 85061-1408 (602) 272-1855 Associate Degree program available. Accredited by the D.E.T.C.

57. COOLSchool
Online courses for Oregon middle and high school students. Not a full curriculum or diploma program, but many courses offered.
COOLSchool's virtual doors are closed for the 2009 - 2010 school year. COOLSchool Login Handbook for Adult Contacts Tuition discount for 20 or more student registrations Quick Picks:
Choose Below: Cost How to Register Need Help Staff Winter 2009 Catalog (PDF)
COOLSchool Home
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Web Use Agreement

58. Correspondence Schools
Correspondence schools are a great alternative to attending a standard public or private school. They allow students to learn from home and turn in assignments through
Home Schooling
Home Schooling
Correspondence Schools Written by Jill Morrison Correspondence schools are a great alternative to attending a standard public or private school. They allow students to learn from home and turn in assignments through correspondence. In the past, correspondence school would be done through regular mail delivery. Today we have the luxury of using the internet to correspond. Students can even see and hear lectures online and chat with teachers and other students at online schools.
Choosing Correspondence Schools
There are various reasons that a child or student may not want to attend school outside of their home. The most common issues include behavioral problems, moving to slow or too quickly for their grade level, parents are disappointed with the material focused on at school, and scheduling problems. Correspondence schools allow parents to monitor the progress of their child in school and the material they are learning. Some parents have a specific idea of what their child should be learning in school. For instance, many Christian families want their children to attend a Christian school. If this type of school is not located near their home, they may choose home schooling instead. Plenty of online Christian school programs are available to students online. They teach the same subjects, but from a Christian perspective.

59. Evergreen Internet Academy
An online school which offers a full curriculum to middle and high school students. A Washington state diploma program is available.
Welcome to Dell PowerApp.web

60. Homeschool Correspondence Schools
Listed are homeschool correspondence schools which have the required certification to be used by Iowa homeschooling families for annual assessment purposes.

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