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21. Library Crime Prevention General. Crime, Grime, Fear and Decline A Longitudinal Look Ralph B. Taylor, National Institute of Justice, Research in Brief, July 1999 http://cagisperm.hamilton-co.org/cpop/library.aspx | |
22. Blog Service Discontinued Provincial With Spring upon us the OPP is warning all area residents Posted in Crime Prevention, General Announcements, Safety Tips No Comments http://blog.essexcountyopp.com/?cat=7 |
23. Life Is Great Productions Where To Find Quality Drug Prevention Crime Prevention A video production company that provides resources to help teach crime prevention. Our productions deal with substance abuse, personal safety, disaster preparedness, community and neighborhood safety. http://www.lifeisgreatproductions.com/ | |
24. Crime Prevention: Streetwise, The Way To Be Crime Prevention General Safety Teens are the age group most vulnerable to crime. But putting into http://www.troopers.state.ny.us/Crime_Prevention/General_Safety/Streetwise/ | |
25. Harris County - Constable Precinct 5 Phil Camus - Crime Prevention General Safety Tips. You can protect yourself and your neighbors from injuries and loss of property by being aware of suspicious activity in your neighborhood and notifying your http://www.co.harris.tx.us/pct5/CrimePrevention.aspx | |
26. Crime Prevention Resources City of Minneapolis provides several auto theft prevention tips. http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/police/crime-prevention/ | |
27. Dubrovnik Gets Top-notch Surveillance Cameras For Better Crime Prevention - Gene Report on Croatian Times english news online newspaper Dubrovnik is looking to install 72 surveillance cameras in a bid to crack down on increasing violence in the city. http://www.croatiantimes.com/news/General_News/2010-08-06/12858/Dubrovnik_gets_t | |
28. Self-Defense Zone: Self Defense, Martial Arts, Self-defence Information Provides awareness on crime prevention, self-defense, personal security, surviving terrorist attacks, martial arts, and weapons. In English and Russian. http://www.self-defender.net | |
29. Related Sites Security and Crime Prevention General . Contact your local Crime Prevention Officer http//www.police.uk/ Government advice on crime reduction measures and initiatives. http://www.torc-anchors.com/links.php | |
30. Bingham Neighbourhood Watch - Welcome Scheme structure, benefits of membership, contact arrangements, news, crime prevention links. http://www.bob.gar.btinternet.co.uk/bnw.html | |
31. Crime Prevention - General GhanaZone is a social networking site that connects Ghanaians all over the world with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use GhanaZone to keep up http://ghanazone.com/blogs/general/archive/tags/Crime prevention/default.aspx | |
32. Nanaimo And District Crime Stoppers Community crime prevention program offers information on how to report a crime, Nanaimo s most wanted, and unsolved crimes. British Columbia. http://www.nanaimocrimestoppers.com/ | |
33. Public Safety Crime Prevention General Information . Most crimes committed on campus can be prevented. Public Safety, in conjunction with local law enforcement agencies, will present crime http://www.tridenttech.edu/publicsafety_psTips.htm | |
34. St. Thomas Crime Stoppers Contains history, crime prevention tips and how to report a crime. Ontario. http://www.stthomascrimestoppers.ca/ | |
35. Prevention Home On The Police Web Site Crime Prevention General Biking/Walking Safety Child Safety ID Theft Personal Safety Town Center Substation Classes Vehicle Prowls http://www.redmond.gov/insidecityhall/police/prevention/prevention.asp | |
36. Home Page - Vegreville & District Crime Prevention Association Works with the RCMP and RCW to prevent crime within the community. Includes mission statement, reasons to join and activities. Alberta. http://www.vegrcw.webs.com/ |
37. General Tips | Central Michigan University CMU Home; Police; Campus Safety; Crime Prevention; General Tips; General Tips 20082009 Campus Security Brochure. At Central Michigan University http://www.cmich.edu/Police/Campus_Safety/Crime_Prevention/General_Tips.htm | |
38. Citizens For Crime Awareness Information about automobile theft and public safety in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Crime prevention tips. http://www.cfcawinnipeg.com/ | |
39. City Of Long Beach, CA - General Guidelines For Retail Store Crime Prevention General Guidelines for Retail Store Implementing these safety recommendations will make your business “crime http://www.longbeach.gov/police/crime_prevention/general_guidelines_for_retail_s |
40. Flash Intro Page Promotes citizen participation in methods and programs. Includes history, events, and membership. http://www.ilstatecrimeprevention.org/ | |
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