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1. ..:: PEX FX ::.. Currency Alternatives. PEX FX offers several different contracts tailored to suit our client’s specific needs; Spot Contracts A ‘spot contract’ is an agreement to buy currency for http://www.pexfx.com/currency_alternatives.html | |
2. Alternative Currency - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Alternative currency is a term that refers to any currency used as an alternative to the dominant national or multinational currency systems (usually referred to as national or fiat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_currency | |
3. ECONOMICS GUIDE The Internet is facilitating a number of currency alternatives. One example is Berkeley Region Exchange and Developmentabbreviated as BREAD . http://www.prenhall.com/ebiz/ch08.html | |
4. Disclaimer A specialist currency and alternative investment manager with a global institutional client base. It provides active currency management using a fundamental discretionary approach, and a range of niche alternative products. http://www.millenniumglobal.com | |
5. Rapture Ready Radio Three Part Special [Archive] - Rapture Ready Dollar Declines as Nations Mull Reserve Currency Alternatives Obama declares June 'LGBT Pride Month' Disney hosts 'Gay Days' this weekend Sirens sound across Israel as home front http://rr-bb.com/archive/index.php/t-95952.html | |
6. - Bloomberg The dollar weakened beyond $1.43 against the euro for the first time in 2009 on bets record U.S. borrowing will undermine the greenback, prompting nations to consider http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=a3X76sjV801Y&refe |
7. Eeyore's Important News And Views: Eeyores News And View Dollar Declines as Nations Mull Reserve Currency Alternatives June 2 (Bloomberg) The dollar weakened beyond $1.43 against the euro for the first time in 2009 on bets record U.S http://eeyoresnews.blogspot.com/2009/06/eeyores-news-and-view_2611.html | |
8. IMF Economists Review Reserve Currency Alternatives | Reuters Oct 22, 2010 PARIS, Nov 12 (Reuters) Policymakers should consider ways of shifting from a dollar-centric global monetary system to one with a wider range of reserve assets and some http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSLC42025420091112 | |
9. USD Shoe About To Drop With China at close to $1 trillion of foreign reserves, mostly in the USD, they have suffered roughly a 10% loss in their value compared to other currency alternatives. http://www.gold-eagle.com/editorials_05/laird121306.html | |
10. Chp 13, Currency Alternatives For Impersonal Markets, "New Money For Healthy Com An effective community is a process, an ongoing collection of interactions and continuing relationships. Michael Linton Up to this point, our consideration of exchange http://www.ratical.org/many_worlds/cc/NMfHC/chp13.html | |
11. How To Predict The Price Of Gold -- Seeking Alpha as continuing pressure keeps being added to the FRN$ through bailouts, inflation, swaps, etc. it will hasten towards the fiat currency graveyard as commodity currency alternatives http://seekingalpha.com/article/177692-how-to-predict-the-price-of-gold |
12. Peak Oil Entrepreneur The Second (of Two) Currency Alternatives Peak Oil Entrepreneur is a blog that explores the implications of peak oil on small business, and strategies for small business adaptation to a radically altered business landscape http://peakoilentrepreneur.com/second-currency-alternative |
13. Why Does Austrian Economics Attract Educated Individuals � Conspiracy Science Rather than a doomsday scenario, certain Austrian economic advocates just want to see more currency alternatives and where people have the ability to form their own. http://conspiracyscience.com/forums/topic/why-does-austrian-economics-attract-ed | |
14. Gold Little Changed After Advancing On Demand For Currency Alternatives - Bloomb Gold futures were little changed in New York after climbing to a oneweek high as some investors sought an alternative to currencies. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-04-26/gold-futures-fluctuate-in-new-york-as-i | |
15. AltBib.Com: Deutsche Bank Dollar Declines as Nations Mull Reserve Currency Alternatives The dollar weakened beyond $1.43 against the euro for the first time in 2009 on bets record U.S. borrowing will http://altbib.com/t/Deutsche Bank | |
16. Gold Trends Magazine: IMF Economists Review Reserve Currency Alternatives PARIS, Nov 12 (Reuters) Policymakers should consider ways of shifting from a dollar-centric global monetary system to one with a wider range of reserve assets and some form of http://goldtrendsmagazine.com/articles/IMF-economists-review-reserve-currency-al | |
17. American Thinker Blog: What Is The 21st Century's Empire State? China has and continues to search for currency alternatives to the US dollar, but no obvious solution exists at this time. What happens when the bonds mature and China and Japan http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/10/what_is_the_21st_centurys_empi.html |
18. Dollar Declines As Nations Mull Reserve Currency Alternatives // Current June 2 (Bloomberg) The dollar weakened beyond $1.43 against the euro for the first time in 2009 on bets record U.S. borrowing will undermine the greenback, http://current.com/news/90146841_dollar-declines-as-nations-mull-reserve-currenc |
19. Roubini Global Economics - The BRICs And Reserve Currency Alternatives You must be logged in to access premium content. If you are a client, please login now. http://www.roubini.com/briefings/10431.php | |
20. IMF Economists Review Reserve Currency Alternatives | Business | Guardian.co.uk guardian.co.uk had limited rights to this article, which have now expired. guardian.co.uk is updated 24 hours a day, and the latest news can be found on guardian.co.uk. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/feedarticle/8804396 |
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