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         Czech Republic Government:     more books (100)
  1. Politics and Government in the Visegrad Countries: Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia by John Fitzmaurice, 1998-11-15
  2. CZECH REPUBLIC DIPLOMATIC HANDBOOK (World Business, Investment and Government Library) by Ibp Usa, 2009-01-01
  3. Regional Economic Voting: Russia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic, 1990-1999 (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics) by Joshua A. Tucker, 2006-02-13
  4. Market Dreams: Gender, Class, and Capitalism in the Czech Republic by Prof. Elaine Susan Weiner, 2007-08-29
  5. The Czech Republic: A Nation of Velvet (Postcommunist States and Nations) by Rick Fawn, 2000-05-01
  6. Security Intelligence Services in New Democracies: The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania (Studies in Russian & Eastern European History) by Kieran Williams, Dennis Deletant, 2001-03-07
  7. Us - Czech Republic Economic and Political Cooperation Handbook
  8. Business Law Guide to the Czech Republic by Jennie Mills, 1994-01
  9. Czech Republic Telecommunication Industry Business Opportunities Handbook
  10. Czech Republic Privatization Programs and Regulations Handbook
  11. The Political Economy of Fiscal Reform in Central-Eastern Europe: Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic from 1989 to EU Accession (Studies in Comparative Economic Systems Series) by Frank Bonker, 2006-12-30
  12. NATO and Eastern Europe After 2000: Strategic Interactions With Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania and Bulgaria by Laure Paquette, 2001-05
  13. Governing the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Between State Socialism and the European Union by John A. Scherpereel, 2008-10-15
  14. The Governance of Privatization Funds: Experiences of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia

41. MPSV.CZ : Ministry Of Labour And Social Affairs
Contains news, information on migration of workers, employment and social policy, equal rights and legislation.
MPSV.CZ - Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic
Navigation across the page
Contents Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs:
MoLSA reccomends - Public Administration Portal - Official website of the Czech Republic EURLEX - Direct free access to EU law - Office for International Legal Protection of Children Government Council for Human Resources Development - pages of an advisory and working body of the Government Government Council for Roma Community Affairs - pages of an advisory and working body of the Government Government Council for Occupational Safety and Health
The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) was established in 1990. It is responsible for social policy (e.g. people with disabilities, social services, social benefits, family policy), social security (e.g. pensions, sickness insurance), employment (e.g. labour market, employment support, employment of foreigners), labour legislation, occupational safety and health, equal opportunities of women and men, migration and integration of foreigners, European Social Fund and other social or labour related issues. MoLSA provides methodological guidance for Labour Offices, Czech Social Security Administration, State Labour Inspection Office, Regional Labour Inspectorates and for the Office for International Legal Protection of Children.

42. : Czech Republic Government
Information of Czech Republic Government, Political parties, democracy, Prime Minister
Country Info Home Introduction General Data
Time and Date
Czech Republic : Government
Politics: Monopoly on politics held by Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (Komunisticka strana CeskoslovenskaKSC). Gustav Husak elected first secretary of KSC in 1969 and president of Czechoslovakia in 1975. Other parties and organizations exist but function in subordinate roles to KSC. All political parties, as well as numerous mass organizations, grouped under umbrella of National Front of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. Human rights activists and religious activists severely repressed. Government: Government functioned under 1960 Constitution, which was substantially amended in 1968 and to lesser extents in 1971, 1975, and 1978. 1968 amendments created federal government structure, although consequent amendments greatly limited authority of Czech Socialist Republic and Slovak Socialist Republic. Power of federal administration severely limited by "shadow government" within KSC, which made all valuable policy decisions. Foreign Relations: Formal diplomatic relations with 135 nations in 1987. Czechoslovakia considered strong ally of Soviet Union and closely followed Soviet lead in international affairs. Relations with United States poor in 1987. International Agreements and Memberships: Active participant in Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, Warsaw Pact, United Nations and its specialized agencies, and Movement of Nonaligned Nations; signatory of conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.

43. Ministerstvo Financí ČR
Includes activities, personal facts, various financial programmes, strategies, forecasts, statistics, and operations. Czech, English
Ministerstvo financí České republiky
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Ministerstvo Veřejné finance EU a zahraničí Daně a cla ... English pages Vyhledávání rozšířené
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Veřejnost Daňoví specialisté Podnikový management Veřejná správa ... Mapa stránek Dnes je 14.11.2010 Sdělte nám svůj názor na web Ministerstva financí ČR – pozvánka na testování
Ministerstvo financí
12. listopadu 2010 ::
Upozornění pro veřejnost na nedostupnost - aplikací ARES a ARIS (16.11.2010 17:00 - 17.11.2010 06:00)
Z technických důvodů nebudou od úterý 16. listopadu 2010 17:00 hodin do středy 17. listopadu 6:00 hodin dostupné aplikace ARES a ARIS. Omlouváme se za případné nepříjemnosti.
Děkujeme za pochopení.
Provoz ICT a uživatelská podpora 11. listopadu 2010 ::
Informace MF - k reorganizaci státního dozoru nad sázkovými hrami a loteriemi ÚFO ke dni 1.1.2011 - (ZMĚNY OD 1.1.2011)
  • Informace pro územní samosprávné celky k reorganizaci územních finančních orgánů (změny od 1.1.2011)
      S účinností od 1. 1. 2011 se mění místní příslušnost finančních úřadů k výkonu kontroly správy poplatků, které jsou příjmem státního rozpočtu, jsou-li k jejich správě věcně příslušné jiné orgány (ustanovení § 2 odst. 1 písm. k) ZÚFO). Od tohoto data budou vykonávat kontroly správního poplatku za povolení výherní hrací přístroj obcemi, a to včetně správy odvodu 50 % správních poplatků na základě pravomocných povolení (ustanovení § 7 odst. 2 a § 8 odst. 2 zákona č. 250/2000 Sb., o rozpočtových pravidlech územních rozpočtů) nově místně příslušné finanční úřady v sídle kraje.
  • 44. Czech Republic Government
    Topic Internet World Europe Czech Republic Europe Governments Czech Republic Government Accommodations Places to Stay Europe Hotels International Hotel Search
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    Administrative divisions:
    13 regions (kraje, singular - kraj) and 1 capital city* (hlavni mesto); Jihocesky Kraj, Jihomoravsky Kraj, Karlovarsky Kraj, Kralovehradecky Kraj, Liberecky Kraj, Moravskoslezsky Kraj, Olomoucky Kraj, Pardubicky Kraj, Plzensky Kraj, Praha (Prague)*, Stredocesky Kraj, Ustecky Kraj, Vysocina, Zlinsky Kraj Airlines
    Airlines in Europe

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    Capital: Prague
    Constitution: ratified 16 December 1992; effective 1 January 1993
    Country name: conventional long form: Czech Republic conventional short form: Czech Republic local long form: Ceska Republika local short form: Ceska Republika Diplomatic representation from the US: chief of mission: Ambassador William J. CABANISS embassy: Trziste 15, 11801 Prague 1 mailing address: use embassy street address telephone: [420] (2) 5753-0663 FAX: [420] (2) 5753-0583 Diplomatic representation in the US: chief of mission: Ambassador Martin PALOUS chancery: 3900 Spring of Freedom Street NW, Washington, DC 20008

    45. Ministerstvo životního Prostředí
    Information on environmental policy, Aarhus Convention, organizational structure and links. Czech, English
    Kontakty Mapa webu English Vyhledavani Prejit na obsah
    Prezident ČR Václav Klaus navštívil Ministerstvo životního prostředí
    V úterý 9. listopadu 2010 navštívil prezident ČR Václav Klaus Ministerstvo životního prostředí, kde se seznámil s plněním prioritních záměrů a s konkrétními opatřeními ministra ŽP Pavla Drobila. Zobrazit celý článek
    Vláda schválila Zprávu o stavu životního prostředí ČR za rok 2009
    Vláda České republiky přijala ve středu 3. listopadu Zprávu o stavu životního prostředí ČR za rok 2009 předloženou ministrem Pavlem Drobilem. Zpráva má být do tří měsíců od přijetí vládou zveřejněna a předseda vlády ji předloží také předsedům PSP a Senátu ČR. Zobrazit celý článek
    Ředitel NP a CHKO Šumava rezignoval na svou funkci
    Ministr životního prostředí Pavel Drobil přijal k 1. listopadu 2010 rezignaci Ing. Františka Krejčího na funkci ředitele Správy NP a CHKO Šumava. Ministr poděkoval panu Krejčímu za jeho dosavadní práci v čele NP a vyjádřil přesvědčení, že jeho odborné znalosti a zkušenosti bude možné v budoucnu využít při jiné činnosti i v rámci resortu životního prostředí.

    46. Embassy Of Belgium Prague, Czech Republic
    Embassy of Belgium in Prague, Czech Republic, with office hours and contact information.
    Forms Site map Embassy of Belgium in Prague Linking you to the heart of Europe Search site
    Your documents and/or money were lost or stolen? Here is what you need to do. Read FAQ consular affairs this Embassy can help you with. Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
    Website of the Presidency
    Program of the Presidency
    >> Read more

    BELGIUM'S DIPLOMATIC NETWORK IN PRAGUE: Who is Who Dear Sir or Madam, It is a pleasure to welcome you on the official website of the Embassy of Belgium in the Czech Republic. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1919, Belgium and the Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia) have enjoyed a very intense and fruitful relation. Our bilateral relations have developed tremendously in all possible sectors, economic, commercial, educational or cultural. Every year thousands of our people visit each other's country, deepening our mutual friendship and understanding. Belgians and Czechs are working together on a number of important projects, bilateral and multilateral, and today Belgian companies have already invested massively in the Czech Republic.

    47. Czech Republic/Government - Discussion And Encyclopedia Article. Who Is Czech Re
    Czech republic/Government. Discussion about Czech republic/Government. Ecyclopedia or dictionary article about Czech republic/Government.

    48. Velvyslanectví České Republiky V Kodani
    Lists the staff of the Czech Embassy in Copenhagen, with more content in Czech and Danish.
    Velvyslanectví České republiky v Kodani
    Velvyslanectví České republiky v Kodani
    Tjekkiske Republiks Ambassade i København
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    dansk English
    Hledat: Rozšířené vyhledávání Kodaň dnes zítra Praha dnes zítra
    NADCHÁZEJÍCÍ AKCE: Promítání dokumentu “Moc bezmocných”
    Při příležitosti státního svátku 17. listopadu – Dne boje za svobodu a demokracii – pořádá Velvyslanectví ČR v Kodani promítání amerického dokumentárního filmu “Moc bezmocných“ režiséra Coryho Taylora. Upozorňujeme, že film bude promítán v původním anglickém znění.
    PRÁVĚ PROBÍHÁ: Výstava ilustrací Renáty Fučíkové putuje po Dánsku
    Výstava české ilustrátorky Renáty Fučíkové a jejích ilustrací k čínským pohádkám a pohádkám H. C. Andersena se koná v Hlavní knihovně v Ringstedu 10. – 27. listopadu 2010. Slavnostní otevření se koná ve středu 10. listopadu 2010 v 15 hod.
    NADCHÁZEJÍCÍ AKCE: Krátké filmy z České republiky v Café Teatret v Kodani
    Café Teatret v Kodani ve spolupráci s FilmPlatform, Velvyslanectvím ČR v Kodani, Dánským filmovým institutem a Českým filmovým centrem pořádá v neděli 21. listopadu 2010 od 15 hod. promítání současných krátkých filmů z České republiky.
    Den českého animovaného filmu na Dánské filmové škole v Kodani
    V úterý 2. listopadu 2010 uspořádalo Velvyslanectví ČR v Kodani ve spolupráci s Dánskou filmovou školou, Dánskou školou designu v Kodani a Národním filmovým archivem v Praze jednodenní přehlídku děl nejvýznamnějších českých tvůrců animovaného filmu.

    49. 1Up Travel > Czech Republic Government - Facts On Government Of Czech Republic I
    Wanted to find out info about Government of Czech Republic with respect to Country name, Data code, Dependency status, Government type, Capital, Administrative divisions, Dependent
    Enter your search terms Submit search form Web You are here International Europe Czech Republic
    Country At a Glance
    Introduction Topography Life Cuisine ... Newstand
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    Country Facts Introduction Geography People Government ... Transnational issues
    Related Czech Republic Guide
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    Czech Republic Flag
    Czech Republic Travel Warning
    Czech Republic Government
    Czech Republic Government Top of Page Country name: conventional long form: Czech Republic
    conventional short form: Czech Republic local long form: Ceska Republika local short form: Ceska Republika Government type: parliamentary democracy Capital: Prague Administrative divisions: 13 regions (kraje, singular - kraj) and 1 capital city* (hlavni mesto); Brnensky, Budejovicky, Jihlavsky, Karlovarsky, Kralovehradecky, Liberecky, Olomoucky, Ostravsky, Pardubicky, Plzensky, Praha*, Stredocesky, Ustecky, Zlinsky Independence: 1 January 1993 (Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia) National holiday: Czech Founding Day, 28 October (1918)

    50. Embassy Of The Czech Republic In Damascus
    Contact information for the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Damascus.

    51. Articles About Czech Republic Government - Page 2 - Los Angeles Times
    Featured Czech Republic Government News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about Czech Republic Government from the Los Angeles Times (Page 2 of 2)

    52. Czech Economic And Cultural Office Taipei
    Czech Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei, with visa and consular information.
    Czech Economic and Cultural Office Taipei
    Czech Economic and Cultural Office Taipei
    Česká ekonomická a kulturní kancelář Taipei
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    Search: Advanced search taipei 15-Nov-2010 today tomorrow Prague 14-Nov-2010 today tomorrow
    Doing Business in the Czech Republic
    The server is designed for foreign entities interested in information about Czech enterprises or trade with them. The server regularly publishes specialized information on trade opportunities with the Czech Republic in different regions and industrial sectors, and also news. An important part is formed by the company contacts listed in a directory of exporters.”
    SCHENGEN VISA - new proceeding of Travel Health Insurance since 1st of October 2010
    Due to implementation regulations of Schengen Visa Codex, since October 1st 2010 every applicant for Schengen visa will be required to submit Travel Health Insurance Policy, covering medical expenses, including emergency hospital treatment and repatriation for the entire duration of stay in the countries of the Schengen area.
    Application form for long term residence permit (students and coalescence of family)
    To speed up the procedure of application, students are recomended to print and fill the application form in advance.

    53. Czech Republic Government Scholarships
    Czech Republic Government Scholarships; The Government of the Czech Republic offers a number of scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance
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    Czech Republic Government Scholarships
    International Scholarships Scholarship for Student in Developing Countries
    Czech Republic Government Scholarships: The Government of the Czech Republic offers a number of scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance Programme in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic. These so called Government Scholarships are designed to cover the standard length of study:
  • In Bachelor/Master study programmes plus one-year preparatory course of the Czech language (which is combined with other field-specific training). Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates from upper secondary schools who can enrol only in study programmes in which they follow instruction in the Czech language. Depending on the subject area, applicants are normally required to take entrance examinations at the respective institution of higher education.
  • 54. Velvyslanectví České Republiky V Tokiu
    Embassy of the Czech Republic in Japan. Includes information on study and exchanges.
    Velvyslanectví České republiky v Tokiu
    Velvyslanectví České republiky v Tokiu
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    Hledat: Rozšířené vyhledávání Tokio dnes zítra Praha dnes zítra
    Nový formulář žádosti o dlouhodobé vízum
    Od 1.9.2010 vstupuje v platnost nový formulář žádosti o dlouhodobé vízum. Od tohoto data je nutno výhradně používat nový formulář.
    Nový formulář žádosti o udělení schengenského víza
    Dne 5.4.2010 vstupuje v platnost Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (ES) č. 810/2009 ze dne 13. července 2009 o kodexu Společenství o vízech (Vízový kodex).
    Zmírnění majetkové křivdy občanům ČR za nemovitý majetek, který zanechali na území Podkarpatské Rusi
    Dne 1. října 2009 nabyl účinnosti zákon č. 212/2009 Sb., kterým se zmírňují majetkové křivdy občanům ČR za nemovitý majetek, který zanechali na území Podkarpatské Rusi v souvislosti s jejím postoupením Svazu sovětských socialistických republik.
    Mezinárodní smlouva o sociálním zabezpečení mezi Českou republikou a Japonskem
    Smlouva je významným právním dokumentem, který posiluje ochranu důchodových práv migrujících osob, které pracovaly nebo budou pracovat v obou smluvních státech a získaly nebo získají zde doby pojištění. Především pro japonskou stranu jsou zde důležitá ustanovení upravující příslušnost k právním předpisům, respektive pojištění (placení pojistného na sociální zabezpečení) pracovníka z titulu konkrétní činnosti pouze v jednom ze smluvních států.

    55. Welcome To The Czech Republic - News From The Czech Republic
    Official travel site of the Czech Republic provides news and information including special interest holidays, events and map.
    official travel site of the Czech Republic
    Skip navigation choose your language (language) introduction text only ... site map
    Full Text Search
    Basic web navigation
    • Czech Republic What to see
      Weather and money

      day after tomorrow
      EUR /CZK:
      News from the Czech Republic
      The Czech Republic – a Symphony for the Senses
      Come to the Czech Republic, a country where students and the elderly alike can enjoy a great holiday, a country just made for holidaying with children romantic breaks for couples and business meetings . Come and visit a country of famous composers and create your own symphony for the senses.
      News and tips
      10 November 2010 2010 Season at the Monuments in Central Bohemia The last weekend in October marked the end of the main visiting season in castles and chateaux. Some monuments close for the winter, others remain open with limited winter operation and most of them invite visitors for advent events. So what was the past season like at the monuments in Central Bohemia administered by the National Heritage Institute? 08 November 2010 Get to know Bystřicko The countryside between the deep valley of the River Svratka and the foothills of the Žďár Peaks entice you to make trips there, drives and walks regardless of the season. In summer, the fragrant forests invite you to take a walk there, go mushrooming, and the calm surfaces of the fishponds big and small entice you to swim or go fishing. The undulating terrain suitable for cycling will satisfy the requirements of active tourists. Šiklův mlýn Western Town in Zvole u Pernštejna acts like a magnet for children and playful adults alike.

    56. Czech Republic: Government —
    Encyclopedia — Czech Republic Government. The Czech Republic is governed under the constitution of 1992. The president, who is the head of state, is elected by the
    Sponsored Links TripAdvisor Encyclopedia Czech Republic
    The Czech Republic is governed under the constitution of 1992. The president, who is the head of state, is elected by the legislature for a five-year term and is eligible for a second term. The prime minister is the head of government. The bicameral Parliament consists of the 81-seat Senate, whose members are elected by popular vote to serve six-year terms, and the 200-seat Chamber of Deputies, whose members are popularly elected for four-year terms. Administratively the country is divided into 13 regions and the capital city. Sections in this article: The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,

    57. Consulate General Of The Czech Republic In Mumbai
    Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Mumbai, with a curriculum vitae of the Consul General.
    Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Mumbai
    Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Mumbai
    Generální konzulát České republiky v Mumbai
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    Search: Advanced search mumbai 14-Nov-2010 today tomorrow Prague 14-Nov-2010 today tomorrow
    The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Mumbai strongly recommends that an appointment for a submission of a visa application is arranged in advance on following telephone numbers: (22) 23518456 or 23518457. Due to a high tourist season the number of applications per day has to be limited. Prior appointments will be treated preferably. The Consulate apologizes for the inconvenience. This arrangement is only a temporary measure.
    Be kindly informed that the Regulation (EC) No. 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2008 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code) has entered into force on April 5, 2010. Visa applicants shall present a valid travel document issued within the previous 10 years (article 12 of the Regulation (EC) No. 810/2009)
    Contact information - concerning the Consulate General
    G. Deshmukh Marg is a new but lesser- known name of the street formerly called Pedder Road . In case of asking about the way to the Consulate General or while using the taxi we recommend to demand still frequently used name Pedder Road. Since the street is rather long, other reference points might help: Jaslok Hospital (Consulate General is situated about 200m down the hill from the hospital), Mahalaxmi Temple (Consulate General is situated about 100m up the hill from the intersection right in front of the temple). Another reference point is quite well known Breach Candy Club or Breach Candy Hospital, which are about 10 minutes walking distance from the building of Consulate General.

    58. Velvyslanectví České Republiky V Korejské Republice
    Features an organization chart of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Seoul.
    Velvyslanectví České republiky v Korejské republice
    Velvyslanectví České republiky v Korejské republice
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    Hledat: Rozšířené vyhledávání Soul dnes zítra Praha dnes zítra
    SOUL (Seoul) – film Štěpána Altrichtera v soutěži festivalu krátkých filmů
    Česká kinematografie má letos opět zastoupení v soutěžní sekci 8. mezinárodního festivalu krátkých filmů v Soulu Asiana International Short Film Festival (AISFF), do níž byl zařazen český film s originálním anglickým názvem Did Michael Knight End the Cold War?
    SOUL (Seoul) – sekce „Fantastic, Czech!“ na festivalu rodinných filmů
    Necelé tři týdny po prezentaci nejnovějších českých filmů na největším asijském filmovém festivalu v Pusanu se česká kinematografie představuje další speciální sekcí, tentokrát na 4. ročníku Soulského festivalu rodinných filmů. Třiadvacítka českých filmů od tvůrců jako jsou Aurel Klimt, Jiří Trnka, Břetislav Pojar nebo Karel Zeman prezentuje korejské veřejnosti bohatou historii i současnost českého animovaného filmu.
    PADŽU (Paju) - Čapkova Válka s mloky vyšla korejsky
    Elitní korejské nakladatelství Open Books sídlící v „knižním městě“ Padžu nedaleko Soulu vydalo v říjnu 2010 za čtvrtstoletí své existence první knihu českého autora – Válku s mloky Karla Čapka. Po trilogii Hordubal, Povětroň a Obyčejný život je to teprve třetí Čapkův román v korejštině.

    59. Embassy Of The Czech Republic In Sofia
    Embassy of the Czech Republic in Bulgaria. Includes a curriculum vitae of the ambassador.

    60. Czech Republic Capital Government
    Czech Republic government, capital, and more. conventional long form Czech Republic conventional short form Czech Republic Czech Republic Top 10 Countries * United States China Japan India ... Brazil * By Gross Domestic
    Market (2002) Czech Republic Government Overview Geography People Government ... Transnational Issues Capital: Prague Country name: conventional long form: Czech Republic
    conventional short form: Czech Republic
    local short form: Ceska Republika
    local long form: Ceska Republika Government type: parliamentary democracy Administrative divisions: 13 regions (kraje, singular - kraj) and 1 capital city* (hlavni mesto); Jihocesky Kraj, Jihomoravsky Kraj, Karlovarsky Kraj, Kralovehradecky Kraj, Liberecky Kraj, Moravskoslezsky Kraj, Olomoucky Kraj, Pardubicky Kraj, Plzensky Kraj, Praha*, Stredocesky Kraj, Ustecky Kraj, Vysocina, Zlinsky Kraj Independence: 1 January 1993 (Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia) National holiday: Czech Founding Day, 28 October (1918) Constitution: ratified 16 December 1992; effective 1 January 1993 Legal system: civil law system based on Austro-Hungarian codes; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction; legal code modified to bring it in line with Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) obligations and to expunge Marxist-Leninist legal theory Suffrage: 18 years of age; universal

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