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21. Delaware City Schools Information on the Delaware City School System. Features results from the 4th and 6th grade proficiency tests. http://www.dcs.k12.oh.us/ |
22. Buckeye Valley Local Schools Delaware County school district, includes links to district office, high school, middle school, and elementaries. http://buckeyevalley.schoolwires.com/ |
23. Educational Service Center Of Central Ohio Provides services to five local school districts in the two county area. Includes directory, and list of programs and services. http://www.escofcentralohio.org | |
24. MSERC University of Delaware center coordinating curriculum and testing with the state s K-12 mathematics and science teachers. http://www.udel.edu/mserc/ |
25. Delaware Association Of Scholars Organization of professors and graduate students at Delaware schools which seeks to further understanding of the Western heritage, to resist the ideological misuse of teaching and scholarship, and support rigorous standards in academia. http://www.udel.edu/DAS/ | |
26. Delaware Technical, Training And Trade Schools Annotated links to specialized schools such as those for beauticians, massage therapists, nurses, modeling, auto mechanics, and medical technology. http://delawareontheweb.com/community/schools/training.htm | |
27. Delaware Charter Schools Network - Home Association of charter schools authorized by the state legislature in 1996. Lists each school with contacts, web link, and description of course offerings. http://www.decharternetwork.org/ | |
28. 2011 School Programs: Letter From The Administrator Information on outdoor and indoor programs led by teacher-naturalists. http://www.delawarenaturesociety.org/school_progs.html | |
29. Delaware Early Childhood Center Focus on providing preschoolers throughout the state with the skills they need to succeed in kindergarten. Includes information about programs and locations. http://www.lf.k12.de.us/decc/ | |
30. Delaware School URLs List of links to web sites for public schools throughout Delaware, sorted first by district and then alphabetically by school name. http://www.k12.de.us/ | |
31. Welcome To The Christina School District! (Newark) District news, calendars, board agendas and minutes, school choice information, community profile, school directory, and contact information. http://www.christina.k12.de.us/ | |
32. POLYTECH School District (Woodside) Administrative council, board of education, directions, employment opportunities and benefits, mission statement, strategic plan, and adult education information. http://www.polytech.k12.de.us/ |
33. Red Clay Consolidated School District (Wilmington) Curriculum, financial data, registration requirements, lunch menus, mission statement, school profiles, calendar, departments, telephone directory, and employment information. http://www.redclay.k12.de.us/ |
34. Smyrna School District - Smyrna, Delaware (Smyrna) Character education, technology information, and school web sites. http://www.smyrna.k12.de.us/ | |
35. Woodbridge School District (Greenwood) Contact information and gateway to the district s school web sites. http://www.wsd.k12.de.us/ | |
36. Milford School District (Milford) Board policies and agendas, employee handbook, technology information, and online forms. http://www.milfordschooldistrict.org/ | |
37. Appoquinimink School District (Odessa) District news, administration contact information, calendar of events, and school web pages. http://apposchooldistrict.com/ |
38. Colonial School District | New Castle, DE (New Castle) District profile, mission statement, enrollment requirements, calendar, administrative directory, lunch menus, special programs and services, school choice information, and school directory and maps. http://www.colonial.k12.de.us/ | |
39. Indian River School District (Selbyville) School directory and web sites, construction report, curriculum, calendar, district news and overview, mission statement, administration e-mail directory, and employment opportunities. http://www.irsd.net/ |
40. New Castle County Vocational Technical School District (Wilmington) District profile, admission procedures, special programs, school web sites, and contact information. http://www.nccvotech.com/ | |
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