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         Delaware Education General:     more books (74)
  1. Languages in the International Perspective: (Delaware Symposium on Language Studies) by Nancy Schweda-Nicholson, 1986-01-01
  2. Humans and Machines: (Delaware Symposium on Language Studies) by Stephanie Williams, 1985-01-01
  3. Research in Second Language Learning (Delaware Symposia on Language Studies) by James Lantolf, Angela Labarca, 1987-01
  4. Report of the State Board of Education of Delaware, With Statistics. 1910. by Author Unknown, 2009-04-27
  5. The History Of Education In Delaware (1893) by Lyman Pierson Powell, 2009-08-10
  6. The History Of Education In Delaware (1893) by Lyman Pierson Powell, 2010-09-10
  7. The History Of Education In Delaware (1893) by Lyman Pierson Powell, 2010-09-10
  8. Metropolitan Desegregation
  9. A History of Education in Pennsylvania, Private and Public, Elementary and Higher: From the Time the Swedes Settled on the Delaware to the Present Day [ 1886 ] by James Pyle Wickersham, 2009-08-10
  10. Annual Report of the State Board of Education and of the Commissioner of Education of Delaware by Delaware. State Board of Education, 2009-12-25
  11. License To Drive in Delaware by Alliance for Safe Driving, 2000-04-18
  12. Birding Bombay Hook NWR: and the Delaware Area by H. L. Snyder, 2006-11-16
  13. University of Delaware
  14. Delaware River: Webster's Timeline History, 1613 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2010-05-28

21. Delaware City Schools
Information on the Delaware City School System. Features results from the 4th and 6th grade proficiency tests.

22. Buckeye Valley Local Schools
Delaware County school district, includes links to district office, high school, middle school, and elementaries.

23. Educational Service Center Of Central Ohio
Provides services to five local school districts in the two county area. Includes directory, and list of programs and services.
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Professional Development
About Us Links Shared Services Jobs ... Substitutes
Information and Resources for
Parents Educators Partners Community More Resources for Community
About the ESC of Central Ohio
The ESC of Central Ohio proudly serves the students and school districts of Delaware, Franklin, and Union

University of Delaware center coordinating curriculum and testing with the state s K-12 mathematics and science teachers.

25. Delaware Association Of Scholars
Organization of professors and graduate students at Delaware schools which seeks to further understanding of the Western heritage, to resist the ideological misuse of teaching and scholarship, and support rigorous standards in academia.
Delaware Association of Scholars
A State Affiliate of the National Association of Scholars
"For reasoned scholarship in a free society" DAS Mission DAS Officers
What's New
What's Upcoming
Previous Opinions and Reports
DAS in the News ...
This page was last modified on: Since April 10, 2002, this page has been accessed

26. Delaware Technical, Training And Trade Schools
Annotated links to specialized schools such as those for beauticians, massage therapists, nurses, modeling, auto mechanics, and medical technology. Delaware Home



Miscellaneous Contact
Add Website


Free Stuff
Delaware Technical, Training and Trade Schools
New Castle County Able Ministers International
Biblical Training Center Comped Inc Computer Literacy Made Easy 4062 Dupont Pkway, Townsend, Delaware 19734 Dawn Training Centre 3700 Lancaster Pike, Wilmington, DE 19805 Delaware Tech - Stanton/Wilmington Campus - 400 Stanton-Christiana Rd, Newark, DE 19713

27. Delaware Charter Schools Network - Home
Association of charter schools authorized by the state legislature in 1996. Lists each school with contacts, web link, and description of course offerings.


About us

What is a public charter school?

Public charter schools in Delaware

Celebrate all that's great at charter schools in the First State!
Get Active! Check out�legislative candidates' responses to charter schools issues Do you know how candidate's feel about charter schools?� To see which candidates �have responded to the Network's survey�connect to "Take Action" above and link to�"Update" �to see how the candidates' responded to charter school issues.�
Did you know? More than 3,000 children are on waiting lists for Delaware charter schools! **Most Delaware charter schools have wait lists for entering grades (such as kindergarten and 9th grade).� **Some Delaware charter schools could double the size of their entering grade and still not serve all families on the wait list for that grade Some Delaware charter schools could double in size of all grades and still not serve all the families on their waiting lists. Don't�miss�"The Lottery", a stirring film about four famiiles quest for a seat in one�of New York City's top charter schools.� "The Lottery" is being screened throughout Delaware and admission is free. Showings in October are:�� 10/13 - Kirkwood Library, 6000 Kirkwood Hwy6:15pm����� 10/

28. 2011 School Programs: Letter From The Administrator
Information on outdoor and indoor programs led by teacher-naturalists.
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2010-11 School Programs
Greetings Fellow Educators,
Thank you for your interest in education programs with the Delaware Nature Society. Our 2010-2011 School Program offerings represent our continued commitment to delivering high quality, hands-on, experiential education programming that complements and reinforces classroom curriculum while engaging all learners.
For 46 years DNS has provided students and adults with meaningful outdoor experiences focused on science, natural history, agriculture and cultural history. In reviewing the program listings, you will see many new opportunities, especially at the DuPont Environmental Education Center (DEEC) located on the Wilmington Riverfront, as well as our traditional offerings for all grade levels and abilities.

29. Delaware Early Childhood Center
Focus on providing preschoolers throughout the state with the skills they need to succeed in kindergarten. Includes information about programs and locations.
Home Who We Are Our Mission Our Programs ...
Contact DECC
Welcome ...
Welcome to our Delaware Early Childhood Center (DECC) web site. At DECC, we focus on providing preschoolers with the skills they need to succeed in kindergarten and a foundation for future success as they continue through school. We also offer professional development for those who provide early care and education programs throughout the state. DECC serves more than 800 preschool children, ages birth to five years and their families throughout the state. DECC provides needed services and programs that ensure their success in those critical early years. We invite all interested parents, professionals, and members of the community to get acquainted with us and learn more about our programs ... early literacy, parenting skills, reading readiness, English skills, special education and developmental services.
  • For those of you who are new to DECC, this web site will help you get acquainted with our mission, the principles that guide us, and the programs we offer.
    For those of you with children who are already taking part in our programs, we hope you will use this site to find out what's new in DECC and to keep in touch with us.

30. Delaware School URLs
List of links to web sites for public schools throughout Delaware, sorted first by district and then alphabetically by school name.
Delaware Public Schools on the Web
Appoquinimink School District
School URL Address School Name (Complete) District Office
Brandywine School District
School URL Address School Name (Complete) District Office Brandywine High School Brandywood Elementary School Bush Early Education Center Carrcroft Elementary School Claymont Elementary School Concord High School Darley Road Elementary School Pierre S. duPont Elementary School Forwood Elementary School

31. Welcome To The Christina School District!
(Newark) District news, calendars, board agendas and minutes, school choice information, community profile, school directory, and contact information.
HOW DO I... Register my child for school Find my child's assigned school View school calendars View school menus Learn about school choice See job openings Contact the Board of Education Sign up for CSD E-News About Us Schools News District Maps ... Search Glasgow High School Survey Now Available Online Click here to begin High School Fair Draws Hundreds of Interested Families The High School Fair held at Shue-Medill Middle School on Wednesday, November 3 was a huge success. Hundreds of students, parents, and family members from the District�s four middle schools attended the event, which was designed to provide information to students who will enter 9th grade next fall. Participants were treated to performances by members of the Christiana High School marching band, Newark High School orchestra, and Christiana Cheerleaders. Christiana, Glasgow, and Newark High Schools presented information tables. The School Choice period opened on November 1. For more information about School Choice

32. POLYTECH School District
(Woodside) Administrative council, board of education, directions, employment opportunities and benefits, mission statement, strategic plan, and adult education information.

33. Red Clay Consolidated School District
(Wilmington) Curriculum, financial data, registration requirements, lunch menus, mission statement, school profiles, calendar, departments, telephone directory, and employment information.

34. Smyrna School District - Smyrna, Delaware
(Smyrna) Character education, technology information, and school web sites.
Smyrna School District Core Values: Compassion, Integrity, Perseverance, Respect, Responsibility Smyrna School District Administrators School Board Schools Calendar ... Registration Information Parent Center School Closing Information
or call 1-877-831-7215 Alert Now Notification System A Parent's Right to Know Choice Information Delaware Dept. of Education ... Town of Smyrna District Center Employment Opportunities District Core Values District Financial Reports Smyrna "MESSENGER" - Fall 2010 ... Employee Center Emergency Planning for Problems at the Nuclear Power Plant Letter to public with DEMA's plans. H1N1 and SEASONAL FLU INFORMATION Delaware Department of Public Health Hotline: 1-866-408-1899
You will need Adobe Reader to view the District Newsletter. To get your free copy of Adobe Reader select on the button below. Welcome to Smyrna School District
Smyrna, Delaware The mission of the Smyrna School District is to ensure that the students of the community are prepared as effectively and as efficiently as possible to become responsible and productive citizens possessing the knowledge, the problem-solving skills, and the positive attitudes necessary to successfully adapt to and function in an ever changing environment.
Registration Information
Athletics Child Nutrition/
Food Service Menus
... JBM/SHS Alumni Association
The Smyrna School District does not discriminate in employment, educational programs, services or activities based on race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age or disability in accordance with state and federal laws.

35. Woodbridge School District
(Greenwood) Contact information and gateway to the district s school web sites.
Home District Information Schools Administration Council ... Congratulations to the students and staff of Woodbridge Elementary School!! 2010 NATIONAL BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL!! Our Mission
The mission of Woodbridge School District is to educate all students to become highly successful, healthy, and contributing citizens in a global society.
Our Vision
To become a premier learning community, and to be recognized regionally for student excellence.
Our Profile The Woodbridge School District enrolls approximately 2,200 students from the towns of Bridgeville and Greenwood in Sussex County and Farmington in Kent County. The district is the proud home of Woodbridge Elementary School which has been named a National Blue Ribbon School for Excellence and a National Distinguished Title I school. Phillis Whealey Middle School has been recognized as the first middle school in the state to be awarded the DIAA Sportsmanship award. They have won this award for two consecutive years. Woodbridge High School continues to offer multiple Advanced Placement courses and was recently recognized by Newsweek for this accomplishment. At Woodbridge we continue to strive to meet the academic, social and athletic needs of all of our students.

36. Milford School District
(Milford) Board policies and agendas, employee handbook, technology information, and online forms.
  • Milford High School Milford Middle School Lulu Ross Elementary Benjamin Banneker Elementary Evelyn I. Morris Early Childhood Milford Central Academy
Welcome to Milford School District
Learn more about Milford School District Upcoming Events School Board Meeting - November 22, 2010, 7:00 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room at the Middle School. Celebrating our Students Banneker Congratulations to the following Banneker Bulldogs for their accomplishments in the 2010 Soccer Skills Competition at Ennis School on October 12th. Great Job!!! ADVANCED SKILLS Gold Medal Winners Athletes Peer Partners Corey Mack Cole Neibert Joshua Luciani Jackie Adams William Bennett Alyssa Martin Silver Medal Winners Athletes Peer Partners Kevin Rossetti Clay Johnson Kristopher Cicchini Michael Hartzell Kamaran Miller INDIVDUAL SKILLS Gold Medal Winners Athletes Peer Partners Alexander Getz Jordan Cleveland Eric Adkins Lawrence Grose Jessica Henry Butler Kalaysia Reynolds Kody Cicchini Garrett Smith Melony Farrell Ronaldo Dameus Dominic Feightner Teyahna Prileau Leah Barnett Tyreek Stevens Justin Bramble Silver Medal Winners Athletes Peer Partners Anthony Montgomery Cody Swan Davonte Pierce Carson Rios Mariah Hartzell Lily Wiley Bronze Medal Winners Athletes Peer Partners Alysa Langstrom Kaitlyn Davies Mark Martin Kaheim Kimborough-Roach Reginald Marshall Dylan Tuttle Sarah Amador Emma Moorman William Lynch and Taniyah Stevens participated as team helpers and Heather Howard, Kristin Walters, Sandy Sommerfield, Letisha Hopkins, Brian Davis, Janet Lardner and Jon LoBiondo participated as team volunteers and coaches.

37. Appoquinimink School District
(Odessa) District news, administration contact information, calendar of events, and school web pages.

38. Colonial School District | New Castle, DE
(New Castle) District profile, mission statement, enrollment requirements, calendar, administrative directory, lunch menus, special programs and services, school choice information, and school directory and maps.
November 12, 2010 End of Second Marking Period November 13, 2010 2010 Delaware PTA Convention and Leadership Conference 9 am to 4:30 pm Stanton Middle School ALL PARENTS WELCOME Information link November 15, 2010 Strategic Planning Public Meeting George Read Middle 6:30 - 8:30 pm November 19, 2010 Report Cards Mailed to Homes William Penn's Drama Production 7:00 p.m. at WP November 24, 2010 Staff Development SCHOOLS CLOSED Thanksgiving Holiday SCHOOLS AND OFFICES CLOSED November 29, 2010 Strategic Planning Public Meeting George Read Middle 6:30 - 8:30 pm November 30, 2010 George Read Middle Chorus Concert 6:30 pm at GR
William Penn Athletics
Colonial Parents, Students, Community Members and Employees:

39. Indian River School District
(Selbyville) School directory and web sites, construction report, curriculum, calendar, district news and overview, mission statement, administration e-mail directory, and employment opportunities.

40. New Castle County Vocational Technical School District
(Wilmington) District profile, admission procedures, special programs, school web sites, and contact information.
AC_FL_RunContent( 'id','obj1','codebase',',0,40,0','border','0','width','420','height','282','src','images/nccvt_anim21','pluginspage','','name','obj1','movie','images/nccvt_anim21','quality','High' ); //end AC code ONLINE EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION Current Students Business Partners General Info ... Site Map The New Castle County Vocational Technical School District is a public school system dedicated to providing each student the opportunity to reach his or her potential as a productive and successful member of the community. This is accomplished by offering students an innovative curriculum, which combines academic instruction, career training, and structured work experiences designed to bridge the gap between classroom learning and workplace skills. It is the policy of the New Castle County Vocational Technical School District not to discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, age, national origin, or disability in its admissions programs, activities, employment, promotions, evaluations, or dismissals.
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