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         Denmark Government:     more books (100)
  1. Denmark Foreign Policy and Government Guide
  2. Denmark Foreign Policy and Government Guide (World Offshore Investment and Business Library) by Ibp Usa, 2009-01-01
  3. Exchange of notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark agreeing ... on 2 May, 1974, Copenhagen, 14 August 1989 by Denmark, 1990
  4. Politics in Denmark by John Fitzmaurice, 1981-01
  5. Employment Revival in Europe: Labor Market Success in Austria, Denmark, Ireland and the Netherlands by Peter Auer, 2000-02
  6. The Person-Number Systems: Of Sweden, Norway, Denmark & Israel by U S Government, U S Government Report, 1996-01
  7. OECD Territorial Reviews OECD Territorial Reviews: Copenhagen, Denmark by OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2009-03-24
  8. The democratic monarchies of Scandinavia (The governments of Europe) by Ben Albert Arneson, 1949
  9. Lists of Government Ministers of Denmark: List of Prime Ministers of Denmark, List of Interior Ministers of Denmark
  10. Treaty Series (Great Britain) 2010: Exchange of Notes Between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark... by Stationery Office (Great Britain), 2010-07-06
  11. Reforms and central-local relations: The changing role of local government in Denmark (Central control, local communities, and local politics) by Carl-Johan Skovsgaard, 1983
  12. Political Office-Holders in Denmark: Danish Colonial Governors and Administrators, Government Ministers of Denmark, Mayors of Places in Denmark
  13. Government Ministers of Denmark: Aksel Larsen, Peter Brixtofte, Mariann Fischer Boel, Ritt Bjerregaard, Connie Hedegaard, Svend Auken
  14. Agreement on fisheries between the European Economic Community, of the one part, and the Government of Denmark and the Home Government of the Faroe Islands ... 15 March 1977 (European Communities) by European Economic Community, 1980

41. Finlands Ambassade, København
Has a list of the staff of, and consular information from, the Embassy of Finland in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Gå direkte til indholdet
Finlands Ambassade, København
Tlf. +45-3313 4214
E-post Dansk Suomi Svenska
Finlands udenrigsminister Alexander Stubb i København 16. november
Finlands udenrigsminister Alexander Stubb vil tale om EUs udenrigspolitik ved et seminar i København den 16. november. Seminaret "Bouncing Back? EU Foreign Policy in a New World Order" er åbent for alle interesserede. Læs mere...
"Steam of Life" nomineret til European Film Awards
Mika Hotakainens og Joonas Berghälls dokumentarfilm "Steam of life" (Miesten vuoro) er nomineret til filmprisen European Film Awards, som svarer til den amerikanske Oscar. Læs mere...
Ministry for Foreign Affairs News

42. Articles About Denmark Government - Los Angeles Times
Denmark Government News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about Denmark Government from the Los Angeles Times

43. Japan
Features guide to visas, culture, events, scholarships, and links.
Japanese ( Embassy of Japan in Denmark Top Page About Us Visa Japan-Denmark Relations ... Site Map
Autumn in Japan
Download the latest edition here
Useful links
(c) Embassy of Japan in Denmark
Pilestræde 61, DK-1112 Copenhagen
Tel.: (+45) 3311 3344, Fax: (+45) 3311 3377
What's New
Exhibition: “Letters from Wales to Japan” 22 November-10 December
Policy Speech by Prime Minister Naoto Kan at the 176th Extraordinary Session of the Diet
Address by Prime Minister Naoto Kan at the Nagasaki Peace Ceremony
Address by Prime Minister Naoto Kan at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony
Ambassador Kondo's article in Børsen
Ambassador Kondo's article in Berlingske
    On 2 July 2010, Ambassador's article " World Cup as Soft Power" was in Berlingske Tidende. For further details.
Earth Return of "HAYABUSA"
Speech by H.E. Dr. Yukio Hatoyama Prime Minister of Japan on the Occasion of the Sixteenth International Conference on the Future of Asia
Report made by the "International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament"

44. Denmark Government Information
Travel Document Systems; Passport and Visa Services. This is the site for the latest Travel Information and the most complete collection of online Visa Applications on the web.
Denmark Europe
GOVERNMENT Denmark is a constitutional monarchy. Queen Margrethe II has largely ceremonial functions; probably her most significant formal power lies in her right to appoint the prime minister and cabinet ministers, who are responsible for administration of the government. However, she must consult with parliamentary leaders to determine the public's will, since the cabinet may be dismissed by a vote of no confidence in the Folketing (parliament). Cabinet members are occasionally recruited from outside the Folketing.
The 1953 constitution established a unicameral Folketing of not more than 179 members, of whom two are elected from the Faroe Islands and two from Greenland. Elections are held at least every 4 years, but the prime minister can dissolve the Folketing at any time and call for new elections. Folketing members are elected by a complicated system of proportional representation; any party receiving at least 2% of the total national vote receives representation. The result is a multiplicity of parties (eight represented in the Folketing after the November 2007 general election), none of which holds a majority. Electorate participation normally is around 80%-85%.
The judicial branch consists of 22 local courts, two high courts, several special courts (e.g., arbitration and maritime), and a Supreme Court of 15 judges appointed by the crown on the government's recommendation.

45. Embassy Of The Islamic Republic Of Iran-Copenhagen
The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Copenhagen, including a java map of Iran.
Design by I.R.Iran Embassy

46. Denmark Government
1. A research tool for Lawyers or Business or Corporate use. Public Record/Find People Find vital records, people, assets. Investigate public files $4.99 Daily Find answers
Additional Resources Public Record/Find People Find vital records, people, assets. Investigate public files $4.99 Daily Find answers to your Questions, Become your own Investigator using Master Detective Internet Resources. Research; Friends, Family, Relatives, Lovers, Discover Spouses and Business Associates records on line using Public Records from all 50 states. Search for People and Records
Denmark Government
Branches of Government
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Additional Resources Public Record/Find People Find vital records, people, assets. Investigate public files $4.99 Daily Find answers to your Questions, Become your own Investigator using Master Detective Internet Resources. Research; Friends, Family, Relatives, Lovers, Discover Spouses and Business Associates records on line using Public Records from all 50 states. Search for People and Records
LawResearch Search Indexes LawResearch
Restrictions Apply

47. Lietuvos Ambasada Danijoje
Includes a list of staff of the Embassy of Lithuania in Denmark.
2010 m. lapkričio 14 d., sekmadienis LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS AMBASADA
Bernstorffsvej 214
DK-2920 Charlottenlund
Copenhagen, DENMARK
Tel.+45 39 636 207
Faks.+45 39 636 532
E-paštas: RAŠYKITE MUMS Jei neradote reikiamos informacijos šiame interneto puslapyje, užpildykite formą SVARBI INFORMACIJA KELIAUJANTIEMS Į ką verta atkreipti dėmesį rengiantis kelionėms DANIJOS IR ISLANDIJOS LIETUVIAI Danijos lietuvių bendruomenės Aalborgo lietuvių ir Islandijos lietuvių - islandų bendruomenės interneto svetainės
writeFlash("/ambDKIE/m/m_images/wfiles/itzi41216.swf","189","60"); NAUJIENOS text = ("Dėmesio! Pasikeitė ambasados Konsulinio skyriaus priėmimo ir konsultavimo telefonu laikas. Interesantai bus priimami I, III, V nuo 10.00 iki 12.30 val. Priėmimui prašome registruotis iš anksto tel. 39636207. II ir IV konsuliniais klausimais prašome kreiptis tik esant neatidėliotinos konsulinės pagalbos poreikiui (piliečio mirties, sužeidimo, skubaus Asmens grįžimo dokumento išdavimo klausimais)."); document.write("" + text + ""); Vilmanto Marcinkevičiaus ir danų menininkės Anne Vilsbøll jungtinė paroda Aalborge (Danijoje) 2010.11.13-2010.12.23

48. Denmark Capital Government
Denmark government, capital, and more. conventional long form Kingdom of Denmark conventional short form Denmark Denmark Top 10 Countries * United States China Japan India ... Brazil * By Gross Domestic
Market (2002) Denmark Government Overview Geography People Government ... Transnational Issues Capital: Copenhagen Country name: conventional long form: Kingdom of Denmark
conventional short form: Denmark
local short form: Danmark
local long form: Kongeriget Danmark Government type: constitutional monarchy Administrative divisions: metropolitan Denmark - 14 counties (amter, singular - amt) and 2 boroughs* (amtskommuner, singular - amtskomunes); Arhus, Bornholm, Fredericksberg*, Frederiksborg, Fyn, Kobenhavn, Kobenhavns*, Nordjylland, Ribe, Ringkobing, Roskilde, Sonderjylland, Storstrom, Vejle, Vestsjalland, Viborg
note: see separate entries for the Faroe Islands and Greenland, which are part of the Kingdom of Denmark and are self-governing overseas administrative divisions Independence: first organized as a unified state in 10th century; in 1849 became a constitutional monarchy National holiday: none designated; Constitution Day, 5 June is generally viewed as the National Day

49. The Embassy Of The Republic Of Indonesia In Denmark
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Copenhagen. Accredited to Denmark and Lithuania. Has some news in English, and more content in Indonesian.

50. Startside
Describes the roles played by the Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Aarhus.
DANSK VERSION Velkommen til Republikken Sloveniens Konsulats web-sted. Knud Kristensen
ENGLISH VERSION Welcome to the web-site of the Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia. Knud Kristensen
E-mails kan sendes ved at klikke her E-mails can be sent if you click here Senest opdateret Updated: My goal is to keep the information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to my attention, I shall correct them. Jeg fraskriver mig dog ethvert ansvar for fejl og mangler i informationerne. However I accept no liability whatsoever with regard to the information. This site is maintained in order to provide access to information regarding Slovenia only. For the very same reason neither views nor opinions expressed herein should be regarded as official.

51. Denmark - Government
Short facts on government of Denmark. Travel in Denmark. A total of 33 members have visited 20 locations in Denmark.
Explore Pictures Stories ... Denmark / Government
Denmark Government of Denmark Travel in Denmark A total of 34 members have visited 23 locations in Denmark. Together they have written 57 travel stories and uploaded 658 pictures from Denmark. Last visit in Denmark was made 2010-10-25 by myler who was in Copenhagen. Have you been to Denmark? Click here to join and share your pictures and stories.
Short facts about the government of Denmark
Country name:
conventional long form:� Kingdom of Denmark
conventional short form:� Denmark
local long form:� Kongeriget Danmark
local short form:� Danmark Government type: constitutional monarchy Capital: Copenhagen Administrative divisions: metropolitan Denmark - 14 counties (amter, singular - amt) and 2 kommunes*; Arhus, Bornholm, Fredericksberg*, Frederiksborg, Fyn, Kobenhavn, Kobenhavns*, Nordjylland, Ribe, Ringkobing, Roskilde, Sonderjylland, Storstrom, Vejle, Vestsjalland, Viborg
note:� see separate entries for the Faroe Islands and Greenland, which are part of the Kingdom of Denmark and are self-governing administrative divisions Independence: first organized as a unified state in 10th century; in 1849 became a constitutional monarchy

52. Embassy Of Belgium Copenhagen
Contact details of the Embassy of Belgium in Copenhagen, and also of the Honorary Consulates of Belgium in Esbjerg and Haderslev.
Forms Embassy of Belgium in Copenhagen Linking you to the heart of Europe
Belgium Unlimited

news from Belgium
(Emer.) +45 20 81 36 63

Bank account: 4001-3121451239 (Danske Bank) Click here for info on bus or train access
Monday-Thursday : 9 am to 12.30 pm and 2 pm to 3.30 pm Friday : 9 am to 12.30 pm Or by making an appointment OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday : 9 am to 12.30 pm and 1:30 pm to 4.30 pm Friday : 9 am to 12.30 pm and 1:30 pm to 3.30 pm COMMERCIAL SECTIONS Read more... update: 31/07/09 Welcome Dear visitor, Welcome to the English language website of the Embassy of Belgium in Denmark This website answers questions about Belgium , you might have. You find more information on the Dutch and French pages of this website, or please do not hesitate to contact us.

53. Http://
Has information on cuisine, the constitution and government, visa and consular matters, the economy, and tourism.
EMBAJADA DE MEXICO EN DINAMARCA La Embajada de M�xico informa / The Embassy of Mexico informs: A partir del 5 de febrero de 2007, la p�gina de internet de la Embajada de M�xico ante los Reinos de Dinamarca y Noruega, y la Rep�blica de Islandia es la siguiente: Last Updated: February 6th, 2007

54. Denmark Government Type - Government
Facts and statistics about the Government type of Denmark. Updated as of 2010.
Denmark Government type
Denmark Government Government type: constitutional monarchy Definition: This entry gives the basic form of government. Definitions of the major governmental terms are as follows. (Note that for some countries more than one definition applies.):
Absolute monarchy - a form of government where the monarch rules unhindered, i.e., without any laws, constitution, or legally organized oposition.
Anarchy - a condition of lawlessness or political disorder brought about by the absence of governmental authority.
Authoritarian - a form of government in which state authority is imposed onto many aspects of citizens' lives.
Commonwealth - a nation, state, or other political entity founded on law and united by a compact of the people for the common good.
Communist - a system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single - often authoritarian - party holds power; state controls are imposed with the elimination of private ownership of property or capital while claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people (i.e., a classless society).
Confederacy (Confederation) - a union by compact or treaty between states, provinces, or territories, that creates a central government with limited powers; the constituent entities retain supreme authority over all matters except those delegated to the central government.

55. Official Website Of The Embassy Of The Republic Of Uganda In Denmark
Embassy of Uganda in Copenhagen, accredited to Denmark and Poland. Has a history of the Christian martyrs of Uganda, killed between 1885 and 1887.

56. - Denmark: Government (**denmark-adj** Government) :Capital, Nation reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on Denmark with respect to Government, Country name, conventional long form, conventional short
AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather November 14, 2010 Medicine People Places History ... Maps
You are here : Reference World Countries ... Denmark - Government
Denmark: Government
Government Denmark Country name: conventional long form: Kingdom of Denmark
conventional short form: Denmark
local short form: Danmark
local long form: Kongeriget Danmark Government type: constitutional monarchy Capital: Copenhagen Administrative divisions: metropolitan Denmark - 14 counties (amter, singular - amt) and 2 boroughs* (amtskommuner, singular - amtskomunes); Arhus, Bornholm, Fredericksberg*, Frederiksborg, Fyn, Kobenhavn, Kobenhavns*, Nordjylland, Ribe, Ringkobing, Roskilde, Sonderjylland, Storstrom, Vejle, Vestsjalland, Viborg
note: see separate entries for the Faroe Islands and Greenland, which are part of the Kingdom of Denmark and are self-governing overseas administrative divisions Independence: first organized as a unified state in 10th century; in 1849 became a constitutional monarchy National holiday: none designated; Constitution Day, 5 June is generally viewed as the National Day

57. :: Ambasada Romaniei - Copenhaga
Embassy of Romania in Copenhagen, featuring information about Romania, bilateral relations and consular services. Romanian, English

58. Denmark Government
1. A research tool for Lawyers or Business or Corporate use. MAINSTREET Attorney Yellow Pages The Internet Lawyer Directory LAWRESEARCH
Denmark Government
Branches of Government
Restrictions Apply

59. Royal Danish Consulate - Los Angeles
Brief introduction to the Royal Danish Consulate in Los Angeles, and contact information.
Welcome to
The Royal Danish Consulate in Los Angeles
Please note our new address:
5849 Uplander Way [ Map pdf
Culver City, CA 90230 , Honorary Consul
Ruth Thale , Consular Officer Please note our new phone + fax:
Telephone: (310) 645-0540
Telefax: (310) 645-0560
For Danish passports, Danish drivers' licenses and other consular matters, please make appointment prior to visiting the Consulate. Visas, Residence/Work Permits, and Student Visas for Denmark are being handled by the Royal Danish Consulate General in New York If you are a citizen of Denmark in an emergency situation outside of regular business hours, please call the Royal Danish Consulate General in New York . Telephone: (212) 223-4545.

60. 1Up Travel > Denmark Government - Facts On Government Of Denmark Is Here.
Wanted to find out info about Government of Denmark with respect to Country name, Data code, Dependency status, Government type, Capital, Administrative divisions, Dependent
Enter your search terms Submit search form Web You are here International Europe Denmark
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Introduction Topography Life Cuisine ... Newstand
Worth a Visit !! Cities Attractions Shopping Eating Out ... Travel Links
Country Facts Introduction Geography People Government ... Transnational issues
Related Denmark Guide
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Denmark Flag
Denmark Travel Warning
Denmark Government
Denmark Government Top of Page Country name: conventional long form: Kingdom of Denmark
conventional short form: Denmark local long form: Kongeriget Danmark local short form: Danmark Government type: constitutional monarchy Capital: Copenhagen Administrative divisions: metropolitan Denmark - 14 counties (amter, singular - amt) and 2 kommunes*; Arhus, Bornholm, Fredericksberg*, Frederiksborg, Fyn, Kobenhavn, Kobenhavns*, Nordjylland, Ribe, Ringkobing, Roskilde, Sonderjylland, Storstrom, Vejle, Vestsjalland, Viborg note: see separate entries for the Faroe Islands and Greenland, which are part of the Kingdom of Denmark and are self-governing administrative divisions Independence: first organized as a unified state in 10th century; in 1849 became a constitutional monarchy

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