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61. Domestic Violence Against Men For many years the media have denied the extent of domestic violence by women against men. This article outlines the truth that women are equally as violent as men. by verismo http://www.scribd.com/doc/2221497/Domestic-Violence-Against-Men |
62. SafetyNet Domestic Violence Resources SafetyNet - Resources and links, including statistics and a listing of state coalitions against domestic violence from Cybergrrl. Be aware that there is good information on this site, but it has not been updated in several years. http://home.cybergrrl.com/dv/ | |
63. Domestic Violence Against Men Just like women in the same situation, there is help out there for men in violent domestic situations. It is harder for a man to speak up, but he should always do so when he http://www.scribd.com/doc/14275102/Domestic-Violence-Against-Men |
64. National Coalition Against Domestic Violence The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence is a grassroots non-profit membership organization working since 1978 to end violence in the lives of women and children. http://www.ncadv.org/ | |
65. Domestic Violence Against Men | Domestic Violence Domestic violence against men literally means abuse perpetrated on men by their intimate partners or families. Men rarely surface as victims of domestic violence. http://www.domesticviolence.in/category/domestic-violence-against-men | |
66. Human Services Policy (HSP): Special Populations Department of Health and Human Services online resources related to Domestic Violence http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/hspother.htm | |
67. How To Escape Domestic Violence Against Men | EHow.com Domestic violence against men is becoming more common in society , though males escaping such relationships will usually have even more obstacles in getting away than women http://www.ehow.com/how_4833295_escape-domestic-violence-against-men.html | |
68. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INFORMATION PAGE Look up help for a loved one or family member from all over the United States. There are stories of families and their struggle with domestic violence. http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/quickie121/ | |
69. MenWeb - Men's Issues: Facts And Myths About Domestic Violence Battered men Facts and Myths About Domestic Violence. National Violence Against Women survey shows 37.5% of victims each year are men. Men are at real risk of serious physical http://www.batteredmen.com/batfact.htm |
70. The Greenbook Initiative To help child welfare and domestic violence agencies and family courts respond more effectively when domestic violence and child maltreatment occur in the same families. http://www.thegreenbook.info | |
71. What Is Domestic Violence Against Men? The needs of abused men have been neglected by society http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/male_victims/75051 |
72. Domestic Violence What is violence or abuse? Explanation of psychological and physical abuse. http://www.family2000.org.uk/domestic_violence.htm | |
73. Gift From Within - Article: "Domestic Violence Against Men: Bryan's Story" This articles explores domestic violence against men. Like women who are victims of domestic abuse, men can began to believe that they are to blame for the abuse. http://www.giftfromwithin.org/html/dvam.html |
74. ABA Commission On Domestic Violence Domestic violence, verbal and psychological Abuse resources by the American Bar Association. http://www.abanet.org/domviol/ |
75. Male Abuse Domestic Violence does not discriminate against age, race, color, creed, gender or sexual orientation. Women may hesitate to call for help men are even less likely to seek http://www.wadv.org/maleabuse.htm | |
76. MCH Library Knowledge Path: Domestic Violence This guide points to key resources on the topic of domestic violence from a health perspective. http://mchlibrary.info/KnowledgePaths/kp_domviolence.html |
77. Domestic Violence Against Men « PAB: For The Poorest Of Elites. The votes are in, and the topic of the day is Domestic Violence Against Men. This is one of the issues that I, personally, feel is important and a place where MRA’s and feminists http://punkassblog.com/2008/10/18/domestic-violence-against-men/ | |
78. Domestic Violence On EMedicineHealth.com Statistics and resources on domestic violence. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/11425-1.asp | |
79. Control DV Against Men Controlling Domestic Violence Against Men Charles E. Corry, Martin S. Fiebert, and Erin Pizzey Copyright 2002 Abstract People hit and abuse family members because they can. http://www.familytx.org/research/Control_DV_against_men.pdf |
80. The Finance Project from the Welfare Information Network. Articles on the economic aspects of domestic violence, welfare and homelessness. http://www.financeprojectinfo.org/WIN/domestic.asp | |
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