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1. Department Of Health And Human Services Tasmania - Drug Education For Parents Information . Iodine; Family Feud Food Video; Beating Bed Wetting; Achieving Bladder Control Helpful Hints for Parents of Children under 5; Adolescent Dental Care - Are you at risk http://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/service_information/information/drug_education_for_pa | |
2. Government Genuine Evaluation funded drugs education programme consisting of five components drug education in schools (for 11 and 12year-olds – this was the main emphasis), drug education for parents, http://genuineevaluation.com/tag/government/ |
3. The Fatherhood Institute The UK's Fatherhood Think Tank Key themes covered in drug education for parents • Introduction to the project. • Parents attitude exploration. • Parents needs analysis on their level of knowledge and http://www.fatherhoodinstitute.org/index.php?id=8&cID=719 |
4. Facts For Parents Caring adults parents, family members and other caregivers have the best chance of helping children grow up to be drugfree. The messages parents deliver influence http://www.acde.org/parent/Default.htm | |
5. Drug Education - Health And Wellbeing - Western Metropolitan Region - Department Resources on drug education for parents and schools Department of Education – Victorian School Drug Education; Australian Drug Foundation; Family Drug Help http://www.education.vic.gov.au/region/western/healthwellbeing/drugedu.htm | |
6. Engaging Parents - Drug Education - Department Of Education And Early Childhood A significant body of research indicates that when parents participate in their children’s education, the result is an increase in student achievement and an improvement of http://www.education.vic.gov.au/studentlearning/programs/drugeducation/tchengage | |
7. College Presidents Forum On Underage Binge Drinking One Provide alcohol and drug education for parents. CAMPUS HOUSING On campus Ensure available housing, which is free of alcohol and other drugs. Use the San Diego Police Department's CAP http://www.emt.org/userfiles/Tactics_6-1.pdf |
8. Willard Middle School PTA Meeting Willard Middle School PTA Meeting Topic Drug Education for Parents Guardians with Ralph Cantor , Drug, Tobacco, and Violence Prevention Educator, recently retired from Alameda http://malcolmx.berkeleypta.org/graphics/fri_news/09-10/FN02-26-10.pdf |
9. The Partnership At Drugfree.org | Support And Resources For Parents Dealing With Tips on talking to kids about drugs, as well as information on specific drugs, slang names for drugs, what they look like, and frequently asked questions. http://www.drugfree.org/ |
10. Medical Leader News - Treatment Offers Hope, Compassion Fannin believes in drug education for parents, too, because many don’t know what signs to watch for. Brad Adkins agrees. “We are losing an entire generation of Pike countians http://www.medicalleader.org/pmc_news.html?id=1919 |
11. Talking To Teens About Drugs: Drug Education For Parents And Teens Talking with your teenager about the dangers of drug use can be done from either an abstinenceonly or harm reduction perspective. http://www.suite101.com/content/talking-to-teens-about-drugs-a44763 |
12. Foundation For A Drug Free World: Substance & Alcohol Abuse Prevention, Educatio Learn more about Drug Free World, a substance abuse, alcoholism and addiction prevention education and intervention program to end teen misuse of mindaltering narcotics. Find out http://www.drugfreeworld.org/ | |
13. Kansas Family Partnership - Get Involved Red Ribbon Get Involved Red Ribbon . Campaign Booklet History Get Involved Red Ribbon Quilt Fatal Vision Goggles Red Ribbon Tool Kit Awards Activities Links http://www.kansasfamily.com/getinvolved-rr.cfm | |
14. For Parents Parent Training/Education skill-building and drug education for parents and caregivers that focus on the adult’s http://ns1.tusc.k12.al.us/parents/pride.html | |
15. Parenting Teens - Troubled Teen Help Information. Information for parents of teens, including troubled teens, parenting tips, teen education, and more. http://www.parentingteens.com/ | |
16. No Slide Title Health Symptoms Interpersonal Skills Interpersonal SkillsAdolescents-Adolescents Within Family Cultural Context Within Family Cultural Context Drug Education Drug Education-For Parents http://www.seiservices.com/nida/1014071/Presentations/1430_Santisteban.pdf |
17. Narconon Parent Kit | Drug Education For Parents This drug education kit for parents, the 'Narconon Parent Kit' contains factual info and drug education aids that will help parents communicate with their children about drugs. http://www.narconon.org/bookstore/narconon-parent-kit.html |
18. Comparisons Genuine Evaluation funded drugs education programme consisting of five components drug education in schools (for 11 and 12year-olds – this was the main emphasis), drug education for parents, http://genuineevaluation.com/tag/comparisons/ |
19. Sportsmanship Help For Parents,support Children Through Sportsmanship,steroid Ed sportsmanship help for parents,support children through sportsmanship,steroid education for parents,nutrition education for parents,drug education for parents http://www.starsportsmanship.com/info/starForParents.php |
20. Name County Walker County needs early intervention programs, drug education for parents, youth, and community leaders, professional substance abuse counseling, and a treatment center. http://www.h-gac.com/safety/justice-planning/planning/Walker County Community Pl | |