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21. 21.10.04 DRU.001 Brochure Key themes covered in drug education for parents • Drug awareness improve and up-date knowledge of effects and impact on individuals and society as a whole. http://www.drugscope.org.uk/Resources/Drugscope/Documents/PDF/Education and Prev |
22. Michigan City, Indiana : Online City Hall : Police Department Drug education for parents; Gang orientation education for parents Protecting Senior Citizens ; Fraud / bad check training ; Bank robbery training http://www.emichigancity.com/cityhall/departments/police/ | |
23. ECU | Dr Shelley Beatty - School Of Exercise, Biomedical And Health Sciences Her thesis investigated the feasibility and effectiveness of providing drug education for parents of preadolescent children and was awarded Vice Chancellors’ medal for http://www.sebhs.ecu.edu.au/staff/cv/shelley_beatty.php | |
24. The Department Of Education - SDERA - Sitemap Resilience education For schools Drug education For parents Road safety education For children and young people http://www.det.wa.edu.au/sdera/detcms/navigation/sitemap.jsp |
25. Youth_treatment Group and individual counseling, family counseling, cooccurring disorder services, drug education for parents, anger management, random drug screening, support services, and http://strategies4change.org/pages/youth_treatment.html | |
26. Michigan Drug Education / Prevention Detox Michigan Companies Volunteer organization providing drug education for parents. Drug prevention program. Couger Laura T. P.O. Box 1088 Birmingham, MI 48012 http://www.michiganbusiness.us/cat.php?niccer=729 |
27. Addiction Services: Addiction Services is committed to promoting the health of Nova Scotians by providing specialized addiction prevention and treatment services to individuals, families and http://www.cha.nshealth.ca/addiction/teacherBestPractices.asp | |
28. Drugpol1 To provide drug education for parents, carers and the community ; To make available information about drugs and drug use to children and young people http://www.educari.com/SNADE/schpol.htm | |
29. Campolindo High School Parents Club :: Download & Link Center Ralph Cantor Drug Education for Parents 4/9/09 (PowerPoint) Alcohol Fact Sheet ; Is This Where Your Teen Goes to Get High? Fullpage ad about perscription drugs that ran in the SF http://www.campoparents.com/downloads.html |
30. Department Of Health And Human Services Tasmania - Buying A Home Drug Education for Parents; Ear Nose and Throat North West Regional Hospital, Mersey Campus; Easy Pay - Housing Tasmania; Emergency Department - Launceston General Hospital http://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/service_information/information/buying_a_home |
31. The Department Of Education - SDERA - For Children And Young People Resilience education For schools Drug education For parents Road safety education For children and young people http://www.det.wa.edu.au/sdera/detcms/navigation/for-children-and-young-people/ |
32. St Ursula's College - Toowoomba particular reference to implementation of curriculum and improved knowledge of effective drug education; improve opportunities for effective and relevant drug education for parents http://education.qld.gov.au/health-safety/promotion/drug-education/docs/stursula |
33. Drug Charity Director Cycles London To Edinburgh Via Dublin [21 June 2004] He aims to raise 15,000 for drug education for parents, children and young people throughout the UK. Simon said Hope UK has been, is and will continue to be a very important http://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/view/1063 |
34. Walker County Community Plan 2001 SI Survey taken at HISD grades 7 th 12 th 27% use marijuana, 43% heavy alcohol use 46% sexual activity Walker County needs early intervention programs, drug education for parents http://www.h-gac.com/safety/justice-planning/planning/documents/Walker_Community |
35. Full Text Of Arizona Proposition 200 - The Drug Medicalization, Prevention, And This Commission will seek more drug education for parents and greater parental involvement in drug prevention. The Act requires violent drug offenders to http://www.nationalfamilies.org/guide/arizona200-full.html | |
36. Wittenberg University -- Homecoming — Reunion Weekend 2004 During this time, Moll planned and implemented a physical education program, coached basketball and track, and instructed drug education for parents in the local school community http://www4.wittenberg.edu/administration/alumni/awards/citation/2005.html | |
37. History chosen as name for Fundraiser (first held in 1981 raised $36,676.00); Published The Best Little Cookbook in Texas (grossed over $150,000.00); Drug Education for Parents; Formed http://www.jrleagueabilene.com/?nd=history |
38. Working With Parents work of those offering parenting education and support for drug and alcohol using parents, but we have also included items about universal drug awareness and drug education for parents http://www.drugscope.org.uk/Resources/Drugscope/Documents/PDF/Education and Prev |
39. Why Do Children And Teenagers Try Smoking? Specific projects include the Providing Drug Education for Parents Project (Doctoral Research undertaken by Shelley Beatty) and the Fathers and Drugs Project. For more free http://www.quit.org.au/downloads/schools/clearing_the_air.pdf |
40. Addiction Services: Sources Smooth Sailing, Drug Education for Parents, NS Comm on Drug Dependency, 1989 and Keeping Your Kids Drug Free, National Youth AntiDrug Campaign, 1998 and Let’s Talk http://www.cha.nshealth.ca/addiction/teacherHowAnAdolescentMayBeUsing.asp | |
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