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61. Unit Of Comparative Plant Ecology Founded in 1961, UCPE is an internationally acclaimed group for basic and strategic research in plant ecology. http://www.shef.ac.uk/~nuocpe/ucpe/ |
62. Facts About Gaia Hypothesis: Evolution Of The Biosphere, As Discussed In Communi Facts about Gaia hypothesis evolution of the biosphere, as discussed in community ecology General features http://www.britannica.com/facts/5/588224/Gaia-hypothesis-as-discussed-in-communi | |
63. Wildlife Ecology And Conservation At UF/IFAS Summary of research, teaching and some example projects at the University of Florida. http://www.wec.ufl.edu/research/landscape_ecology.php | |
64. Evolutionary Ecology Research -- A Scientific Journal A scientific journal which has some sample readings available. Articles are rather technical but provide a good insight into contemporary evolutionary research. http://www.evolutionary-ecology.com/ | |
65. Fire Ecology Research of research being done by Western Ecological Research Center scientists in the Sierra Nevada forests, the California shrublands and the Mojave and Sonoran deserts....... http://www.werc.usgs.gov/fire/ |
66. A Plant Ecology & Physiology Literature Guide: What To Read By The Ones That Wri Recommendations by Hans Lambers. Head of School of Plant Biology. The University of Western Australia. Journal Papers. Lambers, H. Poorter, H. 1992. http://plantecophys.blogspot.com/2006/05/plant-ecology-general-topics.html | |
67. Index.htm Publishes original scientific research in freshwater ecology and limnology. http://jfreshwaterecol.com | |
68. Session: COS 3 - Community Ecology: General Theory And Models Monday, August 6, 2007 130 PM500 PM J3, San Jose McEnery Convention Center COS 3 - Community ecology General theory and models 130 PM COS 3-1 http://esameetings.allenpress.com/2007/S2257.HTM | |
69. Inter Research » Journals » MEPS » MEPS Home Journal scope includes all aspects of marine ecology, fundamental and applied. http://www.int-res.com/journals/meps/ | |
70. Aquatic Ecology General Resources Informative Websites Articles Aquatic Ecology General Resources Informative Websites Articles Directory of Agricultural Web sites and Agriculture News http://www.agricultureb2b.com/biz/e/Environment/Ecology/Aquatic-Ecology/General- | |
71. Nearctica - Ecology - Biogeography - Biomes, Ecoregions, And Habitats - Estuarie From Neartica-the complete gateway to the natural world of North America. http://www.nearctica.com/ecology/habitats/estuary.htm | |
72. Items Where Subject Is "Agriculture > Agriculture (General) > Agricultural Ecolo eRA Subjects (1506) Agriculture (1265) Agriculture (General) (228) Agricultural ecology (General) (2) http://era.deedi.qld.gov.au/view/subjects/S589.html | |
73. Images: Marine Ecology Of San Salvador, Bahamas, The Everglades And Florida Keys A marine ecology image gallery San Salvador, The Bahamas, the Everglades and Florida Keys. http://jrscience.wcp.muohio.edu/html/tropecoimages.html | |
74. The EnviroLink Network - Ecology Displaying 1 12 of 12 resources in Ecology and General Information 1. Eco-Odyssey - to seek out the world's environmentalists n/a, no permanent address - on the road, USA http://www.envirolink.org/topics.html?topic=Ecology&topicsku=2002109192043&a |
75. ITME Institute For Tropical Marine Ecology Inc. Academic programs in marine ecology, research and conservation. http://www.itme.org/ |
76. Lake Ecology -- General Lake Chemistry In the absence of any living organisms, a lake contains a wide array of molecules and ions from the weathering of soils in the watershed, the http://www.lakeaccess.org/ecology/lakeecologyprim6.html | |
77. Population Ecology Home Page A starting point for population ecology information, courses, models, papers, conferences, data. http://home.comcast.net/~sharov/popechome/ | |
78. Organizational Ecology-Resource Partitioning: Glenn Carroll: Stanford GSB Organizational Ecology. General; Organizational Forms; Change Inertia; Resource Partitioning; Niche; DeNovo/DeAlio; Organizational Culture; Other; Chronological List from 19952008 http://faculty-gsb.stanford.edu/carroll/pages/resourcePartitioning.html |
79. Ecological Society Of America Works to promote ecological science by improving communication among ecologists; raising public awareness; increasing the resources available for ecological science; and ensuring the appropriate use of ecological science in environmental decision making. http://www.esa.org/ |
80. History Of Ecology Bibliography and notes on prominent ecologists. http://oz.plymouth.edu/~lts/ecology/ecohistory/history.html | |
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