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81. Conscious Living Books - Ecology (General & Miscellaneous) INDICATES A BEST SELLER IN THIS CATEGORY. Place a checkmark next to each book you wish to order on this page, then click the ADD button at the bottom of this page in order to add http://www.alternativescentral.com/cl-ecology-generalmiscellaneous.htm | |
82. Ecological Software Solutions Software for biology, ecology, geography, wildlife fisheries and the environmental sciences. http://www.ecostats.com | |
83. David Hill - Home Page Information and links concerning ecological modeling and application of simulation to ecology. http://www.isima.fr/ecosim/ | |
84. Halcyon Ecology Ecological consulting services offered by Mark Prina, based in Staffordshire, UK, include ascertaining the presence or absence and population size class for great crested newts and grading the ecological value of hedgerows. http://www.halcyon-ecology.co.uk/ | |
85. Centre For Ecology, Evolution And Conservation At The University Of East Anglia University of East Anglia s research department. They specialise in Behavioural Ecology; Contaminated Environments, Chemical and Ecosystem Ecology; Molecular Ecology and Evolution; and Conservation. http://www.uea.ac.uk/env/ceec/ | |
86. Ecology Tutorial Short introduction to the science of ecology, including terminology. http://www.rpi.edu/dept/chem-eng/Biotech-Environ/ECOLOGY/Tutorial.html | |
87. Molecular Ecology Research Group Research at Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. http://www.biologie.uni-halle.de/zool/mol_ecol/index.html |
88. Planetary Stewardship Journals, newsletter, issue papers, and fact sheets on ecology and ecological aspects of public issues. http://www.esa.org/publications/ | |
89. Oikos Editorial Office Produces several important journals in ecology, including Oikos, Ecography, Journal of Avian Biology, Web Ecology, Ecological Bulletins and Lindbergia. http://www.oikos.ekol.lu.se |
90. Applied Ecology And Environmental Research This new international scientific journal original research papers, review articles, and short communications on applied ecological, environmental, and multidisciplinary agricultural research. http://www.ecology.kee.hu/ |
91. Ecological Modelling - Elsevier Journal dealing with ecological modelling and systems ecology. Tables of contents with abstracts; full text by subscription. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/503306/description |
92. Ecology Mission & Scope Publishes research and synthesis papers on all aspects of ecology. Details of current issues, board of editors, scope and content. http://www.esapubs.org/esapubs/journals/ecology.htm |
93. Hutcheon Bros, Ecological Consultants Work history and photo archive of wildlife habitats and species encountered during fieldwork http://www.hutcheonbros.ukf.net/ | |
94. FishBIO Fisheries and ecological consulting firm located in California, specializing in fish, water and wildlife resources. http://www.fishbio.com/ |
95. The Nüsslein Group: Microbial Ecology At University Of Massachusetts Amherst On-going research on microbial ecology carried out by the Nusslein Lab, University of Massachusetts, USA. http://www.bio.umass.edu/micro/nusslein/ |
96. Ecological Consultancy In Scotland - NES Environmental Consultants Independent ecological consultancy covering Scotland and Northern England. Provides a wide range of ecological survey, consultancy and management services to the public and private sectors. http://www.northecol.co.uk/ | |
97. Direct Ecology Specialising In Protected Species Survey Assessment And Mitigatio Independent ecological consultancy based in Dunblane, Scotland. Offers ecological survey, assessment and mitigation solutions, training workshops and expert witness work. http://www.directecology.co.uk | |
98. Ecological Consultancy Provides an ecological consultancy service in the UK including ecology surveys, reports and advice. Helps clients comply with wildlife legislation and planning policy. http://www.adonisecology.co.uk | |
99. Coleman Ecological Fisheries Ecological consultancy specializing in research and assessment of aquatic and riparian habitats and restoration ecology in the Rocky Mountain Region. http://www.fishecologist.com | |
100. University Of Amsterdam Master Programme Ecology Two-year Masters programs in Ecology. All courses are in English. http://www.science.uva.nl/msc_biological_sciences/Ecology.cfm |
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