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81. Economic History « Contrarian Investors’ Journal As the famous saying by George Santayana goes, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” We believe economic history is important because there are http://cij.inspiriting.com/?page_id=437 |
82. SCETI: Corporate Annual Reports This site contains facsimiles of historic corporate annual reports from the Lippincott Library collection at the University of Pennsylvania. http://oldsite.library.upenn.edu/etext/collections/lippincott/ | |
83. The Basics Of Business History: Top 100 Events At A Glance - TheStreet A timeline of significant events in business during the 20th century from TheStreet.com. http://www.thestreet.com/basics/countdown/747965.html |
84. THE WORKING-CLASS OWNER-OCCUPIED HOUSE OF THE 1930s MA thesis by Alan Crisp on the growth of housing in the United Kingdom including the economic, political and social history surrounding its development in the 1930s. http://www.thesis.clara.net/ | |
85. Tax History Project: Home Page Provides scholars, policymakers, students, the media, and citizens with information about the history of American taxation. The project pursues its mission through a program of web-based documentary publication and original historical research. http://www.taxhistory.org/ | |
86. Henley Business School - Top UK Business School & International Business School News about business history research and information about the center. http://www.reading.ac.uk/business/Research/Centres/bus-CIBH.asp | |
87. Singapore:The Social-Economic Development Of A City State: An Essay On Recent Ec Singapore An essay - recent history (1960-1980)- on the subject of the socio-economic development of the city-state Singapore - socio development http://www.cranendonk.com/singapore.htm | |
88. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS OF THE NETHERLANDS, 1800-1913 Analysis of the development of the Dutch Economy in the period 1800-1913. Dutch GNP and its components. Historical statistics. http://nationalaccounts.niwi.knaw.nl | |
89. Technology Innovation In New Zealand The site tells stories about the technologies important to the New Zealand economy in the 20th Century. Most of these technologies were identified by the end of the First World War. http://www.techhistory.co.nz/ | |
90. Historical American Currency Exhibit At The FRBSF The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco s online exhibit of historical US currency, with contextual information on the related status of the money system, banking, and the economy. http://www.frbsf.org/currency/index.html | |
91. History Of Money From Ancient Times To The Present Day Money in its social, political, and economic context from the dawn of history to the end of the 20th century. http://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/llyfr.html | |
92. Charles Dow, The History Of The Dow Jones Averages, Dow Jones Averages Chronolog Information about how Charles Dow devised the now famous stock averages and a chronology of their activity from 1884 to 1995. http://www.cftech.com/BrainBank/FINANCE/DowJonesAvgsHist.html | |
93. Directory Of Corporate Archives An online directory of archives and other repositories of historical corporate records. Includes directory of professional associations for corporate and industrial archivists. http://www.hunterinformation.com/corporat.htm | |
94. FDIC: History Of The Eighties A study prepared by the FDIC s Division of Research and Statistics presents a detailed analysis of the complex combination of causes that led to the extraordinary number of bank failures in the 1980s and early 1990s. http://www.fdic.gov/bank/historical/history/contents.html |
95. Merrimack Films - Features: Labor History Merrimack Films was founded in 1983 to produce and distribute films and videos on labor relations. http://www.merrimack-films.com/history.html | |
96. Treasure And Prices In Spain 1505-1650 Provide statistics to test the idea that the price level is related to the inflow of treasure into the Spanish economy. http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/spgold.htm | |
97. Internet Business Large resource of histories and stories of American business, including audio and video archives, academic and corporate articles, and fun facts. http://www.businesshistory.net/ | |
98. How Much Is That? | Economic History Services Interactive tool to compare the purchasing power of money in the United States (or colonies) from any year to any other year from the 1600s to today. http://www.eh.net/ehresources/howmuch/dollarq.php | |
99. FDIC: History Of The Eighties - Lessons For The Future Published by the FDIC, with statistical information starting in 1934, a list of failed banks, and history of deposit insurance. http://www.fdic.gov/bank/historical/history/ |
100. Paperback Books A multi-part, illustrated history of paperback publishing, with special emphasis on the United States. http://paperbarn.www1.50megs.com/Paperbacks/index.htm | |
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