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         Economics General:     more books (103)
  1. Economic Transformations: General Purpose Technologies and Long Term Economic Growth by Richard G. Lipsey, Kenneth I. Carlaw, et all 2006-01-05
  2. Economics: A Tool for Critically Understanding Society (9th Edition) (Pearson Series in Economics) by Tom Riddell, Jean A Shackelford, et all 2010-01-14
  3. Foundations of Mathematical Economics by Michael Carter, 2001-10-01
  4. Labor Economics by Pierre Cahuc, Andre Zylberberg, 2004-03-01
  5. Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, 4th Edition by W. Kip Viscusi, Joseph E. Harrington, et all 2005-09-01
  6. The Economics of Labor Markets (with Economic Applications and InfoTracPrinted Access Card) by Bruce Kaufman, Julie L. Hotchkiss, 2005-07-19
  7. Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets Business School Edition plus MyEconLab Student Access Kit (2nd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Series in Economics) by Frederic S. Mishkin, 2009-07-24
  8. Study Guide for Mankiw's Principles of Economics, 4th by N. Gregory Mankiw, 2006-02-24
  9. Valuing the Unique: The Economics of Singularities by Lucien Karpik, 2010-07-21
  10. Economics U$A, Seventh Edition by Nariman Behravash, Edwin Mansfield, 2004-12
  11. The Economic Way of Looking at Behavior: The Nobel Lecture (Essays in Public Policy) by Gary Stanley Becker, 1996-05
  12. Handbook of Economic Forecasting, Volume 1
  13. A-level Questions and Answers Economics ('A' Level Questions and Answers Series) by Ray Powell, 1995-06-29
  14. The Return of Depression Economics by Paul Krugman, 2000-05-15

81. Health Economics - Places To Go
Listings of sources of health economics information.
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82. Economics - General | Quail Ridge Books & Music
On Kindness by Adam Phillips and Barbara Taylor (Picador $13) The authors lead the reader through a history and a psychoanalytic interpretation of kindness.

83. Journal Of Health Economics - Elsevier
Full text now available of this very influential health economics journal.

84. AmosWEB: Economics With A Touch Of Whimsy!
Provides economic terms and glossary.

85. Business & Economics - Economics / General - Compare Prices, Reviews And Buy At
Business Economics Economics / General - 18,645 results like the ECON Macro 2010-2011, Economics Principles, Problems, and Policies, Principles of Macroeconomics With Prepaid Books Non-Fiction BUSINESS b EC

86. Economics At About.Com -- Your Portal To The World Of Economics
Offers feature articles, links, and glossary.
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    Must Reads
    Can You Impose an Externality on Yourself?
    Thursday March 18, 2010 Garth Brazelton thinks so, in an argument I find somewhat persuasive:
    My issue is that he keeps saying 'sin taxes' are not Pigovian. I've disagreed on this point, and I disagree continually. A basic definition of a Pigovian tax is: a tax levied on a particular behavior in the market that is generating negative externalities. The idea is the tax re-aligns the real social cost with the benefits of the activity. Mankiw distorts this defintion and implies that negative externalities can only occur as an action by one group negatively affects another... The externality is there - it's not external of self at that time, it's external of self OVER time. It's correcting behavior that, if a person had complete foresight and 20/20 clarity of the totality of their life, one likely would do less of. ...And this is ignoring the very real argument that many 'sins' DO have real negative external consequences at a given point in time - consequences on family and relationships that, while often non-pecuniary, cannot be ignored. I have never thought of it that way before, but

    87. SYLLABUS BSc Economics General
    1 SYLLABUS BSc Economics General FIRST YEAR, FIRST SEMESTER NOTE Figures in brackets indicate the no. of lectures Paper1 MICRO ECONOMICS - I GENERAL SYLLABUS.pdf

    88. SABE
    The Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics
    Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:43:07 SABE - Society for the Advancement of Behavioural Economics - SABE ANNOUNCEMENTS:
    *SABE has been accepted into the ASSA (Allied Social Science Association)
    *Coming Soon... !!! SABE 2007 Conference in NEW YORK CITY
    NEW YORK University
    May 15 - 18, 2007
    What is SABE?
    SABE is an association of scholars who are committed to the rigorous economic analysis of the world we live in. SABE members possess a deep and abiding interest in how people actually behave because an understanding of such behavior is a vital determinant of the micro foundations of economics as a social science. SABE welcomes the use of psychology, sociology, history, political science, biology, and other disciplines to assist in furthering our understanding of economic choice. SABE accepts and encourages economic analysis based on behavioral assumptions that challenge the basic premises of the neoclassical paradigm, or, alternatively accept those premises. SABE members consider the optimizing assumptions of neoclassical theory to represent an extreme but at times a useful subset of possible assumptions about economic behavior. An important function of SABE is to serve as a forum for research which may not find either comprehension or acceptance in conventional economics societies or meetings. In this way SABE hopes to facilitate the further enrichment and development of economic science as a vehicle with which to further our understanding of the economy, past and present.

    89. National Center For Environmental Economics | US EPA
    NCEE analyzes relationships between the economy, environmental health, and environmental pollution control. This includes economic benefits and costs, economic incentives, size, composition, and effects of the pollution control industry, risk assessment data used in economic analyses.

    90. Economics Articles
    An extensive collection of publications and articles related to Economics. Includes Economic History, Economic Policy, and International Economics.
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    Cost of Living Currency Economic History Economic Measures ...

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    : Ronald Chapman's law firm is devoted exclusively to the practice of criminal defense in both State and Federal Courts within the State of Florida.
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    91. Institut Für Weltwirtschaft — Portal
    The Kiel Institute for World Economics at the University of Kiel is an international center for economic policy research and documentation, it has about 270 employees. The Institute s main activities are economic research, economic policy consulting, and the documentation and provision of information about international economic relations.
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    Institut f¼r Weltwirtschaft
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    Bernhard-Harms-Preis an Raghuram Rajan mehr... IfW f¼r Chancengleichheit ausgezeichnet Das IfW wurde als eine von 60 Organisationen aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Verwaltung und Verb¤nden von TOTAL E-QUALITY Deutschland e.V. f¼r Chancengleichheit in der Personalpolitik ausgezeichnet. "Im Institut f¼r Weltwirtschaft werden zahlreiche MaŸnahmen zur Implementierung der Gleichstellung umgesetzt, so dass ein positiver Gesamteindruck entsteht", heiŸt es in der Begr¼ndung der Jury. mehr...

    92. Islamic Economics, "Islam & Mammon" By Timur Kuran
    Review of Timur Khan s Islam and Mammon The Economic Predicaments of Islamism , by V Postrel in The New York Times. Argues that Islamic Economics is a 20th century Islamist construct.
    var Year = takeYear(today);
    Islamic economic principles may sound like just what the Middle East needs. In practice, things are more complicated. By Virginia Postrel
    The New York Times , August 12, 2004 THE 9/11 Commission report pointedly criticizes the idea of a generic threat from terrorism. ''The catastrophic threat at this moment in history is more specific,'' the commission writes. ''It is the threat posed by Islamist terrorism.'' Islamists, who favor political rule based on Islamic principles, see liberal Western societies, particularly the United States, as godless and barbarous. They argue that the Muslim world has fallen behind the West economically and militarily because Muslims have strayed from the pure religious practice of Muhammad's time. As the commission report suggests, Americans know this theocratic ideology primarily as a spur to terrorism, not as a set of ideas and policies worthy of critical examination. But Islamists do offer economic and social prescriptions that can be subjected to the same analytical and empirical scrutiny as any other policies. That scrutiny is particularly important for Muslim countries where Islamists play a significant role in politics. In a new book

    93. Robert William Fogel - Autobiography
    Major contributor to Economic History (Cliometrics) and Institutional Economics. Winner of the Nobel Prize in economics 1993 (with Douglass C. North).
    Home FAQ Press Contact Us ... Prize in Economic Sciences Robert William Fogel - Autobiography Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies Sort and list Nobel Prizes and Nobel Laureates Create a List All Nobel Prizes Nobel Prize Awarded Organizations Women Nobel Laureates Nobel Laureates and Universities Prize category: Physics Chemistry Medicine Literature Peace Economics
    The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1993
    Robert W. Fogel, Douglass C. North
    The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1993
    Nobel Prize Award Ceremony ... Other Resources
    I was born in New York City in 1926, four years after my parents and my brother migrated to the United States from the city of Odessa in Russia. Although they arrived in New York penniless, my parents scraped together enough savings to establish the first of several small businesses just after I was born. Despite the hard times of the Great Depression and the modest financial circumstances in which we lived, they created a joyful household and they encouraged my brother and me to be optimistic about the future.
    My parents' reverence for learning encouraged both my brother and me toward academic pursuits. In many ways, however, it was my brother who was the main intellectual influence on me until he joined the armed forces in 1941. Almost six years my senior in age and nine years ahead of me in school, he inspired me with his intellectual brilliance. I still remember the intense discussions by my brother and his college classmates about the social and economic issues of the Depression that I overheard as I lay in my bed, supposedly asleep, in the next room.

    94. Evolutionary Economics Home Page
    Economic growth, wealth creation, technological innovation, scientific and Industrial Revolution, democracy, capitalism, market reforms.
    Evolutionary Economics home science democracy markets ... criticism Darwinian Economics ... ? Institutional Economics ... ? These notes were originally put together for a series of tutorials in the English language to help Eastern European students of market economics to think about economics as the science of choice. Have a look at the site map here to find your way around. or was it planned design by intelligent folks or super intelligent Gods? or could it all be explained by the process of evolution? In the following pages four economic breakthroughs are explored with the help of evolutionary thinking, the gist of the exploration is four Why? questions - 1. Why are some economies rich and some poor?
    adaptive efficiency
    the growth was not cyclical but self sustaining most economies missed out neo-classical economics rational allocation of scarce resources. This tended to neglect explanations of dynamic growth, technological change and theories of choice inspired by an environment of emergence, risk and uncertainty - complex, changing and full of and conflict scarcity. evolutionary economics analyses the unleashing discover accumulate more survival value for the costs incurred than competing alternatives. The evidence suggests that it could be adaptive efficiency that defines economic efficiency.

    95. EDIRC: Economic Development
    Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers presents an attempt by Christian Zimmermann of the Center for Research on Employment and Economic Fluctuations, University of Quebec to index all Economic Development web sites.
    EDIRC Home (U. Connecticut)
    Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World
    Economic Development
    Please send any corrections and additions to Christian Zimmermann Symbol keys: Broken link (corrections welcome!) Defunct institution (to our knowledge) Has members registered with the RePEc Author Service Has publications listed on IDEAS Return to the EDIRC main page countries alphabetically country codes continents ...

    96. Home Page
    Cambridge, England based environmental and developmental economics consulting group offers services in economic and social impact studies, privatisation and enterprise reform.

    97. Home - Office Of Health Economics
    The Office of Health Economics aims to commission and undertake research on the economics of health, collect and analyse health and health care data from the United Kingdom and other countries and disseminate the results.
    Search Register For access to our Knowledge Centre and Newsletters please register with us. Alternatively, If you already have an account, please login
    The Office of Health Economics provides independent research, advisory and consultancy services on policy implications and economic issues within the pharmaceutical, health care and biotechnology sectors. The OHE has an international reputation, for the quality and independence of its research, which is safeguarded through our Policy Board and Editorial Board. OHE Blog
    OHE Compendium
    The 20th Edition of the OHE Compendium of Health Statistics (2009) is now available ...
    The Essential Data Source for Understanding the UK Health Sector
    The OHE Compendium of Health Statistics is a onestop statistical source specially designed for easy use by everyone interested in the UK health care sector and the NHS. It contains over 300 easy-to-read tables and charts accompanied by explanatory notes, source details and full commentary on a wide collection of topics related to UK health, health care and health spending. The Compendium is divided into four main sections: Demographics, including population, morbidity and mortality; UK health care expenditure and costs of the NHS; Hospital services; and Family health services. Information is updated annually and ranges from age structure, to detailed information such as death rates by cause, and NHS expenditure on pharmaceuticals.

    98. A Compilation Of Diabetes Health Economics Resources
    Seeks to enhance communication about economic issues in diabetes care, and establish collaborative efforts in the reporting and dissemination of related economics research.
    Resources related to Diabetes Health Economics
    This page contains selected materials and compilations related to health economic issues in diabetes. The purpose of the page is to maintain an online resource for various materials that I have gathered or generated over time. Others are welcome to use these resources. I ask, though, that you give appropriate attribution to the source (or authors) of the materials. The compilations of papers, cost estimates, and studies will vary in their timeliness. I will be working over time to make all of the materials more current. Your feedback is welcome.
    Selected Diabetes Health Economics Resources
    A bibliography of papers on diabetes economics
    Diabetes Health Economics Resource , a searchable database (1997-forwards) of diabetes management-related bibliographic resources
    Estimates of the economic cost of diabetes
    Economic evaluation studies in the diabetes literature
    Online Publications on diabetes economics
    Lecture slides on diabetes economics

    99. Colorado Economic Development
    Portal to Colorado economic development web pages
    "A gazillion links to Colorado economic development"
    Back to ColoradoLinks.Net

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    Adams County Economic Development
    Business Network International - Colorado Springs Great Expectations

    This site is a small business group that gathers once a week to help strengthen and build business through word-of-mouth and referral marketing.
    Business Network International - Colorado Springs Powers Link

    A small business networking forum.  Attend a meeting to see how this group can benefit your small business in Colorado Springs top Castle Rock Economic Development Council Clear Creek County ... Colorado Business Leads Group, Longmont chapter Networking groups in Longmont, Colorado; business leads groups in Colorado. Colorado Company Magazine The Colorado Directory Colorado Net Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade ... Denver Colorado CORE is the online voice of the Denver Colorado . From Denver Homes to the best Denver Home Mortgage , to where to find the best deal on Denver Home Insurance , CORE Denver covers everything that makes our city unique, cosmopolitan and uniquely Southwestern. Our city is rich in diversity, wealth, culture, and entertainment, and we don't want you to miss an opportunity to enjoy any of the charms that Denver has to offer its residents. CORE Denver Online shows our readers the best of the Denver Metro Area. By blending business, entertainment, and lifestyle information, CORE provides a healthy mix of useful and interesting information, sure to engage our readership. Visit these pages often so you won't miss our hourly updates on what our exciting city has in store for you.

    Center for the community of individuals and organizations committed to the economic and environmental solutions to global warming.

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