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21. ‘Ecuador’ Articles At Intercontinental Cry The leak has been contained for a while now, and there are ongoing Read more. Topics ALERT, business, Ecuador, Indigenous Peoples, interviews, oil, video, water http://intercontinentalcry.org/topic/ecuador/ | |
22. Indigenous Peoples, Forests And The World Bank: Policies And Practice BOX 3 ECUADOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND AFROECUADORIAN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (Prodepine) The primary goal of this project is to improve the quality of life of indigenous and http://www.wrm.org.uy/actors/WB/IPreport2.html | |
23. Crude Documentary On Chevron In Ecuador - Indigenous Peoples Documentary on the environmental and human rights violations of Chevron/Texaco in the Amazon of Ecuador http://indigenouspeoplesissues.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article |
24. International Tribunal Sides With Ecuador (and Indigenous Peoples) In Dispute Wi June 26, 2010 942 pm International Tribunal Sides with Ecuador (and Indigenous Peoples) in Dispute with Oil Company http://turtletalk.wordpress.com/2010/06/26/international-tribunal-sides-with-ecu | |
25. Photo Of Uculoma Market 1 - Scott L. Robertson Photography Keywords Ecuador, Indigenous Peoples, Market, Native, people, South America, Uculoma Market http://www.slrobertson.com/galleries/south-america/ecuador/uculoma/uculoma-marke | |
26. Title Page For ETD Etd-05082002-170038 Ecuador indigenous peoples Date of Defense 200204-29 Availability unrestricted Abstract This thesis examines the role of the indigenous movement in Ecuador on the ongoing process of http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-05082002-170038/ | |
27. Indigenous Shuar Killed After Four Days Of National Mobilization In Ecuador, an indigenous Shuar person has been killed along the Upano River after four days of mobilization http://indigenouspeoplesissues.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article |
28. Indigenous Peoples In South America - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Indigenous peoples in Colombia; Indigenous peoples in Ecuador; Indigenous peoples in Peru; Indigenous peoples in Venezuela; Indigenous peoples in Guyana http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indigenous_peoples_in_South_America | |
29. Department Of Anthropology, Iowa State University, Maximilian Viatori Latin America; Ecuador; Indigenous peoples, ethnicity and race; social movements; nationstates and nationalism; political economy of globalization; language. http://www.anthr.iastate.edu/faculty/viatori.html | |
30. Ecuador Indigenous Peoples In The Ecuadorian Amazon Are Submission by Society for Threatened Peoples a nongovernmental organization in special consultative status Language English only Universal Periodic Review First session Society for http://upr-info.org/IMG/pdf/STP_ECU_UPR_S1_2008_SocietyforThreatenedPeoples_uprs |
31. Www.fau.edu Year Artwork Title Topic Broader Historical Context 1937 Indians in Ecuador Indigenous peoples On going indigenous rights struggle 1940 Dragged http://www.fau.edu/galleries/guayasamin_inserts/7._Timeline_with_Map.doc | |