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21. Bristol Electric Vehicle Study Design information for electric vehicle builders. Includes mathematics and design specifications. http://www.bluegreentechnologies.com |
22. REV - Rapid Electric Vehicles Inc. Inc. REV Highway-Capable Electric Vehicles and Plug-in Hybrids. REV specializes in converting and selling original equipment manufacturer (OEM) vehicles into all-electric and plug-in http://www.rapidelectricvehicles.com/ |
23. Electric Vehicle Conversion Home Page Provides detailed instructions, analysis, and services focused on converting standard cars into electric vehicles. http://www.evhelp.com | |
24. Electric Vehicles PA Electrics advocates and encourages the use of electric powered vehicles, ranging from inexpensive bicycles and scooters, to the more expensive highway speed vehicles. Not http://www.paelectrics.com/ | |
25. Electric Vehicles For London | Greater London Authority Electric vehicles, the one stop shop for electric vehicle information in London, whether you are interested in a new car, or a business interested in an electric fleet. http://www.london.gov.uk/electricvehicles/ | |
26. Econogics Electric Vehicle Index Includes a wealth of information and an excellent history of electric vehicles. Also includes info on the Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa and their annual Electrathon. http://www.econogics.com/ev/evindex.htm | |
27. UTC Center For Energy, Transportation And The Environment | Electric Vehicles CETE Home; About CETE; Current Research; Completed Research; Staff; Alternative Fuels; Electric Vehicles; Hybrid Vehicles; Hydrogen Vehicles; FAQ; Partners; Contact Information http://www.utc.edu/Research/CETE/electric.php | |
28. Energywise - Green Efforts - Electric Vehicles Electric vehicles play a major role in the quest for a cleaner energy future. Reliant Energy is teaming with key organizations to help establish Houston as a leading city in the http://www.reliant.com/PublicLinkAction.do?i_chronicle_id=090175228030c91f&l |
29. Ev Archive - Onramp Encourages electric vehicle enthusiasts to help preserve the recent history of electric vehicles by posting to online archive, where other contributions are available to be read. http://sloan.stanford.edu/EVonline/ | |
30. Electric Vehicles-Science Tracer Bullet-Library Of Congress Electric Vehicles Science Tracer Bullets Research Finding Aids from the Library of Congress, Science Reference Services. http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/tracer-bullets/electrictb.html | |
31. Electric Vehicles : Discovery News Car's Body Could Work As A Battery. Posted Wed Sep 29, 2010 0830 AM ET 0. Volvo is experimenting with a new composite material that can store and release energy more http://news.discovery.com/electric-vehicles/ | |
32. My First EV and videos of electric vehicle conversions and FAQs on EV s....... Information on converting your car to an electric vehicle. http://www.myfirstev.com | |
33. Electric Vehicles New England (EVNE) Electric Vehicles New England (EVNE), in NSW Australia, promotes the use of electric vehicles. We also provide information and support for people wishing to convert petrol-powered vehicles to electric. http://www.thearmidalemall.com/evne/ |
34. Lane Electric Vehicle Association Association of battery-powered, electric vehicle enthusiasts in Lane County, Oregon. Features information on developments in electric vehicle technology. http://laneeva.org |
35. Electric Car - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Electric vehicles can also use a direct motorto-wheel configuration which increases the amount of available power. Having multiple motors connected directly to the wheels allows http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_car | |
36. Electric Vehicles (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Electric scooters, bicycles, golf and utility cars, three-wheelers and shuttles. http://www.evthai.com/ |
37. New Energy Tax Credit For Electric Vehicles Purchased In 2009 Electric vehicles (EVs) purchased in 2009 may be eligible for a federal income tax credit of up to $7,500. http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/tax_ev.shtml |
38. ISE Research-ThunderVolt Low-emission electric and hybrid-electric vehicles (buses, trucks, tow tractors, trams) and components. http://www.isecorp.com/ | |
39. Solar Electrical Vehicles Welcome to Solar Electrical Vehicles. Founded in mid 2005, SEV was created to develop a true solar charging system for Hybrid Electric Vehicles that provides increased electric http://www.solarelectricalvehicles.com/ | |
40. Electronics Design, Prototyping And Manufacturing Of Small Volume Electronics Manufacturer and Supplier of parts for the Sebring Electric CitiCar, ComutaCar and Postal Van http://api-assembled.com | |
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