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         Electric Vehicles:     more books (107)
  1. The 2009-2014 Outlook for Lithium-Ion Batteries for Plug-In Hybrid and Pure Electric Vehicles in India by Icon Group International, 2008-12-02
  2. Electric Vehicle Technology by L. Unnewehr, 1982-04
  3. The Household Market for Electric Vehicles by Kenneth Kurani, Thomas Turrentine, 1995-05
  4. Audel's Answers on Automobiles for Owners, Operators, Repairmen: Relating to the Parts, Operation, Care, Management, Road Driving, ...Etc., Including Chapters on the Storage Battery, Electric Vehicles, Motor Cycles, Etc. by Gideon Harris and Associates, 1911
  5. Electric Vehicles by Graham Atkin,
  6. Electric and petrol-electric vehicles by Walter Poynter Adams, 1908-01-01
  7. The 2009-2014 Outlook for Lithium-Ion Batteries for Plug-In Hybrid and Pure Electric Vehicles in Africa by Icon Group International, 2009-07-29
  8. Light-Weight Materials for Transportation and Batteries and Fuel Cells for Electric Vehicles, Volume 71 (European Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings) by R. Ciach, A. Moretti, et all 1998-09-12
  9. Encouraging The Purchase and Use of Electric Motor Vehicles: Final Report (Electric Vehicle Information Series) by Office of Transportation Technologies, 1995-07
  10. Power Sources for Electric Vehicles (Studies in Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
  11. Electric vehicle structures & components by Philip Terpstra, 1994
  12. The 2009-2014 Outlook for Lithium-Ion Batteries for Plug-In Hybrid and Pure Electric Vehicles in Greater China by Icon Group International, 2008-12-02
  13. The 2009-2014 Outlook for Lithium-Ion Batteries for Plug-In Hybrid and Pure Electric Vehicles in Oceana by Icon Group International, 2009-07-29
  14. Batteries for Electric Vehicles (Electronic & Electrical Engineering Research Studies. Power Sources Technology Series, 4) by D. A. J. Rand, 1998-01

61. Electric Vehicles | Battery Electric Vehicle | Electric Low Speed Vehicles
Our Electric vehicles are energy efficient and can transport up to 15 passengers. The battery electric vehicle will travel up to 50 miles on one single charge. Our Electric low
Electric Vehicles
Bubble Buddy Electric Vehicle 2P
This vehicle is the smallest in our fleet. It comes complete with a cd player and radio, aluminum rims, a digital dashboard, and an on board charger. Range of up to 50 miles per charge! Bubble Buddy Electric Vehicle 4P
The four passenger model comes with all of the features as the 2p, but it has upgraded captains chairs and seating for four. Comes complete with a rear locking trunk as well! Bubble Buddy Electric Vehicle 6P
This is our best selling Bubble Buddy model. It comes with seating for six and comes fully loaded with all of the features of our 2p and 4p models. Transport Buddy Electric Vehicle 9P
This electric vehicle will travel up to 50 miles on a single charge! When you are done using it, just plug it into a standard wall socket to recharge the batteries. Transport Buddy Electric Vehicle 12P
This vehicle offers the same body style as the popular 15p model, but does not have the rear facing seat included. Comes with all the same features as the 9p. Transport Buddy Electric Vehicle 15P
Our best selling transport model. This vehicle offers the largest number of seats and comes complete with the same features as our other transport models.

62. Cool Electric Cars
Provides a guide to electric cars for the ordinary person. Also provides information on other electric vehicles, electric bikes, scooters, NEVs and golf carts.
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This Site
Electric Cars are Cool!
***With Obama's announcement of a $20 billion fund for the green energy sector, and the imminent rise in the price of oil in 2010, resulting in an OIL-CRUNCH, it's time to go electric!!!***
Electric cars are set to take the world by storm! Welcome to the coolest cars around......
They're clean,
They're green,
They're the wonderful electric car machines!
Most folks haven't caught onto this yet, but electric driving is the Next Big Thing. Hey, if you're reading my website, you're ahead of the curve, but the rest of the world is set to catch up quick.... Remember how everyone used to smoke and it was the most glamorous thing going....all those film stars, puffing away in black-and-white movies? And now.... .... you're a social outcast if you light up in company? Well that's how it's going to be with gas-guzzler cars. Pretty soon, The only mean machine
In which to be seen,
Will be the the mean
Electric car machine!
Okay, that's enough bad poetry I hear you say, let's get down to business�. Tell me more about these kooky little creatures, how do they work, how do they drive, how good are they, where do I get one�I'm ready to be clean and green� But first, why are they so great?

63. All Electric Vehicles: Electric Cars, Plug In Hybrids, Scooters, Bicycles And Mo
Join me on an Electric Journey The very best of Electric Cars, plug in hybrids and other electric vehicles.
All Electric Vehicles:
My Search for the Perfect Electric Car (or scooter, or bicycle, or motorbike!!)
Have you ever thought about Switching your Transport to All-Electric?
If you're like me or the people I know, probably not! ... at least not up to recently.
You see, as of today, all-electric vehicles account for a TINY percentage of all the cars, motorbikes, scooters and bicycles on sale.
The thing is, it seems to be becoming more widely believed that all-electric vehicles will be the main type of transport around the world within 10 years.
Hi there, my name is Evan Collins . I'm a mechanical engineering student and live just outside Cork City in Ireland.
Like most guys (and students) my age, I don't have much of my own money ... but I do need to get around!
I got my car licence a couple of years back and that's what led to me to talking to you here today.
You see, my parents have insured me on their little Peugeot 207 diesel - and while that's great while I'm learning - I have some ideas of my own for the future when it comes to car ownership.
While I'm not exactly a dedicated environmentalist, I have come to realise that if I want to get my own set of four-wheels - one that I

64. Canadian Electric Vehicles Ltd.
Converter of commercial and passenger vehicles to electrically driven ones.

65. Electric Vehicles MrSharkey.Com
s and images of electric powered vehicles for street and garden.......

66. Electro Automotive: Electric Car Conversion Kits, Electric Vehicle Parts, & EV C
Electric vehicle conversion kits, components, books, videos, and consulting.

67. Street Legal Electric Vehicles
Street Legal Electric Vehicles Click here to view our IRS Tax Certification HDK Electric Vehicles is a high quality electric car manufacturer.
HDK Electric Vehicle Products Find a Dealer Become a Dealer Financing ...

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Street Legal Electric Vehicles
Click here to view our IRS Tax Certification

HDK Electric Vehicles is a high quality electric car manufacturer. Our distribution warehouse is located in Ontario California. our main products are Golf Carts, Hunting Buggies, and Shuttle Transport Electric Vehicles. We have the capability of producing 30,000 electric vehicles per year. We use the newest technology in our production facility. Our company operates strictly according to the �ISO 9001 Product Quality Management� guidelines. We put �quality, service, price and creativity� first and utilize the worlds most advanced �ERP� management system. We have obtained several National Patents such as our chassis design. Street Legal Electric Car
All of our golf carts, hunting buggies and electric vehicles come standard with full light package and

68. Chip Gribben's Web Life
Electric vehicles with facts and myths, costs, and how to acquire them.
This page is kind of plain. Link to the more creative and interesting stuff below. Chip's News About the Chippifier Website Design Website Design for the EV Industry ... Contact
Chip's News Tune it to the Discovery Channel May 2, 2004 at 8:00 pm to see some of my graphic design work for the new reality TV show "Sucking Amps". For the Suck Amps EV Racing team, I created the T-shirts the guys are wearing and the graphics for the project vehicle, "Gone Postal". Also in the works is a Suck Amps EV Racing website.
About the Chippifier
First, what is a "Chippifier". Well, one of my clients calls me that when I turn her ideas into a website or graphic. She often sends requests that I "Chippify" her ideas.
Anyway, I work from my home business, Digizone Designs , creating graphics and websites. It's been fun and recently pretty busy. Previously, I've worked for Boeing at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. A friend lured me away from GSFC to work for an internet startup which was going well till the bottom dropped out so I decided to strike out on my own.
I also run an electric scooter repair business

69. Electric Vehicles
An essay or paper on Electric Vehicles. Although state mandates such as California's Low Emission Vehicle Program require major automakers to manufacture large numbers of zero
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Electric Vehicles
Although state mandates such as California's Low Emission Vehicle Program require major automakers to manufacture large numbers of zero-emissions vehicles by 1998, current transportation technology cannot meet this goal. Electric vehicles are the only automobiles capable of fulfilling the zero- emissions standard. Unfortunately, significant barriers to the introduction of electric cars exist. In addition, the potential ecological benefits of electric vehicles are difficult to predict because of variables such as battery technology , infrastructure, and market acceptance. Current automotive technology has developed two types of electric vehicles: pure electrics and hybrids. Pure electric vehicles are exclusively battery-powered. Hybrid vehicles include a small internal combustion engine and fuel tank as well as an electric motor. In some hybrid designs, known as "series" hybrids, operation of the combustion engine at a constant speed acts as a generator for the electric battery. Hybrid designs with separate electric and fuel-burning powertrains are known as "parallel" hybrids. The success of electric vehicles is dependent on battery technology: "Batteries are clearly the critical, make-or-break factor affecting the performance and economic viability of electric cars" (3:76). Unfortunately, battery technology has not progressed as quickly as the

70. TWIKE | Home
Links to Twike related sites.
Skip to the navigation Skip to the content Presse Kontakt ... Impressum
Welcome to TWIKE
TWIKE ist Mobilität von Morgen für Menschen von Heute. Das TWIKE ist ein Elektrofahrzeug, das Sie heute schon kaufen können. Die ersten TWIKE rollten vor 15 Jahren auf die Straße. Heute sind über 900 TWIKE unterwegs, die zusammen über 30.000.000 km Erfahrung gesammelt haben. Das TWIKE ist stets up to Date und heute mit Lithium Akkus ausgerüstet für die täglichen Wege Ihr ideales Transportmittel.
      85 km / h
      über 200 km
      Human Power Hybrid
Das TWIKE ist effizient, umweltfreundlich, schick und individuell.
Wieviel Spaß TWIKE n macht, können Sie bei einer Probefahrt selber ausprobieren.
Besuchen Sie unsere Partner oder eine unserer Veranstaltungen.
Wir freuen uns, Sie begrüßen zu dürfen.
TWIKE und Lekker Mobil in Feldheim
TWIKE s im Nebel
Vom TWIKE inspiriert: Das Wettbewerbsfahrzeug TW4XP

71. GM - Technology - Electric Cars - Welcome
General Motors' corporate responsibility web site demonstrates GM's ability to make a difference in the world. Learn about GM's educational, environmental, safety, workplace

72. Bluebird Automotive - Delivering The Future
Manufacturer and distributor of electrical cars. Includes product specifications.

73. Electric Vehicles | ZAP Electric Vehicles
ZAP is a global leader in electric vehicle technologies. Check out our line of electric vehicles today.
GSA Schedule
Press Releases Contact Us
ZAP News
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Electric Vehicles
ZAP Automotive
The Company believes the EV market niche will continue to grow rapidly, especially with the introduction of affordable vehicles such as the XEBRA that will retail for less than $11,700 and deliver features, such as speeds up to 40 mph, not currently available among existing EVs. ZAP Headquarters
501 Fourth Street Santa Rosa, CA 95401

74. THINK Electric Car - The All Electric And Highway Safe THINK City
Norwegian company that offers an electric car with a 200-kilometer range which was designed to be easily recycled.

75. Office Of Sustainability & Environment
The City of Seattle is working hard to ensure that our community is plugin ready when significant numbers of electric cars hit our region in fall 2010.

76. Doran Electric Vehicles.EVs
Offers an All Terrain Vehicle (ATV), used as a neighborhood electric vehicle, golf cart, utility vehicle, and for recreation. Also offers a one-person, stand-up vehicle, and a three-wheel electric car.
Doran Electric Vehicles
EVs That Work TM Proudly
Made in the USA
since 1999

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about the
and consulting Doran EV eATV Chimp and EVs That Work are trademarks of Doran Motor Company TM formerly Gorilla Vehicles Doran EV Homepage electric ATV electric tractor Dan Aykroyd Testimonial see Dan's and other testimonials at Testimonials BUSINESS FOR SALE This electric vehicle manufacturing company is for sale. In business since 1999, did fairly well until the economy nose-dived. Will sell all, or each product separately. contact at for more information. Doran Electric Vehicles e-ATV TM an electric ATV an electric Tractor Green ATV Chimp TM a stand-up electric utility vehicle electric utility vehicles for farm, ranch and commercial uses Doran Electric Car a 3-wheeled motorcycle battery powered plug-in EV electric car plans (click here) Thanks for visiting.

77. Tesla Motors | Premium Electric Vehicles
Tesla designs and manufactures electric vehicles and EV powertrain components. Tesla's products include the Tesla Roadster and the Tesla Model S, available in 2012. Tesla's

78. Urban Mover - The Future Is Now
Electric Vehicle Manufacturer and Distribution Company offering Electric Bicycles, Electric Scooters, Electric Motor Bikes, Electric Quads, Electric ATVs
AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,28,0','width','853','height','399','src','flash/main','quality','high','pluginspage','','movie','flash/main' ); //end AC code
UM36T reviewed on

'The Gadget Show'
AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,28,0','width','465','height','160','src','flash/products','quality','high','pluginspage','','movie','flash/products' ); //end AC code
Site designed by Montpellier Creative

79. Articles About Electric Vehicles - Los Angeles Times
Electric Vehicles News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about Electric Vehicles from the Los Angeles Times

80. National Electric Drag Racing Association
A coalition aimed at increasing public awareness of electric vehicle (EV) performance and to encourage through competition, advances in electric vehicle technology.
Lawless Rocket Drag Bike does
177 mph @ 7.46 in the 1/4 mile! Electric drag bike project will air on
American Chopper September 30 RICHMOND, VA (Sept 24, 2010) The Lawless "Rocket" electric drag bike piloted by drag bike legend Larry, Spiderman, McBride has ran a record 177 mph run for the bike. The 6's are in sight. Since their last attempt September 11, the crew changed a tire to improve the tracking and changed the gearing. The team got in ET's of 8.02, 7.57, 7.50, and 7.46. Speeds at the 1/4 mile were 159, 163, 172, 174, and 177 MPH. On one run the amps were turned up by 100 amps which was just a tad too high resulting in a bit just a bit too much power off line power and Larry smoked the tire from 50 ft to 300 ft. Even so he never let off and managed a respectable run of 8.10 @172 MPH. The Lawless team says that 200 mph is quite possible with this bike once they manage to find more HP to put to the pavement. The bike will be featured on an upcoming episode of American Chopper on Thursday, September 30 on TLC. Check your local listings. It should be a good show. Silver Giant II's Winning Racing
Season A year of upgrades, records and how a good set of wheelie bars can keep you firmly on the ground

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