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81. Wikipedia User-contributed online encyclopedia intended for people whose first language is not English. http://simple.wikipedia.org/ | |
82. History Day Tanks, gas and machine guns. http://victorian.fortunecity.com/benjamin/440/ |
83. Cyclepedia Press LLC Online Workshop Manuals For ATVs, Motorcycles And Scooters Motorcycling information, repair manuals, technical data, and useful statistics organized by manufacturer. Completely searchable and easy to use. http://www.cyclepedia.com/ | |
84. Country Information Find information on every country in the world. There are massive amounts of statistics on everything from population to a country s legal system. http://www.virtualsources.com/ | |
85. ORB: The Online Reference Book For Medieval Studies Short articles with links to other web resources about European history from the Roman empire to 1300. http://the-orb.net/ | |
86. WELCOME TO INDIAN CHRISTIANITY Provides information/research aids for Christianity in India, through St Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia of India, and the Indian Church History Classics. http://www.indianchristianity.com | |
87. Richard R. Wright (Richard Robert), B. 1878 Centennial Encyclopaedia Of The Afri Compiled by Richard R. Wright, Jr. Reference work published in 1916. http://docsouth.unc.edu/church/wright/menu.html | |
88. A Modern Herbal Home Page Index of more than 800 varieties of herbs and plants, word search of the text, recipes, and an index of poisonous plants. http://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/mgmh.html | |
89. The Skeptic S Dictionary A skeptical view of occult, mysticism, and the paranormal. http://www.skepdic.com/ | |
90. Webopedia: Online Computer Dictionary For Computer And Internet Terms And Defini Definitions of many computer-related terms. Searchable using search engine or categorized lists. http://www.webopedia.com/ | |
91. Techweb's TechEncyclopedia Contains descriptions and definitions of more than 14,000 computer terms and concepts. http://www.techweb.com/encyclopedia | |
92. Encyclopedia - WordIQ An online encyclopedia with more than 400,000 pages of content. http://www.wordiq.com/encyclopedia.html | |
93. Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy Free online encyclopedia. Edited by James Fieser and Bradley Dowden, hosted by the University of Tennessee at Martin. http://www.iep.utm.edu/ |
94. TBS Internet - The Satellite Encyclopedia The Satellite Encyclopedia contains fact sheets with basic information such as launch date, country of origin, official identification, and payload description (EIRP maps). Extended launch vehicle section. Future satellites descriptions. Over 4000 pages and 9000 keywords. http://www.tbs-satellite.com/tse/online/ | |
95. Search Definitions | Christian Classics Ethereal Library Links to the contents of the Catholic Encyclopedia, Easton s Bible Dictionary, Torrey s Topical Textbook, Elwell s Dictionary of Christian Theology, and other sources. http://www.ccel.org/search?category=definitions |
96. Catholic Encyclopedia - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia An article which talks about the history of the Catholic Encyclopedia published in 1913 and the New Catholic Encyclopedia, which was first published in 1967. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Encyclopedia | |
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