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         Energy Efficiency:     more books (100)
  1. The Homeowner's Handbook to Energy Efficiency: A Guide to Big and Small Improvements by John Krigger, Chris Dorsi, 2008-09-01
  2. Energy Efficiency Manual: for everyone who uses energy, pays for utilities, designs and builds, is interested in energy conservation and the environment by Donald R. Wulfinghoff, 2000-03
  3. Optimizing Energy Efficiencies in Industry by G.G. Rajan, 2002-10-24
  4. Handbook of Energy Efficiency by Frank Kreith, Ronald E. West, 1996-12-24
  5. Energy Efficiency: Principles and Practices by Penni McLean-Conner, 2009-01-27
  6. Energy and the New Reality 1: Energy Efficiency and the Demand for Energy Services (Energy & the New Reality 1) by L. D. Danny Harvey, 2010-05
  7. Energy-Efficiency Upgrades: Principles, Details, Examples (Detail Practice) by Clemens Richarz, Christina Schulz, et all 2007-05-03
  8. Do-It-Yourself Home Energy Audits: 140 Simple Solutions to Lower Energy Costs, Increase Your Home's Efficiency, and Save the Environmen (Tab Green Guru Guides) by David Findley, 2010-02-04
  9. The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response by Clark W. Gellings, 2009-08-21
  10. Energy Efficiency and Management in Food Processing Facilities by Lijun Wang, 2008-12-04
  11. Real Prospects for Energy Efficiency in the United States (America's Energy Future) by America's Energy Future Energy Efficiency Technologies Subcommittee, National Academy of Sciences, et all 2010-06-11
  12. Dictionary of Energy Efficiency Technologies by Michael Frank Hordeski, 2004-08-18
  13. Energy Efficient Homes For Dummies by Rik DeGunther, 2008-10-06
  14. Energy Efficiency in Motor Driven Systems (Volume 0)

1. Energy Efficiency - Georgia Power
Energy Efficiency. Promoting energy efficiency helps our customers save money and reduces the need for power plants. Georgia Power offers 18 demandresponse and energy
Search Site Map Home Customer Svc Community ... Diversity Energy Efficiency Environmental Air Quality Commitment Report Stewardship ... Technologies - Advanced Coal and Gas Innovations
Energy Efficiency
Promoting energy efficiency helps our customers save money and reduces the need for power plants. Georgia Power offers 18 demand-response and energy efficiency programs to help customers manage and reduce energy use. In total, the company will invest almost $500 million over the next 10 years on demand-side programs. The programs:
  • Provide free in-home energy audits that show residential customers how energy efficient their home is and ways to save energy. Educate customers about ways to save energy and the benefits of compact fluorescent light bulbs. Promote the use of ENERGY STAR appliances and products, as well as the ENERGY STAR New Home program. Provide funding to help low-income customers make home improvements for increased energy efficiency. Recycle old refrigerators and freezers.

2. Energy Efficiency > What We Do > The Kresge Foundation
Buildings and the equipment and appliances used inside them are responsible for more than 40 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing energy use within the built
November 14, 2010
  • Who We Are What We Do
    • Detroit Program
      • Kresge Arts in Detroit ... E-mail Page Environment Program
        Energy Efficiency
        Buildings and the equipment and appliances used inside them are responsible for more than 40 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing energy use within the built environment is among the most cost-effective ways to lessen the potential magnitude of climate change impacts. Our grantmaking aims to reduce the energy use of buildings as well as the equipment, appliances, and electronics used within them. We support national-level energy efficiency efforts, including work that addresses barriers to implementing energy efficiency practices at scale. We also support regional and state-level energy efficiency work in the Midwest and Southeast. Our programmatic approach To help society realize the potential of energy efficiency, we are supporting three strategies. Secure the adoption and effective implementation of policies that reduce energy use in buildings. A variety of state and federal policies hold great potential to reduce the amount of energy required to heat, cool, and ventilate buildings and to power the equipment, appliances, and electronics used within them. These policies include building energy codes, energy efficiency standards for equipment and appliances, and water efficiency standards for equipment and plumbing fixtures. In addition, policies that encourage utility investment in energy efficiency programs serving their customers are critical. We support nonprofit organizations working to secure the adoption and effective implementation of such policies. Our grants focus on national policies and state-level policies in the Midwest and Southeast United States.

3. Energy Efficiency - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Energy efficiency may refer to Efficient energy use; Energy conversion efficiency, the ratio between the output and input of an energy conversion machine
Energy efficiency
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search Energy efficiency may refer to: This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title.
If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. Retrieved from " Categories Disambiguation pages Hidden categories: All article disambiguation pages All disambiguation pages Personal tools Namespaces Variants Views Actions Search Navigation Interaction Toolbox Print/export

4. Energy Efficient Windows And Doors - Marvin Windows And Doors
Your Marvin dealer will help you choose the windows and doors that give you the personalized look you desire – and the energy efficiency you need.

5. Energy Efficiency - LoveToKnow Green Living
The goal of energy efficiency is to reduce the environmental impact of energy usage and find alternatives that are renewable and clean. With more and more electronics

6. Energy Efficiency - News - Times Topics - The New York Times
News about energy efficiency. Commentary and archival information about energy efficiency from The New York Times.
@import url(; Search All Sunday, November 14, 2010
Times Topics

7. Energy Efficiency - LA DNR - Technology Assessment Division
Energy Efficiency News La. Solar House Competes Nationally Your vote can count! Institutional Energy Programs. State Buildings Program Energy efficient measures taken in
DNR Secretary Technology Assessment Executive Legal Public Information Technology Assessment Undersecretary Technology Assessment Home About Us Alternative Motor Fuels Calendar of Events ... Wetlands Information For: Citizens Commercial Sector Educators Industrial Sector ... Home
Energy Efficiency
News: La. Solar House Competes Nationally - Your vote can count!
Institutional Energy Programs
Louisiana: An Energy Consuming State
    BOMA International was founded in 1907 as the National Association of Building Owners and Managers and is a primary source of information on office building development, leasing, building operating costs, energy consumption patterns, local and national building codes, legislation, occupancy statistics and technological developments.

8. Awesome Library - Science - Ecology - Energy Efficiency
The Awesome Library organizes 37,000 carefully reviewed K12 education resources, the top 5 percent for teachers, students, parents, and librarians. It includes a search engine.
Awesome Library Search
Here: Home Classroom Science Ecology > Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency

Battery Power

Compact Fluorescent

Engines and Motors

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  • Commuting Alternatives
  • Electric Cars
  • Flywheel Power
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  • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network) News
  • -04-18-08 Petroalgae (
      "Even better, the algae are capable of feeding off the carbon emissions from fossil fuels, and the pollutants in waste water. If the technology matures, you could have a perfect circle: the algae eat the carbon from a coal plant, then are used to make an environmentally friendly fuel that limits the need for petroleum. PetroAlgae is still a long way off from commercialization, but the technology has some greens salivating. 'Algae consume a tremendous amount of CO2, and we're in a marketplace where getting rid of CO2 is a very good thing,' says Tennant. 'We're looking at a carbon-negative solution.' " 04-08
  • -08-12-08 Small Ways You Can Reduce Waste in the Office (
      "It's only a matter of time before wolves start roaming New York and we lose Scotland under glacial drifts of snow (well, that�s Hollywood�s take on global warming in the film The Day After Tomorrow). Back in the real world, employees are checking their companies� green credentials and acting to make their workplace environmentally friendly." 08-08
  • -09-02-08 Ceramic May Cut Microwave Cost in Half (ABC News)
      "Baking dishes made from an exotic ceramic material could speed up the rate at which microwave ovens cook food, reducing the energy needed for cooking."
  • 9. Energy Efficiency Environmental And Energy Study Institute
    Educating Congress on clean energy and climate change; advancing innovative policy solutions

    10. U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency And Renewable Energy (EERE) Home Page
    The U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Web site provides information on energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.
    Mobile Search Search Help A-Z Subject Index
      Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.
      DOE Launches New Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee
      Nov. 12, 2010 – DOE established the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee, a federal advisory committee whose members will advise on EERE's portfolio. View Story
      Vice President Biden Launches Home Energy Scoring Program
      Nov. 9, 2010 – Vice President Biden joined DOE Secretary Steven Chu today to announce the launch of the Home Energy Score pilot program. See the Home Energy Score Web site
      DOE and EPA Release 2011 Annual Fuel Economy Guide
      Nov. 3, 2010 - The EPA and DOE released the 2011 Fuel Economy Guide, providing consumers with information about estimated mileage and fuel costs for model year 2011 vehicles. View story
      Joint Environmental Research Projects to Advance Ocean Renewable Energy
      Oct. 26, 2010 – DOE, BOEMRE and NOAA announce nearly $5 million for joint environmental research projects to advance ocean renewable energy. View story
      DOE Launches New Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee
      Nov. 12, 2010 – DOE established the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advisory Committee, a federal advisory committee whose members will advise on EERE's portfolio.

    11. U.S. Senator Dick Lugar
    Energy Efficiency . In the next few decades, worldwide energy demands are expected to rise by as much as 20%. U.S. energy demands are predicted to rise by 30%.
    /*********************************************** * AnyLink CSS Menu script- � Dynamic Drive DHTML code library ( * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit Dynamic Drive at for full source code ***********************************************/ Lugar
    ... Lugar Energy Initiative Energy Efficiency In the next few decades, worldwide energy demands are expected to rise by as much as 20%. U.S. energy demands are predicted to rise by 30%. Such increases would dramatically increase competition for oil and natural gas resources and raise the threats from carbon emissions and global climate change. However, new studies indicate that the growth rate in worldwide energy consumption could be cut in half over the next fifteen years if households and industry take aggressive energy efficiency actions. Energy efficiency is a comparative term that describes the ability to produce or use energy more effectively or more quickly. Energy efficiency is increased when an energy conversion technology, such as an automobile engine, household appliance, or steam turbine, undergoes a technical change that allows it to provide the same service while using less energy. It can take place in all sectors of energy production, distribution, and use. There are a variety of ways in which people can increase energy efficiency in their homes, businesses, and vehicles. Together these actions can make as much of a difference as reducing energy consumption or having additional fossil fuel resources.

    12. EEBA | The Energy & Environmental Building Alliance
    Disseminating information and technology for energy efficient, environmentally responsible buildings and communities.
    RSS feed
    • Home About Houses That Work ...
      The demand for forward-thinking, knowledgeable building science leaders continues to gain ground. Find out more about EEBA's nation-wide events and educational sessions.
      Building professionals from across the country will be in Las Vegas, September 14-16 for EEBA's World-Class Education. View conference information here
      Get Involved
      EEBA relies on the continued support of individuals, organizations and businesses who are advocates of better building performance and building science education.
    Share Design by Karen Thull Design

    13. Efficient Energy Use - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    Efficient energy use, sometimes simply called energy efficiency, is the goal of efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services.
    Efficient energy use
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search For other uses, see Energy efficiency (disambiguation) A spiral-type integrated compact fluorescent lamp , which has been popular among North American consumers since its introduction in the mid 1990s. Sustainable energy Renewable energy Anaerobic digestion Hydroelectricity ... Cogeneration Energy efficiency Geothermal heat pump Green building Passive Solar Sustainable transport ... e Efficient energy use , sometimes simply called energy efficiency , is the goal of efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services. For example, insulating a home allows a building to use less heating and cooling energy to achieve and maintain a comfortable temperature. Installing fluorescent lights or natural skylights reduces the amount of energy required to attain the same level of illumination compared to using traditional incandescent light bulbs Compact fluorescent lights use two-thirds less energy and may last 6 to 10 times longer than incandescent lights. Improvements in energy efficiency are most often achieved by adopting a more efficient technology or production process. There are various motivations to improve energy efficiency. Reducing energy use reduces energy costs and may result in a financial cost saving to consumers if the energy savings offset any additional costs of implementing an energy efficient technology. Reducing energy use is also seen as a key solution to the problem of reducing

    14. Green Building Concepts Tools To Build A More Energy And Resource Efficient
    Information exchange on resource and energy efficient home building. Product tips, building hints, and newsletter archive.
    Welcome Green Building Concepts supplies information exchange on a more resource and energy efficient lifestyle. Take advantage of our two consulting services for your next project:
    • Apple Computer based solutions Green home building ideas
    How in the world can green building and personal computers intertwine? The Macintosh OS is the primary delivery vehicle of high impact visual design and media invention. Most creative industries including film and video editing, audio recording and sound mastering, product design, web design, and photography primarily use Apple Macintosh systems. Likewise, sustainable development stems from efficient use of computer technology to reduce the burden on public roads and energy consumption. The home office and internet publications decrease demands of paper production. Green Building Concepts published exclusively on the information superhighway, for all the world to see and learn. Students, construction professionals, creative folks, and all others are welcome to read and acquire knowledge. Please contact Green Building Concepts at your convenience, when the need arises for help with your Mac OS computer, green home, and related technology.

    15. Department Of Energy - Energy Efficiency
    The Department of Energy is committed to reducing America's dependence on foreign oil and developing energy efficient technologies for buildings, homes, transportation, power
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    U.S. Department of Energy
    You are here: DOE Home Energy Efficiency
    Energy Efficiency
    The Department of Energy is committed to reducing America's dependence on foreign oil and developing energy efficient technologies for buildings, homes, transportation, power systems and industry.� The� Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) invests in clean energy technologies that strengthen the economy, protect the environment, and reduce dependence on foreign oil. EERE leads the Federal government's research, development, and deployment efforts in energy efficiency. EERE's role is to invest in high-risk, high-value research and development that is critical to the Nation's energy future and would not be sufficiently conducted by the private sector acting on its own. Program activities are conducted in partnership with the private sector, state and local government, DOE national laboratories, and universities. EERE also works with stakeholders to develop programs and policies to facilitate the deployment of advanced clean energy technologies and practices. Energy for America's future
    The National Energy Policy�promotes the development and deployment of energy systems and practices that will provide current and future generations with clean, efficient, affordable, and reliable energy.

    16. Lower Your Energy Usage - Simply Insulate
    Information on fiberglass insulation and links to energy efficiency programs in various states.
    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
    Download: Grantees Guide to Insulation Programs and Partnerships
    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
    Grantees Guide to Insulation Programs and Partnerships
    Download this guide that provides ARRA grantees information on program and partnership approaches they can launch and manage directly, or augment in partnership with other program sponsors.
    Brochure includes info on:
    • Home Performance with Energy Star Program (HPwES)
    • Simplified Home Audit/Retrofit Programs
    Energy Efficiency Codes Coalition
    The Energy Efficient Codes Coalition is a broad-based alliance working to increase energy efficiency in the International Energy Conservation Code by 30 percent. The EECC's package of proposals - "The 30% Solution" - is being considered in the ICC devlopment process and is available for state adoption already. Click here to visit the EECC website.
    There are 46 Million under-insulated homes in the US - is yours one of them?
    For additional information, read the following NAIMA items:
    Where You Can Add Insulation Fact Sheet If your home as little as 5 to 10 years old, you likely have one of the 46 million under-insulated homes in the US, according to the Harvard University School of Public Health.

    17. Is Energy Efficiency Blue, Red Or Both? -
    Oct 25, 2010 A new scorecard indicates that the top 10 energyefficient states voted Democratic in the last presidential election. The bottom 10 voted Republican.

    18. Environmentally Friendly And Cheap Heat - Energy Efficiency
    Welcome page; What is a Wiki Site? How to edit pages? How to join this site? Site members; Recent changes; List all pages; Page Tags; Site Manager; Page tags

    19. Insulation And Weatherizing - Fine Homebuilding How-To
    Articles on fixing a drafty house, understanding windows, and evaporative cooling.
    All How-To Topics
    Insulation and Weatherizing
    Viewing 1 - 20 of 193 results
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    Sort by: Most Recent Free Content Editor's Picks Six Proven Ways to Build Energy-Smart Walls
    Whether you build new homes or remodel, these alternative framing techniques will allow you to reach R-40 or better. by Bruce Coldham Video: Build Like a Pro: How to Solder Copper Cap Flashing
    Learn how to shape and solder copper cap flashing, a window's first line of defense against water and the best way to prevent rot, insects, and mold by John Mahan Better basement insulation
    InSoFast insulation panels simplify the process of installing insulation by Mike Guertin Vapor drive
    To understand the importance of permeable and impermeable products as they relate to the construction of your home, you need to understand how vapor drive works by Rob Yagid Beyond OSB: Wall Sheathings That Multitask
    Can a product that provides structure, housewrap, and even insulation save you time and money? by Charles Bickford Video:
    Teamed up with a straightedge, a sharpened putty knife cuts through foam like butter

    20. Energy Efficiency | Consumers Energy
    Energy efficiencies represent significant environmental benefits. In fact, this effort redefines how we look at our corporate environmental responsibility.

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