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1. Answers.com - Energy Environmental Issues In The 1980 Smog and acid rain. Pollutants in the air were blocking too much sunlight and causing global temperatures to drop. We had to take actions to prevent a mancaused ice age. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Energy_Environmental_issues_in_the_1980 |
2. Environmental Issues - Renewable Energy What is Renewable Energy? Learn about renewable energy souces including solar power, wind power, biomass and fusion. http://environment.about.com/od/renewableenergy/Environmental_Issues_Renewable_E | |
3. Environment Of Australia - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The Australian environment ranges from virtually pristine Antarctic territory and rainforests to degraded industrial areas of major cities. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment_of_Australia | |
4. Governmental Strategies Incorporated - Home Governmental affairs consulting firm specializing in energy and environmental issues. http://www.govstrat.com/ |
5. Energy & Environment Center for American Progress Progressive Ideas for a Strong, Just, and Free America http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/energy | |
6. Shell Oil CEO Acknowledges Need For Alternative Energy, Environmental Issues // Can big oil really be coming around? From the article The world's current predicament limits our maneuvering room. We are experiencing a stepchange in http://current.com/green/88828341_shell-oil-ceo-acknowledges-need-for-alternativ |
7. Energy/Environmental Issues Experts And Information In Sources Directory 2010 A directory for journalists, writers, news editors, researchers, featuring experts, contacts and media spokespersons. http://www.sources.com/listings/Energy-Environmental-Issues-5122.htm | |
8. GM Launches Strategy To Help China On Energy, Environmental Issues+ NEW YORK, Oct. 29 (AP) (Kyodo)—General Motors Corp. unveiled a far-reaching strategy Monday to support the Chinese government's pursuit of energy-efficient and http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8SJ37O80&show_article=1 |
9. Indus Science And Technology | Center For The Advanced Study Of India Information about science and technology, including research and educational institutes, conferences, information technology, energy and environmental issues. http://casi.ssc.upenn.edu/indusscitech | |
10. Clean Funny Cartoons / Environmental Issues ... On Grinning Planet Energy/Environmental Issues! Democracy, Meltdowns, Resilience Zap! Pow! We have clean funny cartoons and great information about health, energy, and http://www.grinningplanet.com/?src= |
11. Smart Grids - Energy & Environmental Issues - Market Research Reports - Research Because of Climate Change and CO2 issues the utilities around the world are in a race to upgrade their decades old infrastructure to make it more intelligent (ie smart grids). http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reportinfo.asp?report_id=1031196 |
12. Welcome - Center For Transportation Analysis Research and development on transportation energy and environmental issues, national transportation planning and policy, and transportation systems engineering. http://www-cta.ornl.gov/cta/ | |
13. Energy & Environmental Issues The Coach House Ealing Green London W5 5ER T 020 8840 4383 F 020 8579 3991 info@cpduk.co.uk http://cpdcart.littleted.silverstripe.com/energy-environmental-issues-2/ | |
14. A CHANGING CLIMATE For ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES June 27, 2006 Dear CIBO Member, This year's Annual Meeting Theme is A CHANGING CLIMATE for ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES When CIBO was founded twentyeight years ago to meet http://www.cibo.org/annual/2006/markyourcalendar.pdf |
15. Ghgblog The Greenhouse Gas Blog provides analysis and commentary on the carbon industry, greenhouse gas emissions, global warming, energy and environmental issues http://ghgblog.com | |
16. Energy Environmental Issues - Education Resource - StudySphere Education Portal, Educational Resource for language school, study abroad, education online, education, school, high school, career education, business school, driver education http://www.studysphere.com/education/Energy-Energy-Environmental-Issues-2224.htm |
17. ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES THE STATUS OF FEDERAL SOLUTIONS Legislative Developments Capand-trade Derailed for now HOUSE 2009 Waxman-Markey ( A.C.E.S. ) House passed in 2009 (219-212). ACES has not moved in Senate. http://www.sseb.org/downloads/SLC2010/BobMowrey.pdf |
18. Smart Grids - Energy & Environmental Issues - Business Market Reports Smart Grids Energy Environmental Issues Because of Climate Change and CO2 issues the utilities around the world are in a race to upgrade their decades old infrastructure to http://www.bharatbook.com/detail.asp?id=124773&rt=Smart-Grids-Energy-Environ |
19. » Environmental Issues Ecology Today: Ecology News, Information & Commentary Blo Posted May 31, 2010 by Bob Petz Permalink Filed under Ecosystems, Energy, Environmental Issues, Oceans, Politics, Government, Pollution http://ecology.com/ecology-today/category/environmental-issues/page/3/ | |
20. Ann McCabe & Associates, Inc. Provide regulatory and advocacy services on energy and environmental issues in the Midwest of the United States. http://annmccabeinc.com/ |
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