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1. Engineering Ethics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Engineering Ethics is the field of applied ethics which examines and sets standards for engineers ' obligations to the public, their clients, employers and the profession. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engineering_ethics | |
2. Licensed Professional Engineers Professional Engineers are licensed by the state. Find out why you should use a Licensed Professional Engineer for you home inspection or building inspection. http://www.heimer.com/pe/index.html |
3. IEEE Society On Social Implications Of Technology Addressing such issues as environmental, health and safety implications of technology, engineering ethics and professional responsibility. http://www.ieeessit.org/ | |
4. Engineering Ethics Introducing Ethics Case Studies Into Required Undergraduate Engineering Courses. Engineering Ethics The Professional Challenge. Engineering ethics is attracting increasing interest http://ethics.tamu.edu/ | |
5. Engineers And Land Surveyors Professional Licensing The Iowa Engineering and Land Surveying Examining Board offers examinations in engineering and land surveying twice each year. Principles and Practice http://www.state.ia.us/government/com/prof/engineer/examinations.html | |
6. Murdough Center For Ethics In Engineering Encourages and promotes professional engineering ethics through symposia, workshops, and seminars. http://www.murdough.ttu.edu/pd.cfm?pt=Murdough |
7. NSPE Engineering Ethics Engineering is an important and learned profession. As members of this profession, engineers are expected to exhibit the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Engineering has http://www.nspe.org/ethics/ | |
8. Engineering Ethics: Cases Engineering Ethics Concepts and Cases. Cases. These cases are available on this site Cases from the Book. Cases found only on the site http://wadsworth.com/philosophy_d/templates/student_resources/0534605796_harris/ | |
9. New Engineer: Ethics And Planned Obsolescence Citation This is article was published as Sharon Beder, Is planned obsolescence socially responsible? , Engineers Australia, November 1998, p. http://www.uow.edu.au/~sharonb/columns/engcol8.html | |
10. Online Ethics Center: Codes Of Ethics And Conduct Index of Codes of Ethics maintained by the OEC in English and Spanish. http://temp.onlineethics.org/codes/index.html | |
11. Search Engines Talks about the difficulties in getting listed in a search engine and search engine ethics implications. http://www.saintlouisflamenco.com/webmaster/searchengines.htm | |
12. OEC - Online Ethics Home Provides engineers, scientists, and science and engineering students with resources for understanding and addressing ethical problems. http://www.onlineethics.org/ |
13. WA State Licensing: Licensing Requirements - Engineers And Land Surveyors Licensing requirements Engineers and Land surveyors How to apply for a license. Complete the application for the type of license or certificate http://www.dol.wa.gov/business/engineerslandsurveyors/elreq.html | |
14. Science And Engineering Ethics A multi-disciplinary journal dedicated to exploring ethical issues of direct concern to scientists and engineers. http://www.opragen.co.uk/ | |
15. Iem,Bem,Famous Engineer,Ethics And Disaster Of Engineering Much of the reason why we consider an engineering failure to be an engineering disaster has to do with public perception of risk. For example, in 1992 roughly the same number of http://www.scribd.com/doc/20559972/Iem-Bem-Famous-Engineer-Ethics-and-Disaster-o |
16. Code Of Ethics For A Professional Engineer Code of Ethics for a Professional Engineer 6/17/98 Click here to start http://www.rpaulsingh.com/research/Presentations/ethicsrps1/index.htm | |
17. Engineer Ethics Mechanical Professional Engineer Ethics Mechanical Professional Auto Mechanics Book Engineering ethics Engineering ethics is the field of ethics describing the obligations of those who are professional http://mechanics.vvvvvv3.com/engineerethicsmechanicalprofessional.html | |
18. Engineers Revise Ethics To Include Environment Integrating sustainable design principles into the built environment is becoming more common in today’s environmentally focused society. These green building designs focus on http://firechief.com/technology/ethics_environment_0702/ | |
19. PDH CEU Online Engineering Continuing Education Courses For PE License Renewal E PDHengineer online continuing education, PDH, CEU, CPC, CPD, and professional development hours for professional engineers license renewal. http://pdhengineer.com/ | |
20. The Virginia Engineer: Ethics Training Program Revised Ethics Training Program Revised May 17, 2006. Testing Water …and Ethics is the title of a selfcontained ethics training program recently revised by the Engineers €™ Leadership http://www.vaeng.com/news/testing-water-and-ethics-now-available | |
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