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41. Ben Jeapes - Author Information, Books, And News Time traveling aliens launch a fullscale alien invasion right into the middle of the English Civil War. Oliver Cromwell’s New Model Army, as well as a young King Charles II http://www.booksnbytes.com/authors/jeapes_ben.html | |
42. Chapter 1 : The Peopling Of The World : Research Links Brief articles on many of the events and people important in the English Civil War. Oliver Cromwell http//www.britannia.com/ history/ monarchs/ mon48.html http://www.classzone.com/books/wh_survey/page_build.cfm?id=research_link&ch= |
43. The New World Order By Ben Jeapes the completely original and unalloyed Jeapesian imagination could think of launching a fullscale alien invasion right into the middle of the English Civil War. Oliver Cromwell's http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/j/ben-jeapes/new-world-order.htm | |
44. 1599 Geneva Bible (CD-Rom) During the English Civil War, Oliver Cromwell issued a pamphlet containing excerpts from the Geneva Bible to his troops. William Bradford cited the Geneva Bible in his book Of http://www.reformationbookstore.com/1599genevabiblecd-rom.aspx |
45. Wales: History — Infoplease.com Catholic tradition died slowly under Elizabeth I and James I; Puritanism was stoutly resisted, and the Welsh supported Charles I in the English civil war. Oliver Cromwell had to http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/world/A0861849.html |
46. Carbrook Hall, Sheffield UK - South Yorkshire's Most Haunted Pub - Carbrook hall Sheffield - UK - Sheffield's most haunted Pub - old sheffield, sheffield in the past, English Civil War - Oliver Cromwell - John Bright - Attercliffe Common http://www.carbrookhall.co.uk/ | |
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