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41. English Dictionaries Cambridge Dictionaries Online Get all the words you need at your fingertips with Cambridge Dictionaries Online English words, idioms, phrasal verbs, french / english, spanish http://www.englishlanguageguide.com/english/languagetools/englishdictionaries.as | |
42. Oxford English Dictionary: The Definitive Record Of The English Language Oxford University Press s dictionary described with ordering information. http://oed.com/ | |
43. Follow Me BBC Learning - Oxford English Dictionaries Second Edition » Tinydl.com Online English English dictionaries. Your personal online English school. Learn English at Englishpage.com! http://www.tinydl.com/software/1059078280-follow-me-bbc-learning-oxford-english- | |
44. References On Furlan Language Dizionari furlan-ingl s. http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/translation/Furlan/ | |
45. Dictionary: Early English Dictionaries — Infoplease.com Encyclopedia — dictionary Early English Dictionaries. Lexicography is an ancient occupation; dictionaries of many sorts were produced in China, Greece, Islam, and other http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/ent/A0857754.html |
46. Chinese-English Dictionary Clear Chinese s CEDICT interface can be searched by Chinese characters, Pinyin, or English. Chinese pronunciation AIF files are available. (UTF-8) http://www.clearchinese.com/chinese-english-dictionary.htm |
47. English Dictionaries Resources, information and exercises for international students and teachers of English http://www.waylink-english.co.uk/books-english-dictionaries | |
48. JeKai Home Page Tom Gally s ongoing project to build a free, open Japanese-English dictionary with translation equivalents, illustrations, and examples. (SJIS) http://www.jekai.org/ | |
49. Faclair Gŕidhlig - Beurla Based on The School Gaelic Dictionary, by Malcolm MacFarlane. A Scots Gaelic to English dictionary. Bilingual instructions. http://www.aonghus.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Faclair/ | |
50. Urdu - English Dictionary : Learn Urdu The E-way Urdu-to-English dictionary navigable using frames. Includes word origin and form.(Roman Urdu) http://www.urdu-dictionary.info/ | |
51. Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Glossary - UsingEnglish.com Members; Students; Teachers; Forums; Testing; Reference; Articles; Resources; Shop; Idioms; Phrasal Verbs; Irregular Verbs; Grammar Glossary; English Dictionaries; Downloads http://www.usingenglish.com/dictionary.html | |
52. McGill English Dictionary Of Rhyme With VersePerfect 1.2 User Reviews And Rating Free Rhyming Dictionary - Official download site of the electronic version of McGill s rhyming dictionary. http://www.download.com/McGill-English-Dictionary-of-Rhyme/3640-2279_4-10347030. | |
53. English Dictionaries Franklin Spanish – English Speaking / Talking MerriamWebster Pocket-Sized Electronic Dictionary / Translator / Phonetic Spell Corrector with Over 5,000,000 Total Translations http://www.ggvalet.com/ | |
54. Interlingua/Basic Interlingua English Dictionary - Wikibooks, Collection Of Open A glossary of Interlingua words. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Interlingua/Basic_Interlingua_English_Dictionary | |
55. Welcome To Franklin Electronic Publishers Producer of handheld eBook readers and publisher of eBooks. Includes online ordering, company and product information. http://www.franklin.com/ |
56. A Latin-English Dictionary Program - WORDS A free Latin-English dictionary program for DOS, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OS/2, Mac OS. http://users.erols.com/whitaker/words.htm | |
57. English To French, Italian, German Spanish Dictionary There are now two free Spanish English dictionaries, one from Espasa Calpe and another from Oxford. Each has its own strengths and the combination of the two plus the http://www.wordreference.com/ | |
58. Dictionary Software By Abstract R&D Contains information on the English dictionary A-Lex, English-Chinese dictionary Yinghan and Chinese-English dictionary Hanying. http://home.comcast.net/~abstractrd/ | |
59. Oxford English Dictionary Wreath Presents a word a day complete with pronunciation, spellings, etymology, quotations and date chart. http://oed.com/cgi/display/wotd | |
60. AcqWeb's Reference Resources : English Dictionaries And Thesauri AcqWeb's Home Page. Last updated August 26, 2001 Directories of Dictionaries and Thesauri. The Glossarist, a searchable directory of English glossaries and topical dictionaries http://www.acqweb.org/ref_dict.html | |
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