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         Entrepreneurs:     more books (99)
  1. Young Guns: The Fearless Entrepreneur's Guide to Chasing Your Dreams and Breaking Out on Your Own by Robert Tuchman, 2009-04-15
  2. Values-Centered Entrepreneurs and Their Companies by David Y. Choi, Edmund Gray, 2010-08-13
  3. Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur's Odyssey to Educate the World's Children by John Wood, 2006-09-01
  4. The One Page Business Plan for the Creative Entrepreneur by Jim Horan, Tom Peters, 2004-03-10
  5. The Design Entrepreneur: Turning Graphic Design Into Goods That Sell (Design Field Guide) by Steven Heller, Lita Talarico, 2008-09-01
  6. Business Stripped Bare: Adventures of a Global Entrepreneur by Sir Richard Branson, 2008-09-30
  7. The Entrepreneur Next Door : Discover the Secrets to Financial Independence by BillWagner, 2006-05-08
  8. The New Entrepreneurs: Building a Green Economy for the Future by Andrew Heintzman, 2010-10-01
  9. Forming a Partnership : And Making It Work (Entrepreneur Legal Guides) by Ira Nottonson, 2007-02-08
  10. Entrepreneur Magazine: Bringing Your Product to Market by Don Debelak, 1997-02-19
  11. The Entrepreneur in Youth: An Untapped Resource for Economic Growth, Social Entrepreneurship, and Education (New Horizons in Entrepreneurship) by Marilyn L. Kourilsky, William B. Walstad, et all 2007-11-07
  12. Confessions of a Serial Entrepreneur: Why I Can't Stop Starting Over by Stuart Skorman, 2007-02-09
  13. The Beermat Entrepreneur: Turn You Good Idea into a Great Business by Mike Southon, Chris West, 2009-03-17
  14. The Definitive Business Plan: The fast track to intelligent business planning for executives and entrepreneurs (2nd Edition) by Richard Stutely, 2007-12-10

121. Tout Savoir Pour Devenir Auto-Entrepreneur
Informations pour apprendre sur le nouveau statut d auto-entrepreneur et comment profiter de ce statut pour cr er une micro-entreprise.
Tout Savoir Pour Devenir Auto-Entrepreneur
  • Accueil Statut AE Questions/Réponses ...
    AE : Premier bilan après 6 mois d'activité
    Ecrit par Michel le
    auto-entrepreneur auto-entrepreneur créé par un auto-entrepreneur ! Le site
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    Ecrit par Michel le
    Si vous vous posez une question particulière sur un des aspects du , pourquoi ne pas consulter ensuite la page Questions/Réponses (comment adhérer, quelle couverture, quel coût, etc.) ? Financer son projet qui fait la liste des moyens possibles pour financer un projet de création. Pour terminer, je ne peux que vous conseillez de vous inscrire à la newletter du site afin de vous tenir informer des dernières informations et actualités concernant le
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    Testez vous avec le Quiz Auto-Entrepreneur
    Ecrit par Michel le
    Avec ce quiz, vous allez pouvoir tester vos connaissances sur le régime d’auto-entrepreneur , les compléter et comprendre tous les tenants et les aboutissants de ce régime simplifié. Le régime d’auto-entrepreneur est-il adapté à votre projet ? Jusqu’où peut-il vous permettre de lancer, gérer et développer votre activité ? Ce quiz réalisé par Comptanoo , éditeur de logiciels et de services en ligne pour les TPE auto-entrepreneur Avec ce quiz, vous allez ainsi acquérir les composantes indispensables pour vous lancer sereinement dans l’auto-entreprenariat. Pour découvrir ce quiz, il suffit de vous inscrire sur le site de

Pr sente des appels d offre et des demandes de prestations de services entre des professionnels auto-entreprenneurs et des particuliers.
PLATE-FORME DE RESEAU SOCIAL Menu principal Accueil Nous contacter Rechercher Liens ... Plan du site En Ligne Pas d'utilisateur enregistré en ligne Annuaire de profils d'Auto-Entrepreneurs
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Pour le remplir, cliquer ICI Les nouvelles solutions collaboratives Microsoft TVA sur les produits Microsoft uniquement sur le site " MOSS 2010 " il suffit pour cela de vous rendre à cette adresse et de sélectionner le module " ". TVA Accueil
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Demande récente Derniers articles WinMove Concept Sites Web Ce site est listé dans la catégorie Société Travail de l'annuaire et
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123. Welcome To
Oct 29, 2010 Welcome to! Your personal guide to help you succeed in your business! Get advice from leading women experts from all
cmSetClientID ("90351765", true, "", ""); cmCreatePageviewTag ("Women Home","women",null,null,null); Bookstore Subscriptions Connect Blogs ...
Entrepreneurs Dive Into 'The Perfect Storm'
After buying a female sexual enhancement oil from a bankrupt company, pair goes all out to make it a success.
Women Entrepreneurs
as Influencers
Women are fueling a transformative shift that will revolutionize the working world for the better.
How to Act
on That Big Idea
Too tired to cook and sick of eating pizza, Jackie Davies creates the restaurant delivery service
Go Ahead:
Hire an Assistant
Fearful you can't afford it? What would you pay to have more 'genius' time at work?
Daily Inspiration Sun / November "You cannot get an A in every area of your life every day; be sure over time that important areas get better grades." - Jo Kosewski / Hibiscus Tours for Women As featured in
The Woman's Advantage Calendar
Latest Articles HR and Management Different Facets of Leadership True leaders have commonalities, but each also has specific strengths and the ability to adapt.
Educate a Woman, Educate a Nation

124. Techcap India - Expertise In Financial & Strategic Services
Provides services in the areas of funding, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions and business advisory services.
In the past, this sector in India has grown by innovation and the spirit of enterprise rather than capital inflows. However, in the times to come, growth will also depend on reaching a critical mass, focusing on core-competencies and globalising operations and outlook. With its associations with consultants overseas, the firm seeks to provide an international perspective to client requirements and strategies. We believe that knowledge of the sector and its dynamics as well as expertise in financial and strategic services add critical value to our clients. We also think it necessary to relate broad technology trends to investment and strategic decisions made by our clients. This site best viewed in 800 x 600 pixels resolution with 16-bit color
Recommended browser Internet Explorer 5.x
Questions or comments? Contact:

125. Entrepreneur - Definition And More From The Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
en·tre·pre·neur. noun \ ä ntr -p(r) - n r, - n(y)u r\. Definition of ENTREPRENEUR. one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or

126. Welcome To TIMEIS
Helps find information on technologies, projects, funding options, policies, incentive schemes and infrastructure.
About Us NSTEDB Events Feedback ... Technology Development by CSIR Aims at assisting techno-preneurs to find technologies, projects, funding options and information about policy environment, incentive schemes and industrial infrastructure available in the country covering both the central and state governments. Special Features Project Profiles Success Stories E-Zine November '10 Patents Detailed guidelines and manual on how to start up an enterprise including legal aspects involved. To evaluate the aptitude for small business ownership, an entrepreneur needs to understand responsibilities of ownership.
Total Technologies New Technologies for

127. Cipher Capital Advisors
Investment bank, raising funds through private equity and venture capital.
AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,19,0','width','409','height','58','src','swf/punchline','quality','high','pluginspage','','movie','swf/punchline','menu','false' ); //end AC code About Cipher Overview Approach Why Cipher Services Private Equity Strategic Transactions Team Track Record Private Equity Strategic Transactions Contact Us Download Brochure It has since emerged as a strong organization, with offices in Mumbai and New Delhi in India and California, USA and a team of over 30 working with exceptional camaraderie to deliver to clients the most from its association. Cipher has consummated more than 65 transactions across sectors in India and the US for early stage to large established businesses. Clients span diverse ownership cultures from entrepreneur led or family managed to corporate houses run by professionals.
PHI - A Website Design Company

128. Young Entrepreneur Journey
The journey of a young author working to create an international movement and achieve his own kind of success.
Young Entrepreneur Journey

Female Entrepreneur Journey
I'm a Bad Blogger

Sheena Lindahl
I'm a Bad Blogger

Jessica G
A Daring Adventure

I'm a Bad Blogger

Sheena Lindahl I'm a Bad Blogger HELLO, my name is Scott To be notified when new blog entries are made, enter your email below: Email a friend about Extreme Entrepreneurship POWERED BY MOVABLE TYPE 3.2
Young Entrepreneur Journey
The Young Entrepreneur Journey blog has officially ceased to exist. You can connect with Michael Simmons via the following means: Free Success Manifesto Free Newsletter We will never rent or sell your e-mail . Step 1: Speaking: Book Us For Event Youth Motivational Speakers for College Campuses Student Success Manifesto Reubro International

129. Auto-entrepreneur
Propose un weblog et un forum de discussion autour de ce status et de toutes les questions que l on peut se poser.

130. Auto-entrepreneur, Auto Entrepreneur : Creation D'entreprise Simplifiee En Franc
Propose diverses informations pratiques autour de ce status.
Créer son entreprise en auto entrepreneur :
nouveau statut d'auto entrepreneur MAJ 30 octobre 2010 : A la date de juillet 2010, 500 000 auto entrepreneurs inscrits ! Les auto entrepreneurs étant comptabilités par l'INSEE au titre de nouvelles entreprises, la création d'entreprise en France a connu une progression jamais vue auparavant avec +35% de Décembre 2008 a Janvier 2009. A ce sujet lire cette auto-interview intéressante du ministre Hervé Novelli vraiment intéressante, enfin il est réalisé que tout les français sont de formidables réservoirs de croissance et d'emploi, les TPE sont reconnues comme le poumon de l'activité économique. Voici ci-dessous un bilan chiffré au 31 décembre 2009 :
  • 263 400 inscrits après 10 mois d'existence de ce statut simplifié (chiffre INSEE) Un chiffre d'affaires cumulé de 383 millions d'euros sur les 6 premiers mois de l'année 70% des inscrits sont des hommes de 40 ans environ 2/3 des inscrits au statut de l'auto-entrepreneur travaillent dans des activités de services Seuls 8% des inscrits sont des retraités 21% des auto-entrepreneurs ont moins de 30 ans
vous avez un site internet qui vous rapporte des revenus publicitaires
vous vendez des prestations de conseil ou de service
vous fabriquez et vendez des objets artisanaux
ou tout simplement
Informations essentielles :
Eligibilité Texte de loi sur l'auto entrepreneur Taxes : TVA,charges sociales, TP..

131. Devenir Entrepreneur - Creation Entreprise Ou Reprise Entreprise
R seau d accompagnement pour devenir entrepreneur en le-de-France.

La philosophie du réseau
Comment optimiser ses chances de succès Créez votre parcours pour un bon départ Des partenaires engagés à vos côtés
La philosophie du réseau
Comment optimiser ses chances de succès Créez votre parcours pour un bon départ Des partenaires engagés à vos côtés ... Conseil en communication - Conception du site web : Cabinet Quatre Vents

132. Northwest Entrepreneur Network
Are you an Entrepreneur? Are you attending NWEN s workshops and eIQ s? Do you like to network at the Breakfast Buzz and Pub Night Events?
DigitalScirocco.conf("action", "auction"); DigitalScirocco.conf("trafficProvider", "1"); DigitalScirocco.conf("site", "nwen"); Events Members' Lounge About Blog ... Join NWEN Welcome
NWEN thrives because of the active involvement and support of its members. Your membership supports the Northwest Entrepreneur Network
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2010 With NWEN
Check out what NWEN has on the docket for 2010. Read more about our plans here. Fall 2010 First Look Forum, another successful showcase! The investor audience at our First Look Forum narrowed the 12 presenters to 5, and ultimately selected the Grocery Cart Savings as the grand prize winner! Congratulations to all our presenters and stay tuned for information on our Spring 2011 showcase. The NWEN Season Pass - $199, All you can eat, All Year! Are you an Entrepreneur? Are you attending NWEN's workshops and eIQ's? Do you like to network at the Breakfast Buzz and Pub Night Events? If yes, then click here More Focus Areas >>
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REGISTER Pub Night: Speed Dating REGISTER eIQ: Presentation Techniques for Women Entrepreneurs ... Sign Up for Event Notifications >> NWEN News Feeds Powered by DigitalScirocco
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133. GESTION AEA - Auto-Entrepreneurs D'Alsace - Centre De Gestion Professionnel
Centre de Gestion des Auto-Entrepeneurs d Alsace. Aide la recherche d un Emploi dans le domaine d activit de l Auto-Entrepreneur en Alsace.
Contact Club
Enrichissez votre avenir en devenant auto-entrepreneur ! INSCRIVEZ-VOUS VITE et NOUS VOUS DONNERONS LES CLES DE LA REUSSITE !!!
Que disent les textes
A qui s'adresse le nouveau statut
Désormais tous ceux qui le souhaitent, étudiants, chômeurs, salariés, retraités… peuvent créer très simplement leur propre activité et devenir auto-entrepreneur. Ce statut simplifie les démarches de création, de gestion et de cessation d’une activité. Les risques pour l’entrepreneur individuel sont réduits.
Les plafonds de chiffre d'affaires
Quelles sont les charges ? Vous ne payez que si vous gagnez !
Rien de plus simple :
. 13% de votre chiffre d'affaires pour une activité d'achat/vente . 23% de votre chiffre d'affaires pour une activité de services Ces pourcentages correspondent aux charges fiscales et sociales à payer, soit mensuellement ou trimestriellement.

134. - Le Site Des Auto-entrepreneurs Et De L'auto-entreprise -
Pr sente l auto-entreprise, fournit un ensemble d informations et d outils (annuaire, simulateur de revenu, forum) destin s l auto-entrepreneur.

135. The Entrepreneur Authority (TEA) Franchise Business Opportunity Consultants - Aw
Full service franchise consultants and franchise brokers.

136. Matt Hobbs
Thoughts and writings from an internet entrepreneur and photographer.
Matt Hobbs
Matt Hobbs on the web
Space Invader Japan Invasion Kit
Posted: Author: Matt Hobbs Filed under: World Tags: Art Space Invader Street Art Good news for all fans of Space Invader (already sold out) and
Posted: Author: Matt Hobbs Filed under: Musings
  • Sunfields Jon The Executor ... Russet and Empire Went to the excellent White Michief Halloween party. Great fun, but we need to up our costume game for next time we go. Finished reading Surface Detail , the latest Culture novel by Iain M Banks. Great stuff and I now find I have a hole in my reading schedule for something that keeps me as engrossed.
Gigs: Robert Plant @ The Roundhouse
Posted: Author: Matt Hobbs Filed under: Consume Tags: Gig Led Zeppelin London Robert Plant For those of you in these fair British Isles you can see the whole gig tonight on BBC, or later on iPlayer And in other music gig news, we saw the excellent Yann Tiersen of Amelie soundtrack fame at Koko on Wednesday night. Have to say not a great fan of Koko as a venue, but Tiersen is an amazing multi-instrumentalist, with his violin work truly breath-taking.
Brockham Burnfest 2010
Posted: Author: Matt Hobbs Filed under: Musings Tags: Being British Bonfire Night Brockham Family Last night we partook of the annual burning man festival, you know, the one were we torch the effigy of a terrorist rather than the one involving lots of techno-hippies in a desert. As with last year we ventured out of the safe harbour of London down to the small country town of

137. Vincent Nguyen - A Daddy, Technology Blogger, Social Media Evangelist, & Entrepr
Entrepreneur covers business, technology, and the media.

138. Joe Duck
Rantings of internet entrepreneur.
Joe Duck
Have Blog. Will Travel.
  • Home Ashland China Travel Tips Joe Duck ... November 12, 2010 Posted by JoeDuck Global Warming science 4 Comments ... November 12, 2010 Posted by JoeDuck not yet categorized DMOs USA tourism groups ...
    Database Connection Strings
    Source:   Godaddy Connection strings for website databases: NOTE: WordPress Edit the wp-config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server. Joomla Edit the configuration.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server. Simple Machine Forum Edit the Settings.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server. DotNetNuke Edit the web.config file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server. Drupal Edit the sites/default/settings.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server. Zen Cart Edit the includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php files. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server. Gallery Edit the config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.

139. Mitchell Dong
An alternative energy entrepreneur.
Mitchell Dong
Mitchell Dong - Alternative Energy Entrepreneur
Mitchell Dong has been an entrepreneur in alternative energy since 1973. Mitchell Dong’s interests have taken many forms, from energy efficiency to nuclear power and uranium mining, to solar power and low carbon energy systems. He has been a leader and pioneer in the alternative energy industry for over three decades.
Mitchell Dong’s accomplishments include:
  • Private investor in alternative energy technology companies Developer of concentrating solar power (CSP) and solar thermal plants Developer, owner, operator of hydroelectric power plants Developer of gas fired, cogeneration power plants Owner operator of hazardous waste (PCBs) disposal facility Founder of energy efficiency and demand response company Hedge fund manager of statistical arbitrage trading program Hedge fund manager of electricity trading program Hedge fund manager of uranium investment fund Private investor in natural resource and infrastructure companies Private investor in emerging Asian and African markets
Mitchell Dong, along with his family, is also dedicated to philanthropic activities which focus on public health and poverty reduction in Africa and Central America.

140. Starting A Second Life Business -
Article by Laura Tiffany about the entrepreneurial opportunities that the world has to offer.

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